Not too long ago, the Internet used to be a place where rogue pop-ups ran wild. There would be pop-ups on every webpage, and this is what nightmares were made of for web users. While they are a cause of annoyance, they continue to be used on websites because of their effectiveness.
Pop-ups are not that common because businesses are concerned that their risks outweigh their rewards. But they have come a long way. They aren’t as intrusive as they used to be. In this guide, you will learn about pop-ups and their advantages and disadvantages. You can then decide whether to integrate pop-ups into your website design.
Meaning and Types of Pop-ups
Pop-ups appear on websites that a user has visited, and they automatically materialize without any intervention. Their content varies widely. They can be a video designed to promote a brand’s campaign, an opt-in form to generate leads, or a message displaying the latest updates and news. It can even be a third-party advertisement that the website owner wants the visitors to click on so they can get extra cash.
In certain instances, these pop-ups appear when triggered. They may appear if you hover the cursor on specific web page parts or when the cursor is idle. This advertising technique compels users to view the pop-up, whether they like it.
There are different types of pop-ups used in website design, and the popular ones are timed pop-ups, click pop-ups, entry or exit pop-ups, etc. These can be designed as floating bar pop-ups, gamified pop-ups, etc. Pop up ads on your website can be a great way to generate reviews for your business said, Ronald Osborne, an Australian Entrepreneur.
If you are contemplating whether you should include these in your website design, here are some pros and cons. However, even if you include them as part of your website and Internet users don’t like them, they can disable pop ups.
The Pros of Pop-ups
- Enhanced visibility - Visibility is one of the primary reasons why brands include them as part of their website design. It is one of the first things visitors notice when visiting a webpage. If used correctly, they can grab the attention of the visitors. However, you must be careful when using them because there’s a thin line between pop-ups being used as bait. Compared to banners, pop-ups are 50% more effective when grabbing visitors’ attention because they cannot be ignored.
- Room for personalization - Complete customization is possible when pop-ups are used; therefore, branding is not sacrificed. You can even personalize the user experience by sending them messages of what they would want to see on your business website. You can also provide them with clickable options, so the choice is theirs.
- Opportunity to augment traffic conversion - Pop-ups might be a safer bet than banners if you want to generate opt-in subscribers or clicks. Adding them to your website design can increase followers and get more opt-ins for your product or services. Pop-ups can be used in multiple ways, from posting announcements to providing users with the latest update or information regarding your brand.
- Receive instant feedback from your target audience - Pop-ups can be used to get instant feedback from your target audience. For instance, you can set up a pop-up on the FAQ page of your website. This will allow your target audience to quickly get in touch with you when they have complaints, concerns, or inquiries. It will ensure you are always available for your target audience.
The Cons of Using Pop-ups
- They can be intrusive - Pop-up advertisements can be viewed as intrusive and might feel like you are shoving them down your customers’ throats. They might not be interested in looking at these ads when they visit your website. However, they do not have a choice. The users might even think of them as intrusive, which could be too distracting. In the long run, this can hurt your website and increase the bounce rate.
- Seen as a huge turn-off - If pop-up ads are not integrated correctly with the website design, they can drive away the target audience. If they are excessively large and take up the entire page, they can make users close their browsers and never return to your website. Also, if the exit buttons on these ads are hidden, it can make your customers feel you are deliberately trying to annoy them.
- Seen as spammy content - If there are multiple pop-up ads across your website, it can be viewed as spammy. The reputation of your company will be impacted.
Before including pop-ups in your business website design, you must carefully study their pros and cons. Also, ensure that pop-ups are tasteful so your target audience is not offended or distracted. These ads must help your audience understand your brand better and influence more people to visit your website. You can connect with a professional website design & SEO agency to make your final decision.