SEO Glossary / Google Hummingbird

Google Hummingbird

What is Google Hummingbird?

Google Hummingbird was a significant change to Google’s search algorithm, released in August 2013. This update marked one of the most substantial modifications to the search engine's core algorithm since 2001.

Google Hummingbird

Key Aspects of Google Hummingbird

1. Enhanced Understanding of Natural Language: The Hummingbird update allowed Google to better understand longer natural language queries by extracting the most important words and showing more relevant search results. This improvement was especially significant for mobile voice search, where search queries tend to be longer and more conversational.

2. Comprehensive Algorithm Rewrite: Matt Cutts, the former head of the web spam team at Google, described Hummingbird as a total rewrite of the core algorithm. This overhaul enabled more precise and efficient processing of search queries.

3. Significant Impact with Subtle Changes: Although Hummingbird affected around 90% of searches, its impact on the search results was not drastic. The changes were subtle but laid the groundwork for many future updates and improvements.

4. Focus on User Intent: One of the primary goals of Hummingbird was to understand the intent behind search queries better. By doing so, Google aimed to provide users with more accurate and relevant results.

Why is Google Hummingbird Important?

Google Hummingbird is important because it marked a shift towards understanding the context and intent behind search queries rather than just matching individual keywords. This shift has several implications:

  • Improved User Experience: By focusing on user intent, Hummingbird made it easier for users to find the information they were looking for, even if their queries were phrased in a natural, conversational manner.
  • Enhanced Mobile Search: As mobile search and voice search became more prevalent, Hummingbird's ability to handle longer, more complex queries was crucial for providing relevant results.
  • Foundation for Future Updates: Hummingbird set the stage for future updates like RankBrain and BERT, which further enhanced Google's ability to understand and process natural language.

Is Google Hummingbird an Algorithm?

No, Hummingbird was not a standalone algorithm like PageRank or RankBrain. It was a comprehensive rewrite of Google’s core algorithm, designed to improve the search engine's overall ability to understand and respond to search queries.


Google Hummingbird was a milestone in the evolution of search engines, shifting the focus towards understanding user intent and natural language queries. By enhancing the relevance and accuracy of search results, Hummingbird significantly improved the user experience and set the stage for future advancements in search technology.

For more insights into Google algorithm updates and SEO best practices, explore the Ranktracker Blog, Ranktracker SEO Glossary, and the Ranktracker SEO Guide.

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