SEO Glossary / 451 Unavailable for Legal Reasons

451 Unavailable for Legal Reasons

The 451 Unavailable for Legal Reasons HTTP status code explicitly states that legal restrictions prevent access to a webpage. Web servers use this code to notify users that a government order, copyright infringement, or other legal demands enforce the content’s unavailability.

Why Use the 451 Status Code?

The 451 status code is used to clearly communicate that access to the requested content is restricted due to legal reasons. This transparency helps users understand that the restriction is not due to technical issues or content relocation but is a result of compliance with legal obligations.

Key Reasons for Using 451 Status Code:

  1. Government Orders: Legal restrictions imposed by government authorities that require the content to be inaccessible.
  2. Copyright Infringement: Compliance with copyright laws that mandate the removal or blocking of infringing content.
  3. Other Legal Demands: Any other legal demands that necessitate the unavailability of the content, such as court orders or legal settlements.

How to Implement the 451 Status Code

To implement the 451 status code, configure your web server to respond with this specific code when legal requirements dictate the blocking of content. Here’s how you can set it up on popular web servers:


In your Apache configuration file or .htaccess file, you can use the ErrorDocument directive to specify a custom 451 error page:

ErrorDocument 451 /error-pages/451.html

Then, create a condition to serve this error page for specific URLs or conditions:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/restricted-content$
RewriteRule .* - [R=451,L]


In your Nginx configuration file, you can set up a custom error page for the 451 status code:

error_page 451 /error-pages/451.html;

location /restricted-content {
    return 451;

Implications of the 451 Status Code

User Transparency

By using the 451 status code, you provide clear communication to users about the unavailability of content due to legal reasons. This transparency helps build trust and understanding with your audience.

SEO Considerations

Search engines recognize the 451 status code and understand that the content is unavailable due to legal reasons, which helps maintain the integrity of your website’s SEO. However, the content will not be indexed while the 451 status is in place.

Implementing the 451 status code ensures that your website complies with legal requirements and avoids potential legal penalties.


The 451 Unavailable for Legal Reasons HTTP status code is a critical tool for webmasters to communicate the legal unavailability of content. By clearly indicating that access is restricted due to legal obligations, you can maintain transparency with users and ensure compliance with legal demands. Proper implementation of this status code can help manage user expectations and protect your website from legal repercussions.

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