SEO Glossary / Domain Age

Domain Age

What is Domain Age?

Domain age refers to how long a domain has been registered. For example, a domain registered in 2015 will be considered ten years old in 2025.

Misconceptions About Domain Age and SEO

Many site owners believe that domain age is a Google ranking factor, leading them to prefer domains previously registered to other owners. However, Google’s search advocate, John Mueller, has clarified that domain age has zero SEO benefits.

Google's Stance on Domain Age

  • No SEO Benefit: Google has stated that the age of a domain does not affect its search engine rankings.
  • First Discovery Date: Google begins calculating domain age from the date it first discovers the domain, not the registration date. Therefore, it is not unusual for Google to consider your domain younger than its actual registration date.

Importance of Domain Age

While domain age itself is not a ranking factor, other related factors can indirectly impact your SEO:

  • Content Quality: Older domains may have more established content, which can contribute to better rankings if the content is high quality.
  • Backlinks: Domains that have been around longer might have accumulated more backlinks, which can positively impact SEO.
  • Trust and Authority: Over time, a domain can build trust and authority, especially if it has a history of providing valuable and reliable content.


Domain age refers to the length of time a domain has been registered, but it is not a ranking factor in Google's search algorithm. Instead, focus on creating high-quality content, building valuable backlinks, and establishing your site as a trusted authority in your niche to improve your SEO performance.

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