SEO Glossary / Google Medic Update

Google Medic Update

What is Google Medic Update?

Google Medic Update was a significant algorithm update that reduced the rankings of sites that ranked for Your Money or Your Life (YMYL) keywords. It was released on August 1, 2018.

Understanding YMYL Keywords

YMYL is a term used by Google to describe keywords that could impact a person’s health, safety, and finances. These keywords are considered high-stakes because misinformation or low-quality content in these areas can have serious consequences. Examples of YMYL topics include:

  • Medical and health advice
  • Financial advice
  • Legal information
  • Safety-related topics

The Role of E-E-A-T

E-E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. These are the criteria Google uses to assess the quality of content on websites, particularly those dealing with YMYL topics. The Medic Update specifically targeted sites that ranked for YMYL keywords but lacked strong E-E-A-T signals. Here’s a breakdown of each component:

  • Expertise: The content should be created by individuals with expertise in the relevant field. For example, medical articles should be written or reviewed by healthcare professionals.
  • Authoritativeness: The website and its authors should be recognized as authorities in their respective fields. This can be established through credentials, professional recognition, and a strong reputation.
  • Trustworthiness: The content and the website should be trustworthy. This includes having accurate information, transparency about authorship, and secure website practices.

Impact on Different Sectors

The Google Medic Update primarily affected websites in the medical, legal, and financial sectors because these areas heavily rely on YMYL keywords. However, the update also had significant effects on:

  • News Sites: News websites that did not demonstrate high E-E-A-T saw reductions in their rankings.
  • Ecommerce Sites: Ecommerce platforms dealing with health products, financial services, or legal services were also impacted.
  • Public Information Sites: Websites providing public information on health, safety, or financial advice experienced changes in their search rankings.

Why Was It Called the Medic Update?

Although the update affected various sectors, it was nicknamed the Medic Update because a substantial number of impacted sites were related to medical and health topics. This sector saw some of the most significant changes, prompting the SEO community to adopt the "Medic Update" moniker.

How to Recover from the Medic Update

If your website was affected by the Google Medic Update, here are some steps to consider for recovery:

  1. Enhance E-E-A-T: Ensure your content is created by experts, establish authority, and build trust. Include author bios, credentials, and references to authoritative sources.
  2. Improve Content Quality: Regularly update your content to ensure it is accurate, comprehensive, and useful. Remove or revise low-quality content.
  3. Secure Your Website: Implement HTTPS to ensure a secure browsing experience for your users.
  4. Get Reviews and Testimonials: Positive reviews and testimonials from users can help establish trust and authority.
  5. Engage with the Community: Participate in industry forums, contribute to reputable sites, and build a strong online presence.


The Google Medic Update was a major shift in how Google evaluates and ranks websites, particularly those dealing with YMYL topics. By focusing on E-E-A-T, Google aimed to ensure that users receive high-quality, trustworthy information on critical topics. For website owners, understanding and enhancing E-E-A-T signals is crucial to maintaining and improving search rankings in the post-Medic Update landscape.

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