SEO Glossary / URL Structure

URL Structure

What is URL Structure?

URL structure refers to the appearance of your URL. In other words, it is what your URL looks like. It is a Google ranking factor.

Components of a URL Structure

The URL structure includes everything that makes up the URL. Here are the key components:

  • Protocol: The method used to access the resource. Common protocols include http:// and https://.
  • Domain Name: The primary address of the website, such as
  • Subdomains: Optional prefixes to the domain name, used to organize content, such as
  • Top-Level Domain (TLD): The suffix of the domain name, such as .com, .org, .net.
  • URL Slug: The part of the URL that comes after the domain name, describing the specific page, such as /about-us.
  • Parameters: Additional data passed in the URL, often used for tracking or dynamic content, such as ?id=123.

Importance of a Good URL Structure

A well-structured URL provides valuable information about the webpage to both users and search engines. Here are some benefits:

  • Improves User Experience: Clear and descriptive URLs help users understand what the page is about before clicking the link.
  • Builds Trust: URLs that are easy to read and comprehend can build trust with users.
  • SEO Benefits: Search engines use URL structure to determine the hierarchy and relationship of your content. A well-organized URL structure can improve your site's indexing and ranking.

Example of a Good URL Structure

Consider the following URL:

  • Protocol: https://
  • Subdomain: www
  • Domain Name:
  • Slug: blog/what-is-url-structure

This URL is clean, descriptive, and provides a clear hierarchy, indicating that the page is a blog post about URL structure.

Best Practices for URL Structure

  1. Use HTTPS: Ensure your site uses https:// for secure communication.
  2. Keep it Short and Descriptive: Use concise, meaningful words in the URL slug.
  3. Use Hyphens to Separate Words: Hyphens improve readability (e.g., what-is-url-structure).
  4. Avoid Special Characters: Stick to alphanumeric characters and hyphens.
  5. Use Lowercase Letters: URLs are case-sensitive, and lowercase letters avoid confusion.
  6. Reflect Site Hierarchy: Organize URLs to show the structure of your content.


URL structure is a critical aspect of SEO and user experience. By creating clear, descriptive, and well-organized URLs, you can improve your website's search engine ranking and make it easier for users to navigate your content.

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