SEO Glossary / URL Slug

URL Slug

What is a URL Slug?

A URL Slug is the part of the URL that follows the slash (“/”) after the domain name or subfolder. It is a human-readable identifier that helps both users and search engines understand the content of the page. For example, in the URL, the slug is what-is-a-url-slug.

Is URL Slug Important for SEO?

While the URL slug is often considered a minor factor in SEO, it still plays a role in both user experience and search engine understanding of a page's content. Google’s Search Advocate, John Mueller, has stated that the words in a URL are a very lightweight ranking factor. They help Google understand the page content before it is indexed, but once indexed, the URL slug's importance diminishes.

John Mueller on URL Slugs:

“We use the words in a URL as a very, very lightweight factor. From what I recall, this is primarily something that we would take into account when we haven’t had access to the content yet... But as soon as we’ve crawled and indexed the content there, then we have a lot more information.”

Although the SEO impact may be minimal, a well-crafted URL slug can enhance click-through rates by providing a clear indication of the page’s content to users. For example, a URL like is more descriptive and engaging than

SEO Best Practices for URL Slugs

To ensure your URL slugs are user-friendly and optimized for SEO, follow these best practices:

1. Keep Them Short and Informative

Aim for concise and descriptive slugs that reflect the page’s content. This makes the URL easier to read and remember. For instance, instead of using /what-is-keyword-density-and-why-is-it-important, use /keyword-density.

2. Use Hyphens, Not Underscores

Google treats hyphens as word separators, making it easier to understand the content of the page. For example, use keyword-density instead of keyword_density.

3. Avoid Using Dates

Including dates in your URL slugs can lead to issues when updating content. A URL like /best-domain-providers-2023 will need to be redirected when updated, whereas /best-domain-providers remains evergreen.

4. Make Them Lowercase

Although most web servers treat uppercase and lowercase URLs the same, it’s best to stick to lowercase to avoid any potential issues and ensure consistency.


What’s the Difference Between a URL and a Slug?

A URL is the full web address that includes the protocol, domain name, and the slug. The slug is the part of the URL that comes after the domain name and provides specific identification for the page. For example, in, the slug is what-is-a-url-slug.

How to Change the URL Slug Format in WordPress?

To change the URL slug format in WordPress, modify the permalink structure:

  1. Go to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to “Settings” > “Permalinks.”
  3. Choose or customize your preferred structure.

What is the Maximum Length of a URL Slug?

Google Chrome and most modern browsers allow URLs up to 2048 characters. However, for readability and usability, it’s best to keep slugs short, ideally 3-5 words.

What Happens if I Change the URL Slug of the Page?

Changing the URL slug alters the page’s address. All existing links pointing to the old URL will break, leading to 404 errors. To avoid this, create a redirect from the old URL to the new one using a redirection plugin or server configuration.


While URL slugs are not a major ranking factor, they still play a role in SEO and user experience. By following best practices, you can create descriptive, user-friendly slugs that enhance click-through rates and help users understand what to expect from your content. For more insights on optimizing your website, check out Ranktracker's Blog.

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