• Reviews

Ubersuggest Review

  • Felix Rose-Collins
  • 6 min read
Ubersuggest Review


Ubersuggest is an SEO tool designed to simplify the process of keyword research, competitor analysis, and content optimization for businesses and marketers. Originally created as a free keyword tool by Neil Patel, Ubersuggest has since expanded its feature set to include site audits, backlink analysis, and rank tracking. Ubersuggest is praised for its affordability and ease of use, making it accessible for small businesses, freelancers, and marketers with limited budgets. But how does Ubersuggest compare to a more specialized SEO tool like Ranktracker?

In this review, we’ll explore Ubersuggest’s strengths, limitations, and how it compares to Ranktracker in terms of functionality, usability, and pricing.

What Ubersuggest Does Best

Ubersuggest has evolved into a versatile SEO tool that offers a wide range of features, from keyword research to site audits. Here are some of the standout features:

  • Keyword Research: Ubersuggest is best known for its powerful keyword research tool. It provides users with keyword suggestions, search volumes, keyword difficulty, and trends. The tool helps users identify new keyword opportunities for organic and paid campaigns, making it easier to create content around high-performing keywords.

  • Rank Tracking: Ubersuggest offers rank tracking capabilities that allow users to monitor their website’s keyword performance across search engines. It provides daily updates and historical data, giving users insights into how their rankings change over time.

  • Competitor Analysis: Ubersuggest allows users to analyze competitor websites and keyword strategies. You can discover which keywords your competitors are ranking for, what their content strategies look like, and where you can potentially outrank them.

  • Site Audit: Ubersuggest’s site audit feature helps users identify on-page SEO issues like broken links, missing meta tags, slow page speed, and mobile usability problems. It provides actionable recommendations to help improve your website’s overall SEO health.

  • Backlink Analysis: The backlink analysis tool in Ubersuggest enables users to evaluate their backlink profile and compare it with their competitors. Users can discover new link-building opportunities by identifying high-quality referring domains.

  • Content Ideas: Ubersuggest offers a feature that provides users with content ideas based on popular topics in their industry. This tool is helpful for finding content opportunities, understanding trends, and seeing which articles are driving traffic.

  • Domain Overview: With Ubersuggest, users can run a domain analysis to see overall traffic, top-ranking pages, and key metrics for their own website or a competitor’s. This is helpful for gaining a quick snapshot of how a domain is performing in search.

Advantages of Ubersuggest

  1. Affordability: Ubersuggest is one of the most affordable SEO tools on the market, offering a free plan with limited features and cost-effective paid plans. This makes it a great choice for small businesses, freelancers, and marketers with limited budgets.

  2. User-Friendly Interface: Ubersuggest’s interface is simple and intuitive, making it easy for users with little to no SEO experience to navigate. Its straightforward design means users can quickly access the tools they need without being overwhelmed by complexity.

  3. Keyword Research and Content Ideas: Ubersuggest’s keyword research and content ideas tools are great for marketers and content creators looking to find new opportunities for growth. The platform provides relevant keyword suggestions, search volumes, and competition data, making it easy to optimize content for SEO.

  4. Competitor Insights: The competitor analysis tool is a great resource for users who want to see how their website compares to their competitors in terms of rankings, keywords, and backlinks. This helps users identify gaps and opportunities to outrank competitors.

  5. Backlink Tracking: Ubersuggest provides useful insights into your backlink profile, showing which links are helping your SEO efforts and which competitors have stronger backlink profiles. This helps users improve their link-building strategies.

  6. Site Audit: The site audit feature is easy to use and provides actionable recommendations for improving website performance. It covers the basics of technical SEO, making it accessible to users who may not be familiar with advanced SEO concepts.

Where Ubersuggest Falls Short

Despite its strengths, Ubersuggest has some limitations that may not make it the best choice for every user:

  1. Limited Advanced Features: While Ubersuggest covers the basics of SEO, it lacks some of the more advanced features found in other tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Ranktracker. For example, its backlink database is smaller, and it doesn’t offer the same depth in keyword tracking or competitive analysis.

  2. Limited Historical Data: Ubersuggest’s rank tracking is useful, but its historical data is more limited compared to other tools like Ranktracker, which provide a longer history of keyword performance. This can make it harder for users to track long-term trends.

  3. Not Ideal for Large Websites or Agencies: Ubersuggest is great for small businesses and individual users, but it may not have enough depth for agencies or large enterprises managing multiple websites and clients. Its competitor analysis and reporting features are not as robust as those in more comprehensive SEO platforms.

  4. Backlink Data Limitations: While Ubersuggest offers backlink analysis, its database is not as large or detailed as tools like Ahrefs or Ranktracker. Users who rely heavily on backlink data may find this tool lacking in depth and scope.

  5. Limited SERP Features Tracking: Ubersuggest provides basic SERP analysis, but it doesn’t offer as detailed insights into SERP features like featured snippets, local packs, and other search result features that Ranktracker and similar tools provide.

Ranktracker vs. Ubersuggest: A Side-by-Side Comparison

While Ubersuggest is a budget-friendly, all-in-one SEO tool, Ranktracker specializes in rank tracking with additional features that provide more depth. Here’s how they compare:

  • Affordability: Ubersuggest is one of the most affordable SEO tools on the market, offering free and low-cost plans. Ranktracker offers more specialized features but at a higher price point, making it more suitable for users who need detailed rank tracking and competitor analysis.

  • Rank Tracking: Ranktracker excels in rank tracking with detailed daily updates and the ability to monitor keywords across multiple search engines and regions. It also provides historical data, which makes it easier to analyze long-term ranking trends. Ubersuggest offers basic rank tracking, but with limited historical data and fewer features.

  • Keyword Research: Both tools provide strong keyword research capabilities, but Ranktracker offers more detailed keyword insights, including data on search volumes, competition levels, and keyword difficulty across multiple search engines. Ubersuggest provides relevant keyword suggestions and search volumes, but Ranktracker offers more comprehensive data for users focused on ranking potential.

  • Backlink Monitoring: Ranktracker offers more advanced backlink monitoring with a larger database, providing users with a detailed breakdown of their backlink profile. Ubersuggest offers basic backlink tracking, but its database is smaller, making it less effective for comprehensive backlink analysis.

  • Competitor Analysis: Ranktracker offers more in-depth competitor tracking and analysis, including keyword and ranking comparisons over time. Ubersuggest provides competitor insights, but the data is more limited and less detailed compared to Ranktracker.

  • User Interface: Both Ubersuggest and Ranktracker have user-friendly interfaces, but Ubersuggest is more accessible for beginners due to its simplified design. Ranktracker offers a more sophisticated dashboard with advanced features for experienced SEO users.

  • Additional Features: Ranktracker provides additional features like SERP features tracking, local SEO optimization, and detailed rank tracking reports. Ubersuggest focuses more on basic SEO functionalities like keyword research, site audits, and content ideas.

Why You Might Use Both Tools

For users who are looking for a comprehensive yet budget-friendly tool for keyword research, content optimization, and basic rank tracking, Ubersuggest is a great option. However, combining it with Ranktracker can provide a more specialized solution for tracking rankings, monitoring backlinks, and performing detailed competitor analysis.

For example, you could use Ubersuggest to find new keyword opportunities and content ideas, while relying on Ranktracker to monitor keyword rankings, track competitor movements, and manage backlink strategies. Together, these tools offer a complete solution for optimizing SEO campaigns.

Conclusion: Is Ubersuggest the Right Tool for You?

Ubersuggest is an excellent choice for small businesses, freelancers, and marketers looking for a budget-friendly SEO tool that covers the basics of keyword research, rank tracking, and content optimization. Its affordability and simplicity make it accessible to users who may not have advanced SEO experience or the budget for more expensive tools.

However, if you need deeper rank tracking, competitor analysis, and more advanced SEO features, Ranktracker may be a better fit. Ranktracker excels in providing detailed, long-term insights into keyword rankings, competitor performance, and backlink monitoring. It’s particularly useful for users who require more granular data and the ability to track rankings across multiple search engines, regions, and devices.

Who Should Choose Ubersuggest?

  • Small Businesses and Freelancers: Ubersuggest is perfect for users who need a cost-effective tool for keyword research, content ideas, and basic SEO tracking.

  • Beginners and Marketers: The tool’s user-friendly interface and affordable pricing make it an ideal choice for those new to SEO who want to learn and implement basic strategies.

  • Content Creators: With its content ideas and keyword suggestions features, Ubersuggest helps content marketers identify opportunities to optimize blog posts, web pages, and other content for SEO.

Who Should Choose Ranktracker?

  • SEO Professionals and Agencies: Ranktracker’s in-depth tracking and analysis tools make it a great fit for professionals who need detailed insights into rankings, competitors, and backlinks.

  • Large Businesses: Businesses with larger websites or multiple locations can benefit from Ranktracker’s advanced rank tracking, especially for monitoring local and global SEO efforts.

  • Competitor-Focused Marketers: If your SEO strategy involves tracking competitors closely and understanding their keyword performance and backlink strategies, Ranktracker offers superior capabilities in this area.

Final Thoughts

Ubersuggest is a solid option for those seeking a simple, affordable, and accessible SEO tool. It’s a great starting point for users looking to perform basic keyword research, track rankings, and optimize content without the complexity or cost of larger SEO tools.

On the other hand, Ranktracker is designed for users who need more robust SEO features, including precise rank tracking, competitor monitoring, and backlink analysis. If your focus is on long-term growth, advanced rank tracking, and in-depth competitor analysis, Ranktracker is likely the better investment.

Ultimately, choosing between Ubersuggest and Ranktracker comes down to your specific needs, experience level, and budget. For users who need an all-in-one solution without breaking the bank, Ubersuggest delivers great value. But for those who require detailed rank tracking and SEO insights, Ranktracker provides more depth and precision.

Felix Rose-Collins

Felix Rose-Collins

Ranktracker's CEO/CMO & Co-founder

Felix Rose-Collins is the Co-founder and CEO/CMO of Ranktracker. With over 15 years of SEO experience, he has single-handedly scaled the Ranktracker site to over 500,000 monthly visits, with 390,000 of these stemming from organic searches each month.

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