SEO Glossary / Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

What is a Content Delivery Network (CDN)?

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a geographically distributed network of servers that work together to allow faster transfer of assets required for loading content, such as HTML pages, images, videos, and JavaScript files. Also known as Content Distribution Networks, CDNs introduce intermediary servers at strategically located data centers to store and deliver cached content. Their main goal is to reduce the physical distance between the website’s origin server and the end user.

Example of CDN in Action

Suppose a website’s origin server is based in Japan. If a user from the EU wanted to access it, the CDN would serve them from an edge server located in the EU. The content is delivered from the proxy server that’s physically closer to the user rather than the origin server in Japan.

Evolution of CDNs

CDNs have evolved over time and can be categorized into three generations:

  • First Gen (Static CDN): Released in 1997
  • Second Gen (Dynamic CDN): Released in 2001
  • Third Gen (Multi-Purpose CDN): Released in 2010

Some leading providers of CDN solutions today include CloudFlare, Akamai, CDN77, and Amazon CloudFront.

How Does a CDN Work?

Without a CDN, a browser would connect to the site’s origin server and request content. With a CDN, the browser requests content from one of the edge servers, typically the one closest to the user. The edge server forwards the request to the origin server, caches the files for subsequent requests, and delivers the data to the user.

CDNs store a cached version of the content in several geographical locations worldwide, known as Points of Presence (PoPs). Each PoP contains multiple proxy servers responsible for communicating with users in their vicinity and reducing the distance that content must travel to reach them.

How CDNs Determine Content Delivery

When a user wants to access a website, the CDN dynamically calculates which of the CDN edge servers is nearest to them and delivers content based on that.

Why are CDNs Important?

Improved User Experience

The main role of CDNs is to reduce website load times by ensuring content is delivered from edge servers closer to the end-user, significantly improving the user experience.

Load Balancing

CDNs play an important role in load balancing. If a website experiences a sudden surge in web traffic, CDNs can distribute these requests across multiple servers, avoiding overloading a single server and maintaining website performance.

Improved Availability

Even if the origin server crashes, the CDN will continue to serve cached content from one of the available edge servers, ensuring uninterrupted service.

Enhanced Security

CDNs also improve website security. They can manage traffic spikes and are resistant to certain cybersecurity threats, including Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. CDNs can also protect websites through Web Application Firewalls (WAF), which analyze and channel traffic, blocking questionable requests and preventing threats like cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection attacks.

Does Using a CDN Affect Your SEO?

Using CDNs generally does not affect a website’s ranking directly. However, CDNs improve website performance, mainly loading speed, which in turn enhances the user experience and leads to better Core Web Vitals scores.

Common Misconceptions

Some concerns were raised about hosting images on CDN domains potentially harming their ranking in organic search results. However, it has been clarified by Google representatives that whether you use the same domain to host images makes no difference SEO-wise and has no impact on how these images rank.


What is CDN vs. DNS?

DNS stands for Domain Name System. It translates domain names into Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, allowing users to access websites without memorizing the IP address. When the browser requests a domain managed by a CDN, the DNS server determines the best edge servers to handle that request based on the IP address.

What is a CDN Server?

CDN servers are intermediary servers within a Content Delivery Network responsible for storing and delivering cached content, thus decreasing the distance between the content and the end user.

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