SEO Glossary / Google Dance

Google Dance

What is Google Dance?

Google Dance is a term used in the SEO community to describe temporary ranking volatilities on Google’s Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). It often occurs with new websites or pages as Google tries to determine where they should rank.

Google Dance

Key Aspects of Google Dance

1. Temporary Ranking Volatility: Google Dance is characterized by fluctuations in search rankings. New websites or pages might experience significant movements in their position on the SERPs as Google evaluates their relevance and quality.

2. Impact of Algorithm Updates: For established websites, Google Dance can be explained by Google algorithm updates or temporary technical issues. These updates can cause shifts in rankings as Google adjusts its algorithms to provide better search results.

3. Historical Context: Before 2003, Google updated its index once a month. During this period, Google Dance referred to the transitional phase when the new index was being rolled out, causing significant ranking fluctuations.

4. Google Dance Events: Interestingly, Google Dance was also the name of a series of events organized by the Google Search Team. These events were designed for site owners, webmasters, and web developers to connect and learn more about search optimization.

Why is Google Dance Important?

Google Dance highlights the dynamic nature of search engine rankings. Understanding this phenomenon can help website owners and SEO professionals:

  • Adapt to Changes: By recognizing that ranking fluctuations are a normal part of Google's evaluation process, website owners can remain patient and avoid making hasty changes to their SEO strategies.
  • Monitor Algorithm Updates: Keeping track of Google algorithm updates can provide insights into why rankings might be fluctuating and what adjustments might be necessary.
  • Maintain SEO Best Practices: Ensuring that websites follow SEO best practices can help mitigate the effects of Google Dance and improve long-term ranking stability.


Google Dance is a natural part of the search engine ranking process, especially for new websites and during algorithm updates. By understanding its causes and effects, website owners can better navigate these fluctuations and maintain a strong SEO strategy.

For more insights into Google algorithm updates and SEO best practices, explore the Ranktracker Blog, Ranktracker SEO Glossary, and the Ranktracker SEO Guide.

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