SEO Glossary / Below the Fold

Below the Fold

What is Below the Fold?

Below the fold refers to the area of a webpage that becomes visible only when the visitor scrolls down the page. This contrasts with above the fold, which refers to the part the visitor can view without scrolling.

Understanding Below the Fold

The area considered above or below the fold is not fixed. It varies based on the zoom settings on the browser and the device from which the webpage is accessed. Factors influencing this include:

  • Device Type: Desktops generally allow more content to be displayed above the fold compared to mobile devices.
  • Zoom Settings: Zooming out displays more content above the fold, while zooming in displays less.

Example: Above and Below the Fold

For example, consider the area above and below the fold on the same webpage when viewed using a desktop browser and a mobile device at 100% zoom:

  • Desktop Browser:
    • More content is visible above the fold due to the larger screen size.
  • Mobile Device:
    • Less content is visible above the fold due to the smaller screen size.

Implications for Web Design

Understanding the concept of below the fold is crucial for web design and user experience:

  1. Content Placement:

    • Place critical information and call-to-actions (CTAs) above the fold to ensure they are immediately visible to users.
  2. User Engagement:

    • Design engaging content that encourages users to scroll down and explore what is below the fold.
  3. Responsive Design:

    • Ensure your design adapts to various screen sizes and resolutions, providing a seamless experience across devices.


The concept of below the fold highlights the importance of strategic content placement on a webpage. By considering how different devices and browser settings affect what users see without scrolling, you can design more effective and engaging web pages that cater to a wide audience.

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