SEO Glossary / Link Reclamation

Link Reclamation

In search engine optimization (SEO), link reclamation (or backlink reclamation) is the process of regaining lost links to your website. Some links can be easily reclaimed, while others may be impossible to recover.

Link reclamation allows website owners and SEOs to regain lost link value and improve the overall link authority of the website.

Link reclamation is crucial for maintaining and improving your website's link authority. Backlinks are a significant ranking factor in search engine algorithms, and losing valuable links can negatively impact your site's search rankings. By reclaiming lost links, you can restore your site's authority and ensure that it continues to perform well in search results.

  1. Link Removal: The webmaster removes the link from the page.
  2. Content Update: The content on the linking page is updated without reference to your site.
  3. Page Deletion or Redirection: The linking page is deleted or redirected.
  4. Website Shutdown: The linking website no longer exists.

Link reclamation involves identifying lost links and contacting the webmaster via email to request the restoration of the link. Here are the steps to effectively reclaim lost links:

Use tools like Ranktracker's Site Explorer to identify lost backlinks. These tools can show you which links have been lost and provide details about the linking pages.

Determine why the link was lost. Understanding the reason can help you craft a more effective outreach message.

3. Find the Webmaster's Contact Information

Locate the contact information of the webmaster or site owner. This information is often available on the website's contact page or through a WHOIS lookup.

4. Craft a Polite and Persuasive Outreach Email

Write a polite and persuasive email to the webmaster, explaining the value of the link and requesting its restoration. Be clear about which link you are referring to and why it is important for it to be reinstated.

5. Follow Up

If you don’t receive a response within a week or two, send a follow-up email. Persistence can often pay off, but always remain courteous and respectful.

Sample Outreach Email

Subject: Request to Restore a Valuable Link

Hi [Webmaster’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am [Your Position] at [Your Company]. 

I noticed that the link to our page [Your URL] on your article [Linking Page URL] appears to have been removed/redirected. This link was an important reference for your readers on the topic of [Topic], providing them with valuable information on [Brief Description of Your Content].

Would it be possible to reinstate the link? We believe it adds significant value to your readers and complements the content on your page.

Thank you for considering my request. If you need any additional information, please let me know.

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]
  1. Be Specific: Clearly specify which link you are referring to and on which page it was located.
  2. Be Polite: Always be courteous and respectful in your communication.
  3. Provide Value: Explain why the link is valuable to their readers and how it complements their content.
  4. Follow Up: If you don’t get a response, follow up after a reasonable amount of time.


It’s a good practice to check for lost links periodically, such as once a month. Regular monitoring helps you stay on top of any link losses and take timely action to reclaim them.

Unfortunately, if the linking website no longer exists, it’s impossible to reclaim the link. Focus your efforts on links that can realistically be restored.

Yes, link reclamation is worth the effort because it helps you regain valuable link equity that can boost your site’s authority and search rankings.

By following these steps and best practices, you can effectively reclaim lost links and maintain a strong link profile for your website.

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