SEO Glossary / SERP Feature Podcasts

SERP Feature Podcasts

What is the Podcasts SERP Feature?

The Podcasts SERP feature appears specifically when users search for a podcast on a particular topic. This feature displays playable podcast episodes in a standard carousel format, which includes visual galleries and rich lists running horizontally through the search results.

Placement and Status

  • Placement: Organic
  • Status: Active
  • Device: All
  • Ranking URL: Google only


  • Carousel Display: Podcasts are presented in a carousel format, showcasing a series of podcast episodes related to the search query.
  • Playable Episodes: Users can play podcast episodes directly from the search results without needing to navigate to another page.
  • Visual Elements: Each podcast episode in the carousel includes visual elements such as cover art, episode titles, and brief descriptions.


The Podcasts SERP feature enhances the search experience by allowing users to discover and listen to relevant podcast episodes directly from the search results. This convenience can lead to increased engagement and discovery of new podcast content.

Benefits for Podcasters:

  • Increased Visibility: Podcasts appear prominently in search results, making it easier for users to find and play episodes.
  • Direct Play: Users can listen to episodes without leaving the search page, potentially increasing listenership and engagement.
  • Enhanced User Experience: The integration of playable podcasts in search results improves the overall user experience by providing immediate access to audio content.

By understanding and optimizing for the Podcasts SERP feature, podcasters can improve their visibility on Google and attract more listeners to their content.

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