SEO Glossary / Aggregation Sites

Aggregation Sites

What are Aggregation Sites?

Aggregation sites are websites that collect and provide links to up-to-date articles or sources on specific topics, such as world news, financial news, or other content niches. These sites can operate in two main ways:

  1. Manual Aggregation: Editors manually select and link to articles.
  2. Automated Aggregation: Bots locate and post links to articles automatically.

Types of Aggregation Sites

1. News Aggregators

These sites collect news articles from various sources and present them in one place. Examples include Google News and Yahoo News.

2. Content Aggregators

These sites collect content based on specific interests or niches, such as technology, health, or finance. Examples include Feedly and Flipboard.

3. Deal Aggregators

These sites collect deals, discounts, and offers from various e-commerce sites. Examples include RetailMeNot and Honey.

4. Job Aggregators

These sites compile job listings from various employment websites. Examples include Indeed and SimplyHired.

SEO Implications of Aggregation Sites

Positive Ranking Potential

Aggregation sites with curated content can have a positive impact on SEO. These sites add value by providing original titles, editorial content, and context around the aggregated links. This approach enhances user experience and can improve the site's authority and ranking potential.

Negative Ranking Potential

On the other hand, aggregation sites that rely solely on automated posting of headlines with no added value are often seen by Google as having negligible or even negative value. These sites may be penalized or devalued in search rankings due to their lack of unique content and potential for being perceived as low-quality or spammy.

Best Practices for Optimizing Aggregation Sites

1. Curate Content

Even if using automated tools, ensure that content is curated. Add original titles, summaries, and editorial insights to provide additional value to users.

2. Focus on Quality

Select high-quality, reputable sources to aggregate from. This not only improves the user experience but also signals to search engines that your site is a reliable resource.

3. Add Original Content

Complement aggregated links with original content. This could include opinion pieces, analysis, or additional information that enriches the aggregated content.

4. Optimize Metadata

Ensure that each page has unique and descriptive metadata, including title tags and meta descriptions. This helps search engines understand the context and relevance of your content.

5. Use Structured Data

Implement structured data (schema markup) to help search engines understand the content on your site better. This can improve visibility in search results.

6. Regular Updates

Keep your site updated with the latest and most relevant content. Regular updates signal to search engines that your site is active and current.

7. User Engagement

Encourage user engagement through comments, ratings, and social sharing. This can increase user retention and signal to search engines that your content is valuable and engaging.

Video on Aggregated Content

Below is a video from Google discussing the impact of aggregated content on SEO:

Insert Video Clip from Google about Aggregated Content


Aggregation sites can be a valuable resource for users looking for curated content on specific topics. By focusing on quality, adding original content, and following best SEO practices, aggregation sites can achieve positive search engine rankings and provide a valuable service to their audience.


What is the difference between manual and automated aggregation?

Manual aggregation involves human editors selecting and linking to content, while automated aggregation relies on bots to gather and post links.

Can aggregation sites rank well on Google?

Yes, aggregation sites can rank well on Google if they provide valuable, curated content with added editorial insights and original titles.

How can I avoid being penalized by Google for aggregated content?

Avoid relying solely on automated aggregation. Ensure your site provides original content, curates high-quality sources, and offers additional value to users. Implement best SEO practices to maintain a positive ranking.

Are there tools to help with content aggregation?

Yes, tools like Feedly, Flipboard, and various RSS feed aggregators can help gather content, but ensure that the final presentation is curated and enriched with original content.

What types of aggregation sites are there?

Common types include news aggregators, content aggregators, deal aggregators, and job aggregators, each serving different user needs and niches.

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