SEO Glossary / 301 Redirect

301 Redirect

What is a 301 Redirect?

A 301 redirect is a permanent method of redirection that signals to browsers and search engines that a web page or resource has been moved to a new location. When a user or a search engine requests the old URL, the server responds with a 301 HTTP status code and directs them to the new URL.

Importance of 301 Redirects

301 redirects play a crucial role in maintaining the health and performance of your website. Here are the key reasons why they are important

  • Prevents 404 Errors When a URL changes, users attempting to access the old URL would encounter a 404 Page Not Found error without a redirect in place. A 301 redirect ensures that they are seamlessly taken to the new URL.

  • Preserves SEO Value The 301 redirect transfers the link equity from the old URL to the new one. This means that all the SEO value (PageRank) accrued by the old URL is passed on to the new URL.

  • Canonicalization Helps in consolidating various URLs that may point to the same content, thus avoiding duplicate content issues and ensuring that search engines index the correct version.

When to Use a 301 Redirect

301 redirects should be used in several scenarios to ensure optimal website performance and user experience

  1. Content Relocation When content is moved to a new URL, a 301 redirect from the old URL to the new one ensures continuity.

  2. Domain Migration When permanently moving a website to a new domain, 301 redirects help transfer all traffic and link equity from the old domain to the new one.

  3. Standardizing URLs To ensure all pages are accessible via a preferred URL standard, such as switching from HTTP to HTTPS.

  4. Merging Pages When consolidating multiple pages into a single page to improve content quality and relevance.

Implementing 301 Redirects

The method for implementing a 301 redirect depends on the server and CMS used by your website. Here are some common methods

Apache Server (.htaccess File)

To redirect a single page, you would add the following line to your .htaccess file

Redirect 301 /old-page.html /new-page.html

This file is typically located in the root directory of your website.

Windows/IIS Server

Use the web.config file to set up redirects. For specific instructions, refer to relevant guides for IIS.

Nginx Server

Add the following directive to your server block configuration

rewrite ^/old-page.html$ /new-page.html permanent;


Simplify the process with SEO plugins like RankMath or Redirection. These plugins provide an easy interface to manage 301 redirects without editing server files.

Identifying and Fixing 301 Redirect Issues

Use Ranktracker’s Site Audit Tools to find and resolve 301 redirect issues. Here are common problems and their fixes

1. HTTP to HTTPS Migration

  • Ensure all pages redirect from HTTP to HTTPS.

  • Use Ranktracker’s Site Audit to verify that all redirects are correctly implemented.

2. Redirect Chains

  • Avoid having multiple redirects (redirect chains) between the original URL and the destination URL.

  • Directly redirect to the final destination page to improve load times and user experience.

3. Broken Redirects

  • Identify redirects that lead to a 404 Not Found page.

  • Fix by removing faulty links, restoring the missing pages, or updating the redirect targets.

4. 301 Redirects in Sitemaps

  • Remove URLs that have been permanently redirected from your sitemap.

  • Use Ranktracker’s Site Audit to identify and update these entries to prevent unnecessary crawling by search engines.

  • Regularly check for external links that have been redirected to irrelevant or harmful pages.

  • Use Ranktracker’s tools to discover these links and update or remove them as necessary.

By following these guidelines, you can maintain the integrity of your website’s SEO and ensure a seamless experience for your users.

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