Website Audit 2.0 tool

Get an in-depth health check of your SEO. The audit tool checks of all your on-site SEO factors, quickly identifying any issues - then tells you how to fix them.

Website Audit 2.0 tool

Ranktracker is used by marketers from some of the world’s leading companies

The fastest way to identify SEO problems

Scan your whole website in minutes to find out how well optimized it is. You can run audits as often as you like, and all data is stored safely in your account for future reference.

Scan all your pages

Scan all your pages

Checking your website manually could take forever. The Website Audit does it in seconds, saving you time and spotting weaknesses instantly.

Save XML reports

Save XML reports

To pass on the audit results to your IT team, simply download them as an XML file. You can then print off or email a copy to your colleagues.

See what's urgent

See what's urgent

The audit dashboard gives you handy importance indicators, so you always know which issues to tackle first.

Actionable insights

Actionable insights

The Website Audit tool doesn’t just spot SEO problems – it also tells you how to fix them. Get the answers you need without calling an expert (or spending hours reading IT websites).

Compare previous scans

Compare previous scans

Compare your latest scan with previous ones to make sure that problems have been fixed, and to spot any recurring errors.

Evaluates over 100 data points

Evaluates over 100 data points

The Website Audit checks over 100 data points, from your H1 tags and body copy through to behind-the-scenes SEO like your robots.txt file.

Seo Site Audit Tool

Conduct a Website Audit to Find the SEO Issues with Your Website

Author:  - Update date: 

If your campaign is stalling, you need to fix it fast or risk losing ground to your competition. The Web Audit tool will give you the information you need to give your campaign a full health check. It will give you a clear rundown of the most pressing issues and it will provide actionable evidence-based advice that is proven to work. You can also take a look at previous audits and track historical performance. Conducting regular website audits is crucial for identifying and addressing SEO and performance issues, ensuring your site remains competitive and fully optimized.

We’ve all been there. You just got done creating and posting a fresh batch of content for your site and you’re disappointed when you find out that your SEO performance is subpar. However, this isn’t even the most frustrating part about it! The difficult thing is finding out what’s causing Google to rank your page so low.

If you don’t keep abreast of Google’s constant algorithm changes, it can be a challenge to figure out why a page is underperforming. This is where a website audit can come in handy. A site audit will allow you to determine exactly what’s causing your content to rank lower than the competition.

By using a website audit tool in conjunction with other SEO tools, you can help make sure that your site has all of the right meta tags, a proper XML sitemap, and much more. All of this will be displayed in an analysis report that will allow you to determine which pages and content you need to improve.

There are plenty of SEO audit tools on the market, and we’ve created our own based on our SEO data and reports. This tool helps businesses both large and small get a better idea of how they can improve their presence on the web by getting Google and other search engines to rank them higher.

Using an SEO audit tool to improve your rankings will have instantly noticeable effects on your customer pipeline. You’ll get significantly more inbound leads who will come to you through organic searches, and this will often lead to more dedicated consumers who will be likely to come back.

Ranking higher in searches will usually make a business seem more reputable, and most potential customers won’t go through page upon page of Google results. Most people enter their tags into the search bar and they pick the first or second website they come across.

Instead of hiring a pricey SEO expert to tell you what you can do to improve your site’s SEO value, the web audit tool is designed to do it quickly and affordably. This tool will scan your site and allow you to determine what’s working well and what isn’t, and it will then suggest changes that can cause your site’s search ranking to skyrocket.

If you’ve ever wondered exactly what’s wrong with your site and what’s ruining your SEO ranking, then the web audit tool is what you need. This tool will go through a web page and notify you of the things that aren’t working properly and what you can do to fix them so you can get back to the top of the front page.

Have you ever wondered why your SEO efforts aren’t working out well despite your best efforts to improve them? The web audit tool will go through your site and determine what looks good and what needs changing. With this short list of SEO issues, you’ll be able to figure out exactly what you need to address to improve your search rankings.

The SEO Site Audit Tool for Website Performance Audit in General

Far from being a simple tool of its own, our SEO analysis engine consists of a range of different SEO tools that will allow you to determine how you can improve your search rankings. Instead of having to use each of these tools individually and then compiling the results for you, this SEO checker does everything for you.

We decided to develop this website analysis system so that we could make it easier for our customers to conduct audit reporting without having to be masters of SEO themselves. Hiring a team of SEO experts can often be pricey, and using this simple tool allows business owners to save hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

For example, many SEO experts charge consulting fees of over $150 per hour to compile a report of a single site! Senior experts may charge several times that amount to make recommendations to business owners looking to boost their traffic and the speed with which they gain customers.

Conducting an SEO analysis consists of making a multi-pronged approach that will allow a site owner to figure out why things are going wrong when it comes to their SEO ranking and subsequent traffic. Understandably, some business owners may be hesitant to use a tool if they’re not sure how it will help them analyze their digital presence.

Since we’re so confident in our SEO report compiler, we even offer a ten-day free trial that you can use to determine whether or not this SEO tool is worth your time and money. Another thing to keep in mind is that a website audit tool may not necessarily be the silver bullet that your site needs. Incorporating a technical website audit, our SEO Site Audit Tool is designed to identify and resolve a myriad of technical issues that could be hindering your site's search engine visibility, user experience, performance, and security, providing you with comprehensive analysis and actionable insights.

While SEO tools like these can help you determine the source of your issues, you’ll still have to take it upon yourself to fix problems like broken links and slow page loading speed.

What is the On Page SEO Audit Tool?

Whether you’re selling an in-house idea or you’re conducting white label business, the SEO website audit tool is designed to perform a website analysis that finds outstanding issues. These issues typically lead to a reduced Google search ranking that will make it harder for people to find your site.

If you’re in a competitive field where you have a lot of other businesses vying for the top spot when it comes to a particular keyword, you’re going to need a plan of action so that you can improve your rankings. The best way to do this is to either hire an SEO expert or to use SEO tools to conduct the analysis.

As we’ve already mentioned, one of the main advantages of an SEO checker is that it will be much more affordable than a flesh-and-blood SEO expert, while still catching most of the major issues. If you find that the SEO audit tool doesn’t improve your search rankings to the extent that you’d prefer, you can then go on to hire an expert to fix up any outstanding issues.

While the term website analysis makes it seem like the SEO tool conducts a simple check of the site, there are actually many processes that are bundled into our tools. Let’s take a short look at how the tool works so that you can get a better idea of whether it will work well on your site.

Select the URL that you would like to conduct an SEO analysis of and determine whether you want to scan a single page or every page on the entire site. Keep in mind that scanning every page will take a little bit longer than determining the SEO report for just a single page, but it's crucial for analyzing the site's technical setup and ensuring all indexed pages are linked and accessible to search engines. Once the scan is conducted, the tool will present its website analysis results in a tidy report. Understanding the number of indexed pages can highlight the presence of 'Zombie Pages' that might be diluting your SEO efforts, making it easier to focus on improving organic traffic by addressing these issues.

Along with letting you see the source of the problems, this tool will provide you with the steps necessary to improve your SEO ranking. Otherwise, you’d need to have a baseline level of expertise to figure out what would have to do to fix the issues that pop up when you run the checker.

Choosing the Correct SEO Site Audit Tool for Your Needs

Figuring out which SEO audit tool you should use depends on a wide range of factors that may not exactly be evident if you’ve never shopped for one of them before. You’ll have to consider how a tool performs and the extras that it comes included with to give you a better idea of whether or not a specific tool is worth your money.

One critical feature to look for is the capability to perform an on-page SEO audit. This involves evaluating web pages for search engine optimization best practices, conducting keyword analysis, detecting changes in KPIs, using specific tools like On Page SEO Checker, and performing competitor audits to analyze what's working in the industry. It's essential for improving page-specific optimization and performance.

We’re going to take a look at some of the most crucial features to look for when figuring out if an SEO site audit tool will fulfill your needs. Keep in mind that various businesses may have different priorities when conducting an SEO audit, but most of the following features will be universally desirable.

Ease of Use

One of the first things you should look for in a quality SEO tool is the ease of use. If you’re not exactly an SEO expert and you still want to improve your site’s SEO rankings, then you’ll need a tool that has a straightforward user interface that will guide the user through the process of using it.

If someone has to break out the instruction manual to use an audit tool every time, then they will likely end up avoiding it since it will be over complicated. One of the main advantages of using an audit tool is saving money on experts, so why would you want a program that requires an expert to make the most of it?

Data Points Evaluated

You should also consider the number of data points that are evaluated by an SEO checker when determining how accurate and effective the results will be. Including core web vitals as a crucial set of data points is essential for a comprehensive analysis, as they significantly impact a site's performance and its indexing by search engines. There are countless factors that go into determining how well a website ranks on a search engine like Google and the more of them you can track, the better.

These data points can range from something as simple as keyword density in a piece of content to more obscure factors that will influence your site’s SEO, like the robot.txt. If you can’t identify an issue in the first place, then it will be more challenging to help boost your site’s rating.

Insightful Solutions

Along with helping identify the issues that are causing your low SEO rankings, you’ll also want to use an SEO audit tool that will provide you with solutions to these problems. Knowing that you have an issue is one thing, but having a way to reduce the impact of the issue is an entirely different thing.

Some SEO tools will only identify problems with your page without actually proposing a solution to them. These tools are typically only designed for experts who will already know how they can address the website search result problems that they come across.

Our SEO Site Audit Tool Exclusive Features

Not all SEO tools are created equal, and we’ve put quite a bit of effort into developing what we think is the best SEO checker available. Conducting an SEO analysis is a challenging task that we want to make more approachable for both beginners and veterans of conducting business on the web. This tool specifically emphasizes the importance of site speed and the site's performance, key areas analyzed to enhance website performance, user engagement, and search engine rankings.

While there are many features that we’ve included in this SEO audit tool, there are a few of them that we believe have more of an impact than the rest. Let’s take a look at some of the features that we’re most proud of so you can see what sets us apart from other website audit providers.

Scan Your Pages All at Once

Having to go through each of your web pages, selecting a keyword, and then conducting an analysis could take forever. That’s why we’ve included the complete scan feature that will go through all of the web pages on a particular URL, giving you a complete rundown of their SEO performance, one by one.

Save Previous Reports as XMLs and Compare Results with Them

Once you’ve conducted a report, you’ll be able to save it as an XML so you can share it with other people who are working on your site’s SEO. This will also allow you to keep a record of previous iterations of the site so you can see how your SEO rankings have improved over the time you’ve been using the tool.

The website audit tool also contains a feature that you can use to compare your current scans to previous ones that were conducted on the same site. This will give you a better idea of whether every issue has been solved and it will allow you to identify stubborn, recurring problems.

Urgency Indicators and Actionable Insights

We’ve also included an urgency rating next to each issue that the audit reports indicate so you have a better idea of which problems you should address first. Being able to tackle larger issues like these will allow you to bump up your site ranking sooner, drawing in more customers and revenue.

Also, the tool helps you solve problems that are outlined in the reports by providing you with actionable insights. Our SEO tool comes with an in-depth database of solutions that we’re constantly updating so you always have an idea of the next step you need to take for the greatest possible impact.

Why Do People Use SEO Site Audit Tools?

Why would you use SEO audit tools in the first place? The main reason is so that you can optimize your site’s search engine ranking on a site like Google. Having an improved SEO ranking will allow you to draw in more customers because your business will appear higher for a given keyword. A key focus of using SEO Site Audit Tools is to identify and improve on-page SEO opportunities and issues, such as optimizing meta descriptions, which are crucial for enhancing your site's visibility and performance in search results.

Ranking higher in searches has been shown to improve the number of customers that come to a business because the vast majority of people don’t look past the first page of search results. Even if you’re the first result on the second page, you won’t see anywhere near as many results as a site on the first page.

Think about the last time that you browsed beyond the first page on Google after entering a specific search term. Unless you’re looking for something obscure that you’re unlikely to find on the first page, then it’s likely been a long time since you’ve ventured beyond it.

Another reason why many site owners will use site audit tools is that they will let them figure out what’s wrong with their site. Often, there may be outstanding issues that are dragging down a web page’s search ranking, and an audit will be the only way to determine what’s causing those problems.

As we mentioned earlier on in is that audit tools are usually far more affordable than hiring an individual to manage your site’s SEO. While you’ll likely get a more in-depth analysis and you’ll be able to ask a consultant questions, the cost of hiring them will be far more than you pay for our site audit tools.

If you’re trying to optimize your online presence, conducting a website audit is one of the best ways to get better results for the keywords that you’re targeting.

Exclusive SEO Site Audit Tool from Ranktracker

You may be wondering what sets our SEO audit tool apart from the competition’s programs, and there are a few things that we do differently. First of all, we have a much more affordable pricing scheme that will allow you to choose how much you pay based on your needs.

Instead of paying extra for things that you don’t need, you can use our tiered pricing scheme to ensure that you’re getting exactly what you want out of our SEO site audit tool. However, for a lower price, you’re also getting a far more effective audit report that will allow you to more easily develop an SEO strategy.

For example, we take pride in the fact that our SEO audit tool is more accurate than many of its competitors. Since we use over 100 data points to determine how your site is performing on Google SERPs, you’ll have a much more in-depth idea of the factors that influence your ranking.

Finally, we design all of our SEO tools to be approachable for all of our customers, and that holds true for the SEO analysis engine as well. If you’ve never used a program of this type before, then you’ll be happy to hear that our program has a shallow learning curve so you can get used to it within the first hour of use.


There is a wide range of factors to consider when auditing a website. Some of the major concerns that you should look out for when conducting a website audit include the lead generation process (along with CTAs), your site’s design and UX, and the content itself.

By checking the aspects of a site that we mentioned above, a website audit can determine what’s causing your site to rank consistently low when it comes to page SEO and organic traffic. Whether it’s a person or an SEO audit tool, you’ll typically need a website analysis report to figure out the issues.

They are SEO tools that are used to conduct an audit report on a website to determine what is causing poor SEO performance. Factors that can influence a poor site analysis include inadequate link building, broken links, and other SEO errors.

Conducting an SEO audit of your site using our SEO tool is relatively straightforward. Start off by installing the Website Audit program and then entering the URL that you wish to check for SEO issues. You can decide whether you scan an individual page or if you run the SEO checker on all pages of your site.

A website audit will provide you with an SEO report that will let you know exactly what you need to do to get higher search rankings more consistently. One of these audits can provide you with more info than you’d get through something like Google analytics.

A technical SEO audit is essentially an SEO analysis that goes over the major factors that typically impact a page’s SEO. An SEO tool can be used to conduct these audits so that the research doesn’t have to be done manually by the person running the site.

A website audit can help you determine what content on your site is improving your SEO ranking and which web pages are dragging you down. Using an SEO audit tool can also let you determine exactly what’s wrong with those pages so you can formulate a strategy to fix the issues.

Since we were disappointed with many of the automated SEO checker tools we had come across, we decided to develop our own. We’ve used our intimate knowledge of rank tracking to create one of the most accurate SEO tools on the market.

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