SEO Glossary / Meta Redirect

Meta Redirect

What is a Meta Redirect?

A meta redirect, also known as a meta refresh redirect, is a client-side redirect that instructs a web browser to navigate automatically to a different webpage after a certain amount of time. Unlike typical 301 or 302 redirects, which happen on the server, a meta redirect is implemented within the HTML of the page and executed by the user's browser.

Example of Meta Redirect

Here’s a basic example of a meta redirect, usually placed within the <head> section of an HTML document:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="7; url=">

In this example:

  • content="7; url=" means the page will redirect to after a delay of 7 seconds.

For an instant redirect, you would set the content to 0 seconds:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=">

Why are Meta Redirects Important?

Meta redirects can be useful in specific scenarios:

  1. Temporary Redirection: If a webpage is under maintenance or changes are being made, a meta redirect can guide users to a different page after displaying a brief message.
  2. Delayed Redirection: Sometimes, it’s beneficial to give users time to read a message before redirecting them. For example, "Thank you for your purchase! You will be redirected to the product page in 5 seconds."
  3. Server Access Limitations: Meta redirects are client-side and do not require server-side changes, making them useful when server configurations are inaccessible or hard to change.

Do Meta Redirects Negatively Affect SEO?

Google recommends using 301 server-side redirects over meta redirects for several reasons:

  • Browser Support: Not all browsers support meta redirects reliably.
  • User Experience: Meta redirects, especially delayed ones, can be confusing or annoying to users.

However, meta redirects do not necessarily harm SEO if used appropriately:

  • Instant Meta Refresh Redirects: Google treats instant meta refresh redirects (content set to 0 seconds) as permanent redirects (similar to 301 redirects).
  • Delayed Meta Refresh Redirects: These are treated as temporary redirects (similar to 302 redirects).

Best Practices for Using Meta Redirects

If you decide to use meta redirects, here are some best practices to ensure they are as effective and user-friendly as possible:

  1. Use Server-Side Redirects When Possible: Always prefer 301 or 302 redirects over meta redirects for better SEO and user experience.
  2. Minimize Delay: If you must use a meta redirect, keep the delay as short as possible to reduce user confusion.
  3. Inform Users: Clearly communicate any delay and the reason for the redirect if it's not instant. For example, "You will be redirected to the new page in 5 seconds."
  4. Avoid Excessive Use: Overusing meta redirects can lead to a poor user experience and might be flagged by search engines.


Meta redirects can be useful in specific situations, particularly when server-side access is limited. However, they should be used sparingly and with caution. For SEO and user experience, server-side redirects are generally preferred. If you use meta redirects, ensure they are implemented correctly and keep user experience in mind.

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