SEO Glossary / SERP Feature Things to Know

SERP Feature Things to Know

What is the Things to Know SERP Feature?

The Things to Know SERP feature provides users with a comprehensive view of a topic by displaying related dimensions and details that people typically search for. This feature, reportedly driven by Google's multitask unified model (MUM) algorithm, is designed to enrich the search experience by offering in-depth information.

Placement and Status

  • Placement: Organic
  • Status: Active
  • Device: All
  • Ranking URL: Google only


  • Appearance: This result resembles people also ask boxes but is displayed as an accordion with multiple drop-down sections.
  • Content: Each drop-down provides more information related to the original search topic, offering different dimensions and perspectives.
  • Interaction: Expanding a category reveals more details and includes mini featured snippets. Users can click on these snippets for additional related results, enhancing their search journey.


The Things to Know SERP feature enhances user experience by offering a structured and detailed exploration of a topic, helping users find comprehensive information more efficiently.

Benefits for Users:

  • In-depth Information: Provides a broader understanding of a topic by exploring various dimensions people typically search for.
  • Convenient Navigation: The accordion format allows users to expand and explore categories of interest without leaving the SERP.
  • Enhanced Discovery: Mini featured snippets within the drop-downs lead to more related results, facilitating a deeper dive into the topic.

Benefits for Content Creators:

  • Increased Visibility: Content that answers specific questions or dimensions related to a topic may appear in the Things to Know feature, gaining more exposure.
  • Enhanced Engagement: The interactive nature of the accordion and snippets encourages user engagement with the content.
  • Relevance: Being part of the Things to Know feature signals to search engines that the content is highly relevant and valuable to users.

How to Optimize for the Things to Know Feature:

  1. Comprehensive Content: Create detailed content that covers various dimensions and aspects of a topic to increase the likelihood of appearing in this feature.
  2. Structured Data: Use structured data to help search engines understand and categorize the information on your pages.
  3. Answer Questions: Focus on answering common questions related to your topic, as these are likely to be included in the Things to Know feature.
  4. Quality and Relevance: Ensure your content is high-quality and relevant to the search queries it targets, aligning with the MUM algorithm's focus on comprehensive information.


The Things to Know SERP feature is a valuable addition to the search results, providing users with a richer and more informative search experience. By creating comprehensive and relevant content, you can leverage this feature to increase visibility and engagement with your audience.

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