SEO Glossary / SERP Feature Q&A

SERP Feature Q&A

What is the Q&A SERP Feature?

The Q&A SERP feature appears in a carousel format specifically on mobile devices. It displays questions and answers related to the user's search query. This feature allows users to quickly find answers to their questions directly from the search results.

Placement and Status

  • Placement: Organic
  • Status: Active
  • Device: Smartphone
  • Ranking URL: Source site


  • Carousel Display: The Q&A results are presented in a horizontal carousel format, enabling users to scroll through multiple Q&A entries.
  • Site Attribution: Each Q&A entry is linked to a source site. Site attribution is given to the URL that is linked from the “more” button on each result, directing users to the source of the information.
  • Expanded Answers: Users can expand each Q&A entry to read the full answer directly within the carousel without navigating away from the search results.


The Q&A SERP feature enhances the search experience by providing direct and quick answers to user queries on mobile devices. This feature is particularly useful for informational searches, where users are looking for concise answers.

Benefits for Websites:

  • Increased Traffic: By appearing in the Q&A carousel, websites can attract more mobile traffic as users click through to read full answers.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Q&A entries provide prominent visibility on mobile SERPs, making it easier for users to find relevant information.
  • Improved User Experience: The Q&A format offers a streamlined way for users to get answers, improving the overall user experience on mobile devices.

By understanding and optimizing for the Q&A SERP feature, websites can improve their presence on Google mobile search results and provide valuable information directly to users.

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