SEO Glossary / Disavow Backlinks

Disavow Backlinks

Disavow Backlinks is a feature in Google Search Console that allows website owners to request Google to ignore certain backlinks when assessing their site's ranking. This tool is used to mitigate the impact of spammy, artificial, or low-quality links that might harm a website's SEO performance.

When you use the Disavow Backlinks tool, you are essentially telling Google to disregard specific links that you believe are negatively affecting your site's ranking. Here is a basic outline of how it works:

  1. Identify Harmful Backlinks:

    • Use tools like Ranktracker to identify spammy or harmful backlinks.
  2. Create a Disavow File:

    • Compile a list of URLs or domains you want to disavow in a text file.
  3. Submit the Disavow File:

    • Upload the disavow file to Google Search Console.
  1. Protects Against Negative SEO:

    • Disavowing harmful backlinks can protect your site from negative SEO attacks where competitors build low-quality links to your site to damage its rankings.
  2. Maintains SEO Integrity:

    • By removing the influence of spammy backlinks, you help maintain the integrity and quality of your backlink profile, which is crucial for good SEO performance.
  3. Helps Recovery from Penalties:

    • If your site has been penalized by Google for unnatural links, disavowing those links can be a step towards recovery.
  1. Use with Caution:

    • Google warns that disavowing links is an advanced feature that should be used with caution. Incorrect use may negatively affect your site's ranking.
  2. Assess the Need:

    • Use the tool only if you have a considerable number of spammy or low-quality links and if you are confident that these links are causing issues for your site.
  3. Combine with Other Actions:

    • Disavowing links should be part of a broader strategy that includes removing or improving the quality of content on your site and building high-quality backlinks.
  1. Identify Harmful Links:

    • Use a tool like Ranktracker to analyze your backlink profile and identify harmful links.
  2. Prepare the Disavow File:

    • Create a text file with a list of URLs or domains to disavow. Each line should contain one URL or domain.
  3. Submit the Disavow File:

    • Go to Google Search Console, navigate to the Disavow Links tool, and upload your disavow file.


The Disavow Backlinks tool is a powerful feature in Google Search Console that helps website owners protect their sites from the negative effects of spammy or low-quality backlinks. However, it should be used with caution and as part of a comprehensive SEO strategy to ensure the best results.

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