SEO Glossary / Bottom of the Funnel Content (BOFU)

Bottom of the Funnel Content (BOFU)

What is Bottom of the Funnel Content (BOFU)?

Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU) content refers to content targeted toward users, visitors, and prospects in the final stage of the buying process. This is usually the last content they interact with before purchasing a product or service.

Purpose of BOFU Content

BOFU content is intended to persuade prospects to purchase the product or service. While its primary goal is to drive conversions, BOFU content is not purely sales-oriented; it also aims to provide value and address any remaining objections or concerns the prospect might have.

Examples of BOFU Content

  1. Pricing Pages:

    • Detailed pages outlining the cost of products or services, often including different plans or packages.
  2. Alternative Pages:

    • Pages comparing the product or service with competitors to highlight advantages.
  3. Comparison Pages:

    • Side-by-side comparisons of different products or services to help prospects make informed decisions.
  4. Product Demonstrations:

    • Videos or interactive demos showcasing how the product works and its benefits.
  5. Testimonials:

    • Positive feedback and endorsements from satisfied customers.
  6. Reviews:

    • Detailed reviews from customers or third-party sources that highlight the product's strengths and benefits.
  7. Case Studies:

    • In-depth analyses of how the product or service has successfully solved problems for other customers.
  8. Webinars:

    • Live or recorded sessions providing valuable insights and demonstrating the product's features and benefits.
  9. Use Cases:

    • Real-world examples of how the product or service can be used to achieve specific results.

Importance of BOFU Content

BOFU content is crucial for:

  • Driving Conversions: By addressing last-minute objections and providing compelling reasons to buy, BOFU content helps convert prospects into customers.
  • Building Trust: Testimonials, reviews, and case studies build trust and credibility, reassuring prospects about their purchase decision.
  • Providing Clarity: Detailed pricing, comparisons, and demonstrations help prospects understand the value and benefits of the product or service, making the decision-making process easier.


Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU) content plays a vital role in the final stage of the buying process. By creating persuasive and valuable BOFU content such as pricing pages, testimonials, and product demonstrations, businesses can effectively convert prospects into loyal customers.

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