SEO Glossary / URL Parameters

URL Parameters

What are URL Parameters?

URL parameters, or query strings, are the letters, numbers, and symbols used for passing additional information about a URL. They can indicate the source of the click or modify the content of a webpage.

Structure of URL Parameters

A URL parameter begins with a question mark ?, followed by a key-value pair. For example:

The key-value pair is a string of text, numbers, and symbols that pass information about the parameter. It consists of a key, a value, and an equals sign = called the value separator.


A URL parameter can contain multiple key-value pairs, separated by an ampersand &.


Types of URL Parameters

There are two main types of URL parameters:

  1. Content-Modifying Parameters (Active Parameters)
  2. Tracking Parameters (Passive Parameters)

Content-Modifying Parameters (Active Parameters)

Content-modifying parameters change the content on the webpage. They are commonly used on ecommerce sites.


  • color indicates the color of the t-shirts the visitor is viewing. In this case, they are viewing yellow t-shirts.
  • size indicates the size of the t-shirts that the visitor is viewing. In this case, they are viewing medium-sized t-shirts.

Tracking Parameters (Passive Parameters)

Tracking parameters track the source of a click. They are often used to track email and ad clicks.


  • utm_source indicates the source of the traffic, which is Google in this case.
  • utm_medium indicates the marketing medium. In this case, it is CPC (cost-per-click), meaning it was from a paid ad.
  • utm_campaign specifies the name of the campaign. In this case, it is from a summer sale promo.


URL parameters play a crucial role in passing information and tracking user behavior. Understanding how to use and structure them can help optimize content delivery and measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

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