• Content Creation

A Deep Dive into ChatGPT and the Future of Content Creation

  • Felix Rose-Collins
  • 4 min read
A Deep Dive into ChatGPT and the Future of Content Creation


ChatGPT's meteoric rise might seem surprising initially, but when you consider the factors behind its popularity, it makes sense. For one, ChatGPT offers a free basic account and affordable paid options. This pricing strategy has made AI tools accessible to the masses, allowing even the smallest businesses to tap into the power of AI.

Top 10 Most popular AI Tools

Let's compare this to other AI tools. Jasper (formerly Jarvis), Frase, and Copy.ai have all been contenders in the AI field since GPT-3 hit the scene back in 2020. While they've made their mark, none have seen the sheer adoption rate that ChatGPT boasts. It's a clear indicator that ChatGPT is doing something right.

I must shout out to OpenAI for their decision to keep ChatGPT accessible. The temptation must have been there to slap a hefty price tag on such a powerful tool, but instead, they've chosen to empower marketers and businesses worldwide. I think it's safe to say - we're all grateful for that.

So what does this mean for the future of marketing? Will ChatGPT continue its reign, or will new contenders emerge to challenge its crown? Only time will tell, but one thing's for sure - AI is reshaping marketing as we know it, and there's no turning back.

The Landscape of AI Image-Generation Tools

While we're talking about AI tools, let's pivot a bit and discuss the AI image-generation sector. This area seems to be dominated by Midjourney, boasting a 54.4% user base, and DALL-E-2, sitting at 33.7%. Even though they're leading the pack, they're not unopposed.


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Interestingly, both ChatGPT and DALL-E-2 are owned by OpenAI. Despite having a powerhouse tool like ChatGPT under their belt, OpenAI hasn't yet seized full control of the image-generation market. However, with their track record, I wouldn't rule out the possibility.

Primary Use Cases for AI

A striking 85.1% reported using AI for article or blog writing. A solid 47.8% are harnessing its power for copywriting. It's clear that the realm of content creation is where AI tools really shine.

Another popular use case is SEO keyword research. With 37.5% of AI users leaning on these tools for seed keyword ideas, it's obvious that the application of AI in SEO is on the rise. AI might not be fully adept at comprehensive keyword research yet, but the foundation is there, and it's improving fast.

The way AI is being utilized is evolving as users become more proficient. The rapid adoption and variety of use cases suggest we're only scratching the surface. I'll leave you with a thought to ponder - as AI continues to evolve, how will it reshape the way we approach marketing and SEO?

The ChatGPT vs. Human Writing Debate

Let's face it - when GPT-3 was first released, many of us, myself included, didn't believe it could rival human writing. Well, it seems we were too quick to judge. GPT-4 has proven us wrong. Demand for it was so high that ChatGPT serves often went down during the initial period.

In fact, an Authority Hacker survey revealed a striking truth - nearly two-thirds of respondents believe AI content is equal to or even superior to human-crafted content. That's something to pause and reflect on.

Distribution of AI Image Generation Tool Users

It's no small thing to say that AI can craft content as well as we can. The quality of AI output largely depends on the quality of the input or prompt. However, it's impressive to see that even with mediocre input, AI can still churn out solid, valuable content.

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Recently, Google announced that it doesn't care whether content is AI-generated or human-crafted, as long as it's high-quality. This is a game-changer. It gives publishers the go-ahead to fully embrace AI without fearing a SEO backlash.

The Future of Writing in the Age of AI

As we peer into the future, it's worth considering what this means for writers. With the AI content quality rapidly improving, will job security be at risk? It's a valid concern.

However, there's evidence suggesting that many writers are embracing AI as a tool rather than seeing it as a replacement. It could be that the future of writing will involve a symbiosis of human creativity and AI efficiency.

The key here, I believe, is adaptability. Just as marketers had to adapt with the rise of digital media, writers will need to evolve and adapt to the rise of AI. The writers who can successfully harness the power of AI to enhance their work are the ones who will thrive in this new landscape.

Exploring Advanced Uses of AI

As AI adoption increases and users become more proficient, we're starting to see an emergence of more complex prompts and use cases. This isn't surprising – after all, as we get better at using a tool, we find new ways to push its boundaries.

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For instance, AI is already making a mark in link building. Advanced SEO practitioners are using AI to identify potential backlink opportunities, analyze competitor strategies, and even write outreach emails. While these tasks were once time-consuming and labor-intensive, AI is streamlining the process and improving efficiency.

In the world of content creation, we're also seeing a surge in long-form content generated by AI. Blog posts, articles, jokes, puns, and even eBooks can be written by AI in a fraction of the time it would take a human writer. And as we've already discussed, the quality is often on par with human-written content.

Conclusion: The Future of AI in Marketing

So what does all this mean for the future of marketing?

AI is here to stay. Its rapid adoption, diverse applications, and continuously improving capabilities suggest that its influence will only grow in the years to come. We're on the brink of a new era in digital marketing, one in which AI plays a central role.

But rather than seeing this as a threat, we should embrace it as an opportunity. AI tools like ChatGPT aren't here to replace us but to empower us. They're here to help us create better content, reach a wider audience, and ultimately achieve greater success in our marketing efforts.

Felix Rose-Collins

Felix Rose-Collins

Ranktracker's CEO/CMO & Co-founder

Felix Rose-Collins is the Co-founder and CEO/CMO of Ranktracker. With over 15 years of SEO experience, he has single-handedly scaled the Ranktracker site to over 500,000 monthly visits, with 390,000 of these stemming from organic searches each month.

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