SEO Glossary / User Interface

User Interface

What is a User Interface?

A user interface, or UI, is the point of interaction between a user and a software or digital device. You can think of it as the medium through which a human or non-human entity, like a robot or automated system, controls a device, machine, or software.

Types of User Interfaces

There are various types of user interfaces, each suited to different applications and user needs. Here are some common types:

  • Command Line Interface (CLI): Allows users to interact with the software by typing commands. Commonly used by developers and IT professionals.
  • Menu-Driven Interface: Users interact through a series of menus. Often seen in ATMs and older software systems.
  • Form-Based Interface: Users fill out forms to interact with the system. Used in data entry applications and online forms.
  • Touch-Based Interface: Interaction occurs through touch gestures on touchscreens. Common in smartphones and tablets.
  • Voice User Interface (VUI): Users interact through voice commands. Found in virtual assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.
  • Virtual Reality Interface (VRI): Provides immersive interaction in a virtual environment. Used in VR headsets and simulations.
  • Gesture-Based Interface: Interaction occurs through physical gestures. Found in gaming consoles like the Nintendo Wii and motion-sensing devices.
  • Graphical User Interface (GUI): The most common type, featuring buttons, icons, and other visual elements. Allows users to interact with software through visual representations. For example, the WordPress admin dashboard is a graphical user interface.

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Most software programs use the graphical user interface (GUI). This type of user interface contains buttons, icons, indicators, and several other elements that allow the user to give instructions to the software. GUIs are designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, enabling users to perform tasks with ease.


  • WordPress Admin Dashboard: A typical GUI example where users can manage their website through visual controls without needing to understand underlying code.


User interfaces are essential for facilitating interaction between users and digital devices or software. From command line interfaces to advanced virtual reality interfaces, each type of UI serves specific purposes and enhances the user experience in different ways. The graphical user interface (GUI) remains the most widely used, providing an intuitive and accessible means for users to engage with digital systems.

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