SEO Glossary / SERP Feature Top Insights

SERP Feature Top Insights

What is the Top Insights SERP Feature?

The Top Insights SERP feature is designed to provide users with a comprehensive view of a search topic by displaying a carousel of insights. These insights include links to source URLs and an accordion containing further information on different aspects of the topic.

Placement and Status

  • Placement: Organic
  • Status: Active
  • Device: Smartphone
  • Ranking URL: Google


  • Appearance: This result appears as a carousel at the top of the mobile SERP, providing a snapshot of key insights related to the search query.
  • Content: Each carousel item contains a link to the source URL, and the accordion feature offers additional details on various aspects of the topic.
  • Interaction: Users can swipe through the carousel to view different insights and tap on the items to access the source URLs. Expanding the accordion reveals more in-depth information.


The Top Insights SERP feature enhances user experience by offering a structured and detailed exploration of a topic, helping users quickly access relevant insights and deeper information.

Benefits for Users:

  • Comprehensive View: Provides a quick and thorough understanding of a topic through key insights and detailed information.
  • Easy Navigation: The carousel format allows users to swipe through insights easily, and the accordion feature offers expanded details without leaving the SERP.
  • Quick Access: Direct links to source URLs enable users to access the full content with a single tap.

Benefits for Content Creators:

  • Increased Exposure: Content featured in the Top Insights carousel gains higher visibility and can attract more traffic from mobile users.
  • Engagement: The interactive nature of the carousel and accordion encourages users to engage with the content.
  • Authority: Being featured in the Top Insights indicates that the content is considered valuable and relevant by Google.

How to Optimize for the Top Insights Feature:

  1. High-Quality Content: Create well-researched and comprehensive content that provides valuable insights into the topic.
  2. Structured Data: Use structured data to help Google understand and categorize your content effectively.
  3. Answer Common Questions: Focus on answering common questions and providing detailed explanations that users are likely to find helpful.
  4. Engaging Format: Use clear headings, bullet points, and concise summaries to make your content easily digestible and engaging.


The Top Insights SERP feature is a valuable addition to Google's search results, offering users quick access to comprehensive insights and detailed information on a topic. By creating high-quality, relevant content, you can increase your chances of being featured in this prominent SERP feature, thereby enhancing visibility and engagement with your target audience.

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