SEO Glossary / LSI Keywords

LSI Keywords

What are LSI Keywords?

In terms of SEO, LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords are words closely tied to the main keyword the page is targeting and are semantically related to it.

Latent Semantic Indexing (also called Latent Semantic Analysis) is an NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology developed and patented in 1989 to identify relationships between words based on context.

Here's a simplified explanation:

LSI recognizes hidden or “latent” associations between words and concepts to improve the understanding of the information provided in any given piece of content. It helps computers understand and interpret language the same way humans would.

For example, if a web page’s main keyword is “sneakers,” LSI keywords might include terms like “Nike shoes,” “soles,” and “Jordans.” These terms are connected based on context; they do not necessarily have the same meaning, although they could be synonyms.

It is important to note that Google representatives have stated that they do not use LSI technology and that LSI keywords are not a ranking factor. However, many SEO specialists still use the term “LSI keywords” to refer to adding related words, as search engines likely pay attention to non-keyword terms in your content and use them as a ranking factor.

Why are LSI Keywords Important?

LSI keywords help search engines determine and understand the overall topic of a website or specific page. Instead of looking solely at the main keywords, modern-day search engines scan the content for contextually related words to determine the page’s topic and relevance to the query.

The importance of LSI keywords extends beyond ranking better in SERPs. They can be beneficial in other ways, including:

  • Making your content more credible: Including contextually related words in your post makes it more relevant and natural-sounding, increasing the chances of people reading and sharing it, boosting its credibility.
  • Improving on-site browsing time: Semantically relevant words improve the quality of content, encouraging website visitors to check out the rest of the website.
  • Decreasing bounce rates: Content that includes “LSI keywords” is highly targeted and more likely to be seen by the right audience, reducing bounce rates.

How to Find LSI Keywords?

Finding the right LSI keywords for your content is relatively simple. Here are some methods to find relevant, semantically related terms:

When you run a Google search for your primary keyword and scroll to the bottom of the SERPs, you will see the “Related Searches” section. Use the bolded words in this section as inspiration for additional topics to mention in your content.

2. Google Autocomplete

Enter your main keyword in Google, but rather than hitting the “Search” button, let Google’s Autocomplete feature give you some suggestions. These suggestions are based on common searches related to your main keyword.

3. LSI Keyword Tools

You can use LSI keyword generator tools as a source of inspiration to quickly come up with related terms to include in your content. These tools don’t have anything to do with actual LSI technology but can be helpful for finding related keywords.

4. Keywords Explorer

Tools like Keywords Explorer from Ranktracker have several modes for keyword generation. The “Also rank for” report can be useful in uncovering related terms and phrases you can incorporate into your content.


Are LSI Keywords Synonyms?

No, LSI keywords are not necessarily synonyms. They are contextually related to the main keyword and the topic of the page in general.

Does Google Use LSI Keywords?

Google representatives have stated that they do not use LSI technology. However, adding related words to your content can still help the page rank better.

How Many LSI Keywords Should I Use?

There is no set number of LSI keywords you should use. Focus on making your content relevant and natural-sounding by including related terms where they fit contextually.

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