Table of Contents
- How to Generate Leads
- Content Creation and its Importance
- Should You Specialize?
- Generating Leads
- Case Studies
- Customer Reviews
- Looking the Part
- Know Why You’re Creating Content in the First Place
- Considering Keyword Intent
- Coming Up With Your Content
- Finding Your Content Writers
- Wrapping Up Your Content Creation Plan
- Know Your Audience
If you operate in the SEO field, then you likely know how important it is to be able to generate leads for your agency. Remember that your company’s success is highly dependent on how many leads you’re able to generate successfully. While there are countless strategies that you can use to come up with leads, the most popular strategies won’t always work for every business.
For businesses that are just getting started, it’s important to begin your strategy at the ground floor. This is because you’re unlikely to get the most out of your lead generation strategy unless you understand its basics.
By generating leads, you’ll be able to create a consistent demand for what your agency provides your customers. Eventually, you can even automate many of your business processes when you have sufficient leads. While it’s great to plan out these grandiose operations, you’ll have to know a bit more about the basics first.
Let’s start by addressing what leads are in the first place. A lead is a company that is interested in your business and what your business has to provide. Generating leads is a matter of creating content, writing that content, and then using that content to get customers to buy things from your business.
Cold calling is one of the oldest ways of generating leads, but it’s gradually falling out of style with customers who have grown sick of the process. There are more nuanced ways to generate leads without potentially aggravating them or costing your callers their sanity.
How to Generate Leads
So if you can’t cold call your customers, how are you going to create leads in the first place? Let’s go over the basics of creating leads for your SEO agency.
We’re going to discuss a range of techniques that you can use to create quality leads over the course of this guide. Using these techniques, you’ll be able to draw attention to your business, making it all the more popular. Here are the strategies you’ll be using:
Content creation: This allows you to create material that will draw people in to your business. For example, you can create web page content, blog posts, and other kinds of articles that will convince people to buy products and services from your company.
Basic remarketing: If you have a decent marketing budget, then you’ll be able to retarget/remarket ads to people who have already browsed your pages.
Ad funneling: This strategy consists of using ads to promote your product and market it. By effectively targeting your ads, you’ll attract people who are interested in what you have to offer.
Networking groups: Getting in touch with similar businesses will allow you to learn more about the approaches that they’re adopting. This will benefit you as much as it will them.
Meetups: Much like networking groups, meetups allow you to get in touch with like-minded individuals, but these take place in person. Host them at your workspace or participate in meetups at other firms’ offices.
Cold outreach: There are certain cases in which cold calling or cold contact will allow you to get results, especially if your audience is open to the idea of being cold contacted.
Talking to people: Simply being sociable, likeable, and willing to talk to other people will open up networking opportunities that you likely wouldn’t have had otherwise.
Guest posting: Guest posts will allow you to feature your content on sites that are in similar niches to you. Be sure to build up a working relationship with the people running these businesses.
Referrals: Get referrals by talking to clients you’ve worked with before. Encourage these clients to speak on your behalf so that they can lend credibility to your business.
Content Creation and its Importance
Before getting into more advanced strategies used to generate leads, you’ll have to know the basics. The basics consist of content creation, and you’ve likely heard people extolling its virtues and its importance. Content makes up the building blocks that you’ll use to create your SEO agency’s reputation.
Having poor content means that you won’t be able to tell your prospective clients what you want to. This will also make your leads doubt you because if you can’t create good content for your own business, how are you going to be able to create content for other companies?
Your content creation strategy will form the basis of your business, so if you’re not going to take it seriously, you’re going to build everything on a shaky foundation. Generating leads will become far simpler if you know everything there is to know about making good content.
If you don’t have quality content, then it will become harder for you to market your services or to even let your leads know what it is you do in the first place. After all, a huge part of ensuring that a lead turns into a customer is convincing them that they need your services.
To build up your reputation, you’ll want to start by creating quality content that people will want to read. Building relationships is based on how well your business is known, and content will get you out there. Overlooking content is a bad idea because your marketing strategy may not even work without quality content.
There are four things you need to know about creating content before you start doing so:
Content is Underrated
One of the biggest mistakes that many SEO firms make is that they fail to put the right amount of importance into their content marketing. This includes large firms that have a huge marketing budget, and they often make the mistake of marketing based on their clients needs and not what their firm needs.
You need to create personal content if you want to make it easier for your clients to know more about what your agency does. This makes it easier to get traffic and it also gives people a reason to like your agency. When people know more about what your business does, they’ll be more likely to become loyal fans of your business.
Properly Implementing Content
Many agencies make the mistake of thinking that content merely consists of blog posts and long pillar articles. This isn’t really the case, however. Content includes things like “About Us” pages and even your ads. You’ll need to work on a few different areas to ensure that you have quality content. Just remember that good content will help you generate good leads.
However, you’ll also want to make sure that you keep your content as varied as possible. If you’re looking to generate quality leads, you’ll need to make sure that your ads are creative. You’ll also want to make sure that you keep updating existing pieces of content to ensure that they’re always relevant. Focus on content you know your audience wants to hear about.
Always Keep Growing
If you want to make sure that your content keeps evolving, you’ll need to consider your needs as your business expands. Remember that only you know your brand. You’ll have to create new content for your own business, but it isn’t always as simple as you think.
As your business grows, your growth rate will become exponential, which will make it harder and harder to manage. If you’re too busy managing your business’s growth, you may have to outsource your content needs.
The simplest way is to hire other people who can deal with the content creation so you don’t have to do it yourself. However, you’ll have to take care when you hire people to handle your content creation.
Don’t Be Afraid to Make Expenditures
Knowing when to invest is often a problem for growing SEO firms. If you don’t know where to invest your money, you won’t necessarily be able to benefit from it. Keep in mind that you’ll need to account for your monetary disadvantage if you’re competing with larger firms with more money available.
One of the most important things you can do is have enough trust in yourself and what your business can do. You’ll have to invest in how you market your agency as well as coming up with strategies that will get you the biggest possible return on your investment. We can’t stress enough how important it is to make investments that you have faith in.
Should You Specialize?
Knowing when to specialize your business model is a crucial part of creating quality content. The area that you specialize in is your niche. As you may already know, there are countless niches that you can choose between. There are pros and cons to choosing a niche for your content.
It’s crucial to understand how a specialist SEO agency works and how a more general one operates. Whereas general agencies typically cater to the SEO needs of all clients, that isn’t always the case for speciality agencies. These SEO businesses usually only work with a single type of SEO.
Keep in mind that there is no single kind of SEO agency that will work best. Remember that what you prefer matters more than anything. You need to do what you love and love what you do. If SEO is your passion, you’ll need to focus on general SEO.
However, if SEO is a method that you’re going to use to benefit off of one of your other passions, you may be better off specializing in that domain.
Niche SEO is growing dramatically over time, and it’s more popular than it has ever been. Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of working in niche SEO.
Pros of Adopting a Niche
You have expertise in your domain
It’s easier to write copy and work with copywriters
You have key knowledge available to insiders
You have a more reliable client base
You can undercut the competition
It’s harder to lose clients
The knowledge that you know will make it easier to get a customer’s attention
Cons of Adopting a Niche
You can lose focus on other things
You’ll have stiffer competition
You won’t have access to as many clients
It’ll be harder to distinguish yourself in a niche
If you want to stand out, you’ll need to make sure your strategies and ideas unique
Only you can decide what kind of direction you want to steer your SEO agency in. The most significant advantage of running a general SEO business is that you’ll have access to more clients. Finding customers won’t be all that hard.
However, the main advantage to running a specialized SEO agency is that you’ll have more loyal customers that are more likely to stick around.
Generating Leads
Content creation will allow you to generate leads more easily than you would otherwise. However, there are a few things that you’ll have to account for in advance. The following points will cover what you should know when it comes to generating leads as an SEO agency.
Case Studies
Case studies are studies that allow you to provide examples of how your business operates and what you’ll be able to do for your clients. These will allow you to create a standard by which your clients will be able to judge your business. In the simplest terms, a case study will show a business what will happen if they work with you.
You need to make sure that you have case studies available so that you’re able to demonstrate what you can do for your clientele. This will ensure that you can get the best possible clients in the future because there will be written evidence about what your business can accomplish.
Another advantage is that case studies can help stimulate traffic to your site. If people know more about your work, then they’ll be more likely to be interested in it in the first place. A case study will make it easier for you to show the work you do and what you can do for them.
The Importance of Case Studies
Here are a few reasons why case studies are so crucial for a business looking to secure leads.
Case Studies Show Results
The whole point of doing business is to get results. What clients need to know is what kind of results they can expect from you. Results are more important to clients than any marketing materials you can put out there. Case studies will allow your clients to see if you’ll give them the results you promise based on what you’ve done in the past.
Case Studies Help Smooth the Sales Process
If you’re trying to streamline sales, then using case studies will make it easier for you to convince potential clients that you’re worth doing business with. Since more and more firms are using case studies in their sales processes, you’ll be left in the dust if you fail to come forward with examples of why you’re worth working with in particular.
You Need Your Own Case Studies
Keep in mind that finding case studies from third parties may be effective enough to persuade some clients, this won’t always be the case. Some clients want to see original case studies conducted by your business so that they can see how what you specifically makes you better than the competition.
Where to Find Case Studies
As we just mentioned, it’s usually a good idea to conduct your own case studies so that you can demonstrate the advantages of working with your business. However, if you’d like to take the easy way out and get your hands on some case studies from third parties, there are a few places where you can find them.
For example, KlientBoost has pages upon pages of case studies that you can potentially use to show that the model you’re using will be beneficial to the client. Keep in mind that the case studies on this site are all paid, so you may have to invest in some of them.
Remember that you won’t need a huge number of case studies to prove to a client that you can do the job. Simply conducting one or two case studies of your own will make it a lot easier to prove to your potential clients that they do indeed want to work with you.
Devising Your Own Case Studies
Remember that coming up with case studies may not be quite as cut and dry as you expect it to be. Remember that clients don’t want to have to browse through a million pages to get to your point. You’ll want to make your case studies concise so that you can show them right away that you can solve their issues.
There are four major sections of a case study:
Think of the Client
Start by discussing who the client was for this particular case study. This will allow the lead reading it to relate their business to what that original client was doing. Keep this section short and to-the-point. Leads won’t want to read about another client ad nauseam.
What’s the Client’s Issue?
In this part of your case study, you’ll want to go over the main issue that the client was facing when they came to you. Cover the history of how the client got to that point so that, once again, your future clients will be able to relate their issues to the problems that the prior client was dealing with.
How Can You Solve It?
At this point, you can start getting into what you did so that you could solve your client’s issue. Come up with quality solutions and break them down so that future clients can understand exactly what you did to fix the problem. This will make them understand that you possess the necessary knowledge to help them out.
This part of your case study should be one of the largest, along with the final part in which you cover the results of your work.
Demonstrate Results
At this point, you’ll need to start talking about the results of the job you did. Go over how things were before you worked with the client and then demonstrate meaningful changes in the client’s business so that your leads will have a better idea of how your actions ended up having an impact.
When you know how to create case studies, you’ll be able to dramatically increase the traffic to your site and you’ll also draw in people who are ready and willing to enlist your services.
Customer Reviews
Reviews are similar to case studies in that they’ll show your clients that you’ll get the job done for them. It’s a lot easier for a new client to trust you if they see that a client who previously worked for you got everything that they wanted out of your service.
Reviews are one of the most popular methods that an SEO agency can use to generate leads for themselves. This will make it easier to let your leads know that they can invest their money and time into your venture because they will be able to see that they’ll get things in return.
Remember that the person or business writing the review is also crucial. A review from an established business will mean a lot more than one that originates from a random person. Here are some of the things you have to know about reviews and what they can do for you.
Where Your Reviews Should Be Featured
There are plenty of platforms on which you can feature your reviews so that clients will be able to see them as soon as possible. Picking the right platforms on which you can showcase your reviews will allow you to appeal to your clients in a way that wouldn’t be possible if they were simply on your website.
The platforms that we’re going to discuss are open to all clients so that they can make a review about your services. Keep in mind that there really aren’t that many people out there writing fake reviews for SEO agencies, so these platforms are relatively trustworthy. Here are some of the main platforms:
Google My Business
Google My Business is one of the most popular platforms for reviews of businesses and the main advantage is that it contributes to your organic searches. Whenever people search for your business, these reviews will be right there in their faces.
Keep in mind that the sources of GMB reviews are often verified to ensure that they’re authentic, so they’ll add an extra layer of credibility to your business. However, the main benefit is the high degree of visibility that these reviews have.
Clutch is a platform that is growing steadily and it’s a great place for businesses in the SEO domain. This platform is considered credible and trustworthy, which will ensure that your leads take it seriously.
Clutch is more than just a review platform, however. It will also make it easier for prospective clients to get in touch with firms that can accomplish the work that they need done. This site is known in the SEO industry for driving traffic to lesser-known SEO firms.
Facebook is a great way to generate leads, and if you intend to incorporate Facebook into your lead generation strategies, you’ll need to make sure that you have some reviews featured on your agency’s Facebook page. This will improve the value of your social media pages and will also ensure that more people come to your Facebook page in the first place.
All of this comes together to make Facebook relatively cheap and fast when it comes to getting organic leads.
How to Increase Traffic
Keep in mind that SEO has been around long enough that you are likely not the first person in your region to decide to open up a company that specializes in it. This means that you’ll have plenty of competitors and that you’ll need to create a listing for your agency.
You can search on Google for agency listings so that you can make your agency a part of them. Simply enter the keywords related to your business into the search bar and look for listings. You’ll be sure to find them soon.
When you find listings related to your business, you will want to do what you can to get your business listed on them. Contact the person running the listings and you’ll be likely to find your agency featured on them sooner rather than later.
Getting Reviews from Clients
Many SEO firms don’t know how to approach their clients for reviews, and if you’re afraid to approach your clients for them, you’ll likely never get any reviews. However, reviews are a crucial part of generating leads for your business, and without them, you’ll end up suffering.
This doesn’t mean that you should throw all social etiquette out of the window and hound your clients for reviews. If you do that, you’re unlikely to end up getting good reviews in the first place. If you want detailed reviews, you’re going to have to put some thought and effort into how you approach your client.
In this part of our guide, we’re going to take a look at some of the best approaches that you can use to get your clients to write detailed and helpful reviews that will spur on lead generation.
Email Them
One excellent technique that you can use to get reviews from your clients is emailing them. Start off by giving them thanks for working with you and then go into whether or not they can write a review for you. This email should contain the level of detail that you want your client to have in the review as well as anything that you can provide for them in exchange for the review.
Remember that writing a review takes time and effort, so you may have to sometimes incentivize your client so that they’ll go through the effort of putting the review together in the first place.
Link Them a Feedback Questionnaire
If you want to use a method that’s easier to share, you can also share a feedback questionnaire with your clients. This will have a range of questions pre-written that will go into the kind of service that you provided your clients. This will make it easier for a client to provide their feedback without having to structure the review themselves. Be sure to include a section at the end of the form in which the clients can put their thoughts.
Customer Testimonials vs. Reviews: What’s the Difference?
Many assume that testimonials and reviews are identical, but this isn’t always the case. In fact, you’ll often find it harder to get someone to leave a testimonial for your business than it would be for them to leave a review. There are two major kinds of testimonials that people tend to leave:
Written testimonials
Video testimonials
Video testimonials tend to have more of an impact than written ones because you actually have to tape someone talking about how your company performed. You can get your clients to make video testimonials of their own or you can stock a studio with the materials that you need to tape your clients.
Keep in mind that video testimonials are often a little more expensive, but that’s the price you pay for their additional impact.
Written testimonials are less influential than video testimonials, but they tend to be easier to get your hands on. The main thing you want out of a video testimonial is for it to be written by someone who is a relatively big deal in their field.
A great thing about testimonials is that you can ask the people who put them together to post them on their social media pages. This will make them more likely to be spread to a wider audience than if you had just posted them on your agency’s pages.
As with review, you can email prior clients and ask them to put together quick testimonials for your brand.
Looking the Part
You and any other executives who work for your company will want to get your faces out there so that people can see that they’re actually dealing with other human beings. However, you’ll have to put some thought into the pictures that you take.
Make sure that you’re dressed well and adopting professional poses when you take these photos. You also want to make sure that you look friendly and approachable when you take your photos because this will be the mental image that people have of you in their heads.
Generating proper leads is a lot easier when you look trustworthy and well-dressed. Don’t just make sure that you’re presentable, since your business’s image also needs to be worked on. Professional logos and branding are a must for any SEO agency.
Know Why You’re Creating Content in the First Place
Even though content creation isn’t exactly necessary for an SEO agency, it’s the next best thing to it. Creating content will allow you to take your SEO firm from something small and low-key to an outstanding example of what SEO firms can become when they diversify their capabilities.
Remember that not every agency needs to create content to pave its way to success. However, smaller agencies will have a harder time growing if they don’t push themselves into content creation. Since this can pave your way to the heights of success, there’s no reason not to do it.
Before you even decide to start marketing your agency, you’ll need quality content that will draw in people’s attention. Marketing is crucial, however, since the best content won’t accomplish much if nobody ever sees it.
Consider the Kind of Content You’re Creating
Determining the kind of content that you’re going to create is one of the hardest parts of making content in the first place. It takes time and effort to decide what kind of content you want to make. When planning your content, ask yourself how many leads you’ll be able to create with it.
Research is your friend when it comes to determining your ideal content. Go out and see what kinds of clients you’re working with. You can use tools like social media to determine what you need to know about your targeted audience. This will make it easier to determine what your audience is looking for.
Coming up with plans for your content will be a lot easier when you use research. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that there’s a predetermined way that you need to approach content creation. If you find yourself inspired, it will be a lot easier to create quality content.
Remember that nothing is as difficult as you expect it to be, and that includes coming up with content. As long as you have some ideas of what you need to do, you have something to work with, and that will start you on the path to success.
You’ll have to use a few new tools and you’ll need to incorporate the content that you create into your daily schedule. However, if you care about making quality content, then you’ll be likely to find the time to create it.
Remember that practice makes perfect, and that’s also true when you’re coming up with quality content. Over time, you’ll gradually become an expert in content creation, so just have faith that you’ll be able to make the most of it.
You Can Also Outsource Your Content
Outsourcing your content will allow you to open up your schedule, but there are a few key downsides to doing it. Remember that nobody knows your business better than you do, and this means that you’re the only one who can create the most impactful content about your agency.
However, if you have enough additional money and resources to outsource your content writing, it may be worth it, especially if you managed to get a good deal on the content. Take care when choosing the companies that you’re going to outsource your content to, however.
Only hire services that you trust to create your content. If your company is known for creating good content, then your readers are going to have some questions if they notice that you’ve suddenly started publishing low-end work. This will make them trust you less.
Considering Keyword Intent
Keyword intent is something that is growing more and more important by the minute when it comes to properly managing SEO. If you write your content with the right keyword intent, you’ll be sure to get better rankings for it on major search engines like Google.
There are countless SEO tools that you can use, including a wide range of them made by Ranktracker. It’s a lot easier to get into the SEO field when you have reliable tools that you can use to learn more about the industry. Remember that if you want quality tools, you’re going to have to pay for them. Free tools are rarely ever as good as their paid counterparts.
Even if someone is searching for another query that’s not related to your business, matching search intent will allow you to get more organic traffic to your site. This is done through search engines and social media.
Content by Stages of Intent
One thing that you need to understand is that your content isn’t always designed to help create additional leads for your business. Expecting every single piece of writing to generate leads or result in a raise in traffic isn’t realistic. In fact, going about your content creation like this will likely lose you clients.
You need to have a good intent when you come up with content for your agency. You want to make sure that your content is also informative. Focusing only on making promotional pieces will likely result in the vast majority of your content falling flat.
By creating informative content, you’re able to educate and make your clients aware of what they need to know, industry-wise. Working in a competitive industry, you need to make yourself as credible as possible to your leads so that you can make a name for yourself.
Publishing only clickbait articles won’t get you far because that’s not what your clients want. We’re going to address what you need to know about creating relevant content so that you can more easily generate leads.
If you’ve heard of content marketing, then it’s likely that you’ve heard about the funnel strategy. This strategy revolves around three steps. The funnel essentially acts as a filter or sieve for your clients so that you can determine the type of audience that will work best for your content.
Top of the Funnel
At first, you need to make sure that your content marketing efforts reach the widest possible audience. You shouldn’t worry about what people will think of the content you’re creating at this point in the funnel. Instead, you just want to get your content out there to see how it performs. This will allow you to determine if the content is worth it.
You’ll want to make sure that you can establish a connection with the people that you’re trying to reach. Platforms like social media will allow you to figure out what kind of audience will respond best to your content. At that point, you can write more generic content that will allow you to connect with your audience more easily.
One thing that you’ll need to consider is that your content doesn’t necessarily have to be directly related to the service that you provide. Just make sure that your content is general enough for a wide audience to connect to.
Middle of the Funnel
When you reach the middle of the funnel, you’ll be able to start determining which clients will end up sticking with you. At this point, you’ll need to be ready to create content for leads who are ready to do business with you. At this point, you’ll want to be strategic with your approach.
Don’t create content that’s too generic when you create this round of content. You will need to have some more technical terms and actual studies sprinkled through your content. This will make sure that the content is valuable to your readers and you’ll be able to show them your knowledge.
Include examples of what you’re talking about including what your service provides. This will ensure that it’s a lot simpler for them to get what your agency does in the first place. Always account for the fact that these readers are here because of the content that you published at the beginning of the funnel.
Bottom of the Funnel
At this point, you’ll be ready to turn your leads into clients. This is when you need to bring out the heavy guns and you need to demonstrate why people should want to do business with you. This will convince your leads to stick around.
This is when you need to begin the upsell so that your clients will start trusting you. Every action that you take at this point will be designed to show the client that you care about them. At this point, you’ll be able to create leads out of a lot of your audience. Thankfully, as long as you impress people, they’ll be likely to stay with you for a while.
Coming Up With Your Content
If you’ve determined that you need content, then you’ll probably need to know how you can come up with that content in the first place. This is what you need to know to come up with the best content possible.
Begin By Updating Existing Content
Let’s say that you already have some content on your site. If you want to make the most of your existing content, you’ll want to make some edits so that you can make it as relevant as possible.
Most SEO agencies have plenty of competition and this means that they’ll need to keep up with the trends to ensure that they stay as relevant as possible.
This is one of the easiest strategies that you can incorporate since you’ll just need to go through your older content and see what needs edits. When you conduct the right amount of research with the Ranktracker Keyword tool, you’ll know exactly which keywords you need to target.
When you ’re ready to alter your content so that it meets the standards of other sites, you’ll be able to match the success of those competitors sites.
If you want to make sure that your content is worth its salt, you’ll need to use the right keywords in the right places. Always make sure that the main keyword for your content appears in your H1s, H2s, H3s, and your meta description and titles. Even though these tips are relatively obvious, it’s always good to follow them.
Creating Original Content
When you’re creating content, you want to be sure that it’s as original as it can be. There’s a lot of competition and you’ll need to do what you can to beat your competitors.
You want to make sure that your content is as unique as it can be so that your site can gain more traction. Reaching your customers will create a rapport with them. Take some time to create things that will create loyal customers who will love you for what you do.
If you have ideas that others don’t, you’re a lot more likely to rank highly in searches. This will allow you to validate your content and use our tools to make the most of it.
Remember that nobody wants to hear what you post if you’re not reputed to be the best in your domain. By creating content, you demonstrate your power over your opposition.
Remember to always consider what a customer is looking for. By the time you know your target audience, you shouldn’t have an issue coming up with quality content. Pretend you’re a customer and work from there.
The Importance of Research
People only want to read content that has been researched fully. Remember that you should always have quality sources that back up what you’re writing so that people will see that you’re an authoritative source.
On the Matter of Niche Content
If you’re in a niche, you need to create content that is based on that niche in the first place. If you operate in your domain, your content will be a lot more likely to succeed where others’ content fails.
Make Sure Your Content is Optimized and Concise
You also want to be sure that your content ranks as highly as possible. If your content is SEO optimized, you’ll then be able to ensure that you reach the top page of your search engine of choice.
Competitive Analysis
The last method that we’re going to cover in this guide is analyzing what your competition does and doing it yourself. Remember that if a strategy is succeeding, you should use it, regardless of who came up with it.
You can use tools like our Keyword Finder to determine what actions you need to take to make your business as successful as possible.
Finding Your Content Writers
If you’re not great at writing, you may want to outsource your writing to SEO-qualified writers who can create quality blog posts and other content for your site.
Even if you don’t think that investing in writers is worth it, you’ll eventually see that it’s worth your money and time. Unfortunately, hiring writers is harder than you might expect.
Saving a bit of money on your writers isn’t worth having poor-quality content for a long time to come, so try to avoid doing that.
Make Sure Your Content Writers Understand SEO
It’s crucial that your writers know at least the basics of SEO so that they can create content that helps you rank. This is why you need to hire qualified writers in the first place.
Take Writers from Other Firms
What’s better than taking writers away from your competitors? Bringing them into the fold of your own business and taking advantage of their talents. Don’t be afraid to poach writers from your competitors.
Pay Your Writers Well
If you want to retain your writers, you certainly won’t if you don’t pay them what they’re worth. Otherwise, you’ll risk losing your writers just as fast as you take them on, if not faster.
Wrapping Up Your Content Creation Plan
In this part of our guide, we’ll give you a final outline of what you need to know when it comes to creating quality content. As long as you follow these steps, you’ll be sure to be met with success.
Come Up With Ideas
Start off by determining which ideas will work best for your plan. Take as long as you need on this part because it’s the most crucial part. Create organic ideas that you can easily change.
Use Slide Decks
Slide decks will make it easier for you to determine what will work best for you. This will ensure that you’re prepared to follow through on the next steps of the process.
Create Videos
If you take the time to create a video about your plan, you’ll have a lot more of an opportunity to consider what you’re doing. This will give you the time to reflect on whether or not you have the right ideas.
Send All of this Out to Writers
When you have the video made, you can send it out to your writers so that they will have the knowledge required to write about your points and turn them into a reality.
Know Your Audience
You need to know who you’re trying to address with your content. When you get your hands on clients who have similar needs, it will be easier for you to grow your audience.
However, you have to remember that your image to your clients needs to be mutable and always ready for change. If you maintain the same image for your company over its existence, you’ll make the mistake that countless other SEO agencies have made.
Having an image that can change over time will allow you to adjust so that you can accommodate clients who are large, medium, and small. These are the tools that will allow you to deal with any problems that arise over time.
As long as you follow our advice, you shouldn’t have any trouble with developing and growing your SEO firm.