• Social Media Marketing & Video Marketing

Tips to Use Pinterest to Refine Your Video Marketing Strategy for Better Organic Reach

  • Felix Rose-Collins
  • 7 min read
Tips to Use Pinterest to Refine Your Video Marketing Strategy for Better Organic Reach


In the digital marketing landscape, Pinterest has emerged as a potent platform, especially for visual content. With over 450 million active users, it's not just a space for DIY crafts and recipes; it’s a goldmine for marketers. Video content on Pinterest has been gaining traction, making it a crucial component for enhancing organic reach. Let’s explore seven effective tips to refine your video marketing strategy on Pinterest.



Understanding Pinterest’s Unique User Base

Pinterest, often perceived as a hub for creative ideas and inspiration, has a unique user base that sets it apart from other social media platforms. Understanding this user base is crucial for tailoring an effective video marketing strategy.

Demographic Dynamics

The platform is renowned for its predominantly female audience, with women making up about 60% of its global user base. This demographic is significant for marketers, as it offers insight into the types of content that might resonate most. For instance, industries like fashion, interior design, and DIY crafts tend to thrive on Pinterest because of this gender skew. However, the platform is not exclusively female-oriented. The number of male users has been steadily growing, making it a more diverse audience than often perceived.

Behavioral Insights

Pinterest users exhibit unique behaviors compared to other social media platforms.

User Intent: A striking 85% of Pinterest users turn to the platform for inspiration in their personal life and projects. This 'planning mindset' of users is a critical aspect for marketers. When users pin and repin content, they are often planning future purchases, events, or projects. This provides an invaluable opportunity for brands to position themselves early in the consumer decision-making process.

Delving into the shopping habits, about 55% of Pinterest users utilize the platform specifically for shopping. This statistic highlights the platform's strength not just as a source of inspiration, but also as a direct influence on purchasing decisions.

Leveraging Pinterest SEO

Pinterest is not just a social media platform; it’s also a powerful visual search engine. Understanding and leveraging Pinterest SEO is crucial for enhancing the visibility of your video content and driving organic traffic.


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Importance of Keywords

Research shows that pins with keywords in the description can see an increase in visibility by 36%. This underscores the importance of incorporating relevant keywords into your video titles, descriptions, and even in the image text. Pinterest users often search for specific ideas or products, and having the right keywords ensures that your content appears in these searches.

Optimizing Video Descriptions

Just like with any other search engine, the relevance of your content to the user's query is key. A well-optimized video description on Pinterest should not only include keywords but also be engaging and informative. It’s about striking a balance between SEO and user engagement. Users are more likely to interact with content that speaks to them personally and offers value.

Utilizing Hashtags and Tags

Hashtags are another crucial element of Pinterest SEO. They function like keywords and help categorize your content. Including 2-3 relevant hashtags can significantly increase your content’s discoverability. Additionally, using tags to label your videos helps Pinterest’s algorithm understand and categorize your content more effectively.

Consistency and Quality

Consistently uploading high-quality content that aligns with what your target audience is searching for can also boost your SEO efforts on Pinterest. The platform favors content that gains engagement, so creating videos that resonate with viewers can lead to better organic reach over time.

Creating Engaging and High-Quality Video Content

In the realm of Pinterest, the quality and engagement level of your video content can make or break your marketing strategy. It's not just about catching the eye of the viewer; it's about holding their attention and compelling them to interact with your brand.

Focus on Visual Appeal

Studies show that Pinterest users are 70% more likely to engage with content that is visually appealing. This means that your videos need to be not only informative but also aesthetically pleasing. Use high-resolution images, consistent branding, and a color palette that resonates with your brand identity. Remember, the first few seconds are crucial in capturing the viewer's attention, so start your videos with striking visuals.

Storytelling and Emotional Connection

Videos that tell a story or connect emotionally with the viewer are more likely to be shared and remembered. According to a survey, content that evokes emotions like happiness, excitement, or inspiration is 40% more likely to be repinned. Use storytelling techniques to create a narrative around your product or brand, making your content more relatable and engaging.

Tailoring Content to Audience Preferences

Pinterest analytics reveal that videos about tutorials, DIY projects, and how-to guides have a 55% higher repin rate. This highlights the importance of understanding what your audience prefers and tailoring your content accordingly. If your brand aligns with these categories, focus on creating instructional or educational videos that add value to your audience’s Pinterest experience.

To further enhance your audience's experience, consider using Pintodown, a global Pinterest Video Downloader. This tool enables users to easily save and access your instructional videos offline, ensuring your content remains accessible and engaging even when internet connectivity is limited.

Consistency and Branding

Consistent branding across your videos helps in building brand recognition. A survey indicated that brands with consistent branding saw a 33% increase in brand recognition. Ensure that your videos have a uniform look and feel, which aligns with your overall brand aesthetic.



Optimize for Mobile Viewing

In today's digital landscape, optimizing content for mobile viewing is not just a recommendation; it's a necessity, especially on platforms like Pinterest where the majority of users access via mobile devices.

Embracing the Mobile-First Approach

Reports indicate that about 85% of Pinterest’s traffic comes from mobile devices. This statistic alone underscores the importance of optimizing your video content for mobile viewing. Users on mobile devices have different viewing habits and preferences compared to desktop users, which necessitates a mobile-first approach in content creation.

Importance of Vertical Format

Given the nature of mobile device screens, vertical videos are essential. They occupy more screen space and are more engaging for mobile users. Statistics show that vertical videos have up to 90% higher completion rates compared to horizontal videos on mobile platforms. When creating videos for Pinterest, consider using a 9:16 aspect ratio to ensure your content fully utilizes the available screen space.

Ensuring Readability on Smaller Screens

On smaller screens, readability can be a challenge. It’s crucial to use large, legible text and to keep on-screen text concise. Adding subtitles or captions to your videos is also a wise move, as many mobile users watch videos without sound. In fact, videos with subtitles can see a 12% increase in view time.

Streamlining for Quick Loading

Mobile users often have less patience for slow-loading content. Ensuring that your videos load quickly is key to keeping users engaged. Compressing video files without compromising quality can help in faster loading times, which is vital considering that a 1-second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions.

Utilizing Rich Pins for Additional Information

Rich Pins on Pinterest offer a dynamic way to enhance your content with additional information, making them a valuable tool in your video marketing arsenal.

The Power of Rich Pins

Rich Pins allow you to provide more context to your Pins by automatically including extra information directly from your website. This could be anything from the price of a product, its availability, to more detailed descriptions. This feature is particularly useful for e-commerce businesses, as it directly links the user with the most up-to-date information about products.

Impact on Engagement and Traffic

Studies have shown that Rich Pins can increase traffic by up to 70%. The added layer of information makes your Pins more informative and actionable, which in turn can increase click-through rates to your website. Users are more likely to engage with content that provides immediate value and clarity.

Types of Rich Pins

- Product Pins: Include real-time pricing, availability, and product information. They are essential for retail brands as they make online shopping seamless.

- Recipe Pins: Provide ingredients, cooking times, and serving info right on the Pin, ideal for food bloggers and culinary brands.

**- Article Pins: **Show the headline, author, and story description, perfect for publishers and bloggers.

Implementing Rich Pins

To use Rich Pins, you need to add metadata to your website’s content and validate your Rich Pins with Pinterest. This one-time setup ensures that your Pins stay enriched with the latest information from your site.

Analyzing and Adapting Based on Pinterest Analytics

In the evolving landscape of social media marketing, the ability to analyze and adapt your strategy based on data is crucial. Pinterest Analytics provides a treasure trove of insights, allowing marketers to fine-tune their strategies for optimal performance.

Understanding Pinterest Analytics

Pinterest Analytics offers a comprehensive view of how your content performs on the platform. It provides metrics like impressions, engagements, click-through rates, and audience demographics. These insights are invaluable for understanding not just how many people are viewing your content, but how they are interacting with it.

Key Metrics to Monitor

Engagement rates are a critical metric to monitor. They tell you how often users are interacting with your Pins through repins, clicks, and comments. For video content, watch time is also a crucial metric. Studies show that videos with higher watch times are more likely to appear in search results and feeds, leading to increased visibility.

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Behind every successful business is a strong SEO campaign. But with countless optimization tools and techniques out there to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start. Well, fear no more, cause I've got just the thing to help. Presenting the Ranktracker all-in-one platform for effective SEO

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Metrics to Monitor


Audience Insights

Pinterest Analytics also provides data on your audience, such as their interests, demographics, and other brands they engage with. This information can be used to tailor your content to better resonate with your audience. For instance, if you find a large portion of your audience is interested in DIY projects, you could create more DIY-related video content.

Adapting Your Strategy

The real power of analytics lies in your ability to adapt. If certain types of content are performing better than others, pivot your strategy to produce more of that content. Conversely, if some content is underperforming, it might be time to rethink that aspect of your strategy.

Engaging with the Pinterest Community

Engagement on Pinterest isn’t just about posting content; it’s about building a community.

Encourage user interaction by asking questions in your video descriptions or creating content that prompts user responses. Engage with comments, repin relevant content from other users, and collaborate with influencers in your niche to build a loyal community.


Pinterest is an evolving platform that requires a unique approach, especially when it comes to video content. By understanding the platform's nuances and leveraging these seven tips, brands can significantly enhance their organic reach. Remember, the key to success on Pinterest lies in creating visually appealing, SEO-optimized, and mobile-friendly content that resonates with its unique user base. Keep adapting your strategy based on analytics and user engagement, and you'll find Pinterest to be a valuable addition to your digital marketing arsenal.

Felix Rose-Collins

Felix Rose-Collins

Ranktracker's CEO/CMO & Co-founder

Felix Rose-Collins is the Co-founder and CEO/CMO of Ranktracker. With over 15 years of SEO experience, he has single-handedly scaled the Ranktracker site to over 500,000 monthly visits, with 390,000 of these stemming from organic searches each month.

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