SEO Glossary / Natural Link

Natural Link

A natural link, also known as an organic link, earned link, or editorial link, is an external link placed by one website to another voluntarily because the content is relevant and useful to the readers. Natural links are not the result of any link-building techniques, including so-called white-hat methods like guest posting or email outreach.

According to Google’s guidelines, natural links are the most valuable type of links a website can obtain. They act as a vote of confidence in the quality and usefulness of the linked content. However, it is often challenging to objectively distinguish a natural link from a built link.

Google's Guidelines on Natural Links

The best way to obtain natural links is to create content that people find valuable enough to recommend to their readers. This involves producing high-quality, outstanding, and engaging content that offers significant value to your target audience.

To increase the likelihood of your content being discovered and shared by other webmasters, it’s essential to focus on content distribution and promotion. This can include strategies such as:

  • Email Newsletters: Regularly send out newsletters with your latest content to keep your audience engaged and informed.
  • Advertising: Use paid advertising to boost the visibility of your content.
  • SEO: Optimize your content for search engines to improve its discoverability.

In addition to creating and promoting excellent content, building relationships with other webmasters in your niche is crucial. By engaging with them on social media, commenting on their blog posts, and linking to their content where appropriate, you can establish yourself as a trustworthy and authoritative source of information. Over time, as other webmasters discover and appreciate your content, natural links will follow.

  1. Focus on Quality Content: Ensure your content is informative, engaging, and provides real value to your readers.
  2. Promote Your Content: Utilize various channels such as social media, email marketing, and SEO to increase content visibility.
  3. Network with Webmasters: Build genuine relationships with other content creators in your industry.
  4. Stay Consistent: Regularly update your content to keep it relevant and fresh.

By following these practices, you can enhance your chances of earning natural links and boosting your website’s authority and search engine rankings.

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