SEO Glossary / SERP Feature Recipes

SERP Feature Recipes

What is the Recipes SERP Feature?

The Recipes SERP feature appears specifically for recipe-related queries on mobile devices. It can display either individual recipe cards or recipe carousels, providing users with direct access to cooking instructions, ingredient lists, and more.

Placement and Status

  • Placement: Organic
  • Status: Active
  • Device: Smartphone
  • Ranking URL: Source site for individual cards; Google for carousels


  • Individual Recipe Cards: These cards show specific recipes related to the user's search query. Each card includes a link to the source site, where users can find the full recipe details.
  • Recipe Carousels: These results display a horizontal carousel of recipes, allowing users to scroll through multiple options. Clicking on an entry in the carousel typically leads to a Google page with more details or directly to the source site.


AMP (recipes) are categorized separately under AMP results, although both AMP and non-AMP recipes can be filtered for in keywords tables.


The Recipes SERP feature enhances the search experience by providing direct and visually appealing access to a variety of recipes. This feature is particularly beneficial for users searching for specific cooking instructions or inspiration for meals.

Benefits for Websites:

  • Increased Traffic: Appearing in the Recipes SERP feature can drive significant traffic to recipe websites, as users are likely to click through to view full recipe details.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Recipe cards and carousels provide prominent placement on mobile SERPs, increasing the chances of being discovered by users.
  • Improved User Experience: The Recipes feature offers a convenient and visually engaging way for users to find and explore recipes directly from the search results.

By understanding and optimizing for the Recipes SERP feature, recipe websites can improve their visibility on Google mobile search results and attract more engaged users looking for culinary inspiration.

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