SEO Glossary / FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

What is FTP (File Transfer Protocol)?

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a standard network protocol used for transferring data between computers over a TCP/IP-based network such as the Internet. FTP is commonly used to upload files from a local computer to a server, or to download files from a server to a local computer.

How Does FTP Work?

FTP operates in a client-server architecture where the client initiates a connection to the server to upload or download files. It uses separate control and data connections between the client and server:

  • Control Connection: Used to send commands from the client to the server and receive responses.
  • Data Connection: Used to transfer the actual files between the client and server.

Accessing FTP

FTP can be accessed in two primary ways:

  1. Graphical User Interface (GUI): Most people use an FTP client with a user-friendly interface to manage file transfers. These programs provide drag-and-drop functionality, making it easy to upload and download files.

  2. Command-Line Interface (CLI): Advanced users, particularly those using Unix or Linux systems, can use textual commands at the command prompt to interact with FTP servers. This method offers more control and scripting capabilities for automated tasks.

Several FTP programs are available, each offering unique features and ease of use. Two popular FTP programs include:

  • Filezilla: A free, open-source FTP client that supports FTP, SFTP, and FTPS. Filezilla is known for its user-friendly interface, drag-and-drop functionality, and robust features for managing file transfers.

  • Core FTP LE: A free FTP client for Windows that supports FTP, SFTP, and FTPS. Core FTP LE provides a simple interface, secure file transfers, and additional features like file synchronization and site-to-site transfers.

FTP Commands (CLI)

For users who prefer the command line, here are some common FTP commands used on Unix systems:

  • ftp [hostname]: Connects to the FTP server at the specified hostname.
  • ls: Lists the files and directories on the server.
  • cd [directory]: Changes the directory on the server.
  • get [filename]: Downloads a file from the server to the local machine.
  • put [filename]: Uploads a file from the local machine to the server.
  • bye: Ends the FTP session and disconnects from the server.


FTP (File Transfer Protocol) remains a fundamental tool for transferring files between computers, whether using graphical FTP clients like Filezilla and Core FTP LE or command-line interfaces on Unix systems. Understanding how FTP works and how to use it effectively can enhance your ability to manage files across different systems.

For more information on FTP and related tools, explore further resources and documentation provided by FTP client developers.

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