SEO Glossary / SERP Feature Sitelinks

SERP Feature Sitelinks

Sitelinks are additional links displayed under the main organic listing in the search engine results page (SERP). They help users navigate directly to specific pages within a website, improving the user experience by providing quick access to important sections of the site.

Placement and Status

  • Placement: Organic
  • Status: Active
  • Device: All
  • Ranking URL: Source site


  • Position: Sitelinks appear beneath the primary search result for a website, typically when the website is highly relevant to the search query.
  • Purpose: They provide direct links to key pages within a site, such as the "About Us" page, "Contact" page, or popular product categories.
  • Interaction: Clicking on a sitelink takes the user directly to the linked page on the website.


Sitelinks enhance the visibility and accessibility of a website's important pages, leading to better user engagement and potentially higher click-through rates (CTR) for those pages.

Benefits for Users:

  • Quick Navigation: Users can quickly find and access specific sections of a website.
  • Enhanced Experience: Reduces the time and effort needed to locate important information on a site.
  • Relevance: Directs users to the most relevant parts of a website based on their search query.

Benefits for Website Owners:

  • Increased CTR: Sitelinks can increase the click-through rate for important pages.
  • Improved Navigation: Helps in guiding users to the most useful parts of the site.
  • SEO Advantage: Enhances the overall visibility of a website in search results.
  1. Clear Site Structure: Ensure your website has a clear and logical structure with well-defined sections and easy navigation.
  2. Descriptive Titles and Headers: Use descriptive and relevant titles and headers for your site's pages to help search engines understand the content.
  3. Internal Linking: Implement strong internal linking to highlight important pages.
  4. Google Search Console: Use Google Search Console to demote any unwanted sitelinks and monitor how sitelinks are being generated.

Reporting in Search Tools:

  • Visibility Metrics: Ranktracker and similar SEO tools will display sitelinks in the SERP Features column and provide insights into how these links impact your website’s performance.
  • Site Attribution: Sitelinks are attributed to the source site, reflecting their role in improving user navigation within a site.


Sitelinks are a valuable SERP feature that enhances user experience by providing quick access to important pages within a website. By optimizing your site structure and content, you can increase the likelihood of sitelinks appearing for your site, thereby improving navigation and potentially boosting CTR and user engagement.

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