SEO Glossary / Comment Spam

Comment Spam

What is Comment Spam?

Comment spam refers to content posted in the comment sections of blogs, forums, and other online platforms by bots or blackhat advertisers. These comments typically consist of irrelevant or repetitive text, often containing SEO links, advertisements, or other spammy content.

Purpose of Comment Spam

The primary goals of comment spam are:

  1. SEO Manipulation:

    • Spammers attempt to improve their site's search engine rankings by posting links in comment sections, aiming to generate backlinks.
  2. Advertising:

    • Comment spam often includes promotional content for products, services, or websites, aiming to drive traffic and sales through unsolicited advertisements.
  3. Malicious Intent:

    • Some comment spam may include links to malicious sites designed to harm users or their devices through malware or phishing attempts.

Impact of Comment Spam

  1. Degraded User Experience:

    • Comment spam clutters the comment section with irrelevant and unwanted content, making it difficult for genuine users to engage in meaningful discussions.
  2. Damage to Website Reputation:

    • A site filled with spam comments appears unmoderated and unprofessional, potentially driving away visitors and damaging the site's credibility.
  3. SEO Penalties:

    • Excessive spam links can lead to penalties from search engines, as they may perceive the site as engaging in or endorsing blackhat SEO practices.

Preventing and Managing Comment Spam

  1. Use Anti-Spam Plugins:

    • Many content management systems (CMS) offer plugins or tools specifically designed to filter out spam comments. Examples include Akismet for WordPress.
  2. Implement CAPTCHA:

    • Requiring users to complete CAPTCHA challenges can help differentiate between human users and bots, reducing automated spam submissions.
  3. Enable Moderation:

    • Set up a moderation system where comments must be approved by an admin before being published. This allows for manual screening of spam.
  4. Disable Comments:

    • On pages where user interaction through comments is not necessary, consider disabling the comment feature to eliminate spam opportunities.
  5. Blacklist Keywords and IP Addresses:

    • Create a list of common spam keywords and phrases to automatically block or flag comments containing them. Additionally, block IP addresses known for spamming.


Comment spam is a persistent issue that negatively impacts user experience and website reputation. By understanding its purposes and employing effective prevention and management strategies