SEO Glossary / 307 Temporary Redirect

307 Temporary Redirect

What is a 307 Temporary Redirect?

The 307 Temporary Redirect HTTP status code signals that a webpage’s location has temporarily moved to a new URL. Unlike the 302 Found status, which can be used more loosely for temporary redirections, the 307 redirect strictly maintains the original request method when redirecting to the new location.

Why Use the 307 Status Code?

The 307 status code is used to indicate that the redirection is temporary and the original URL will be back in use shortly. It is particularly important for preserving the request method (e.g., GET, POST) during redirection, ensuring that the client’s request details remain unchanged.

Key Reasons for Using 307 Status Code:

  1. Preservation of Request Method: Ensures that the request method remains unchanged during the redirection process.
  2. Temporary Relocation: Communicates that the content is temporarily located at a different URL and will be back to the original URL soon.
  3. User and Search Engine Clarity: Provides clear information to users and search engines that the redirection is temporary.

How to Implement the 307 Status Code

To implement a 307 status code, configure your web server to respond with this specific code when a temporary redirection is needed. Here’s how you can set it up on popular web servers:


In your Apache configuration file or .htaccess file, you can use the Redirect directive to specify a temporary redirection with the 307 status code:

Redirect 307 /old-page.html /new-location.html


In your Nginx configuration file, you can set up a 307 temporary redirect using the return directive:

location /old-page {
    return 307 /new-location;

Implications of the 307 Status Code

User Experience

The 307 status code ensures a seamless user experience by maintaining the original request method and informing users that the content is temporarily moved. Users can continue their interactions without any disruption.

SEO Considerations

Search engines recognize the 307 status code and understand that the redirection is temporary. This helps maintain the SEO value of the original URL and signals that it will be back in use shortly.

HTTP Method Preservation

One of the key features of the 307 status code is the preservation of the HTTP method. Unlike the 302 redirect, the 307 redirect ensures that if a POST request is made to the original URL, the same POST request is made to the new URL.

Best Practices for Using 307 Status Code

1. Use for Short-Term Redirections

The 307 status code should be used for short-term redirections where the original URL is expected to be back in use soon. For long-term or permanent redirections, consider using the 301 Moved Permanently status code.

2. Ensure Correct Configuration

Ensure that your web server is correctly configured to use the 307 status code and that the request method is preserved during redirection.

3. Inform Users and Search Engines

Make sure users and search engines understand that the redirection is temporary. This can help manage expectations and preserve the SEO value of the original URL.


The 307 Temporary Redirect HTTP status code is an important tool for webmasters to handle temporary relocations of web pages while preserving the original request method. By using the 307 status code appropriately, you can ensure a smooth user experience, maintain SEO value, and comply with HTTP specifications. Proper implementation and clear communication are key to leveraging the benefits of the 307 status code.

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