• Affiliate Marketing Insights & Myths

Is Affiliate Marketing Legit in 2024? Busting 4 Myths about the Still Lucrative Business Model

  • Felix Rose-Collins
  • 6 min read
Is Affiliate Marketing Legit in 2024? Busting 4 Myths about the Still Lucrative Business Model


You must have encountered online ads that promise to “make thousands a month working from home” with affiliate marketing.

But then, a question lingers in the mind — can it be for real? Is affiliate marketing still legitimate?

When done right, affiliate marketing can be a lucrative business model.

For starters, think of it as a mechanism where you get paid to recommend products or services. When someone makes a purchase based on your recommendations, you earn a share of the sale. It is like a commission for every successful referral.

If you are affiliated with products or services that pay a high percentage of commission, then this is a great business.

Affiliate marketing has pros and cons, yet it’s important to steer clear of the myths that keep people from pursuing it.

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Let’s begin.

What Is Affiliate Marketing and How Does It Work?

Affiliate marketing is a marketing strategy where an affiliate (those who recommend products or services) earns a commission for promoting another company’s products or services.

The arrangement involves a partnership between a seller and an external website or individual, known as the affiliate. The affiliates select and promote the seller’s products to their audience.

So, when a buyer purchases through the affiliate’s unique link (usually tracked through UTM parameters), the affiliate receives a portion of the revenue.

Here’s a graphical representation showing how affiliate marketing works, from product listing to the payment receipt stage.

What Is Affiliate Marketing and How Does It Work


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Behind every successful business is a strong SEO campaign. But with countless optimization tools and techniques out there to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start. Well, fear no more, cause I've got just the thing to help. Presenting the Ranktracker all-in-one platform for effective SEO

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This is a win-win situation where companies expand their reach, make sales, and affiliates monetize their platforms.

But does it still work?

Let’s accept that the days of putting up a few banner ads and raking in easy commissions are largely gone. But that doesn't mean affiliate marketing is dead; it has matured.

The domain is a legitimate $100 billion industry expected to reach $150 Billion by the end of 2030. It works in real life to benefit all the parties involved: buyer, seller, and affiliate. The buyer buys from a trusted source, the seller gets the sales done, and the affiliate earns the commission.

Here’s what affiliate marketers can do in 2024 to make it a lucrative business.

Create High-Quality Content

Content can create traction, leading to more affiliated sales. Affiliate marketers create blog posts, YouTube videos, social media posts, or email newsletters for this. Such content is valuable, engaging, and informative, driving users to take the next step.

Promote Niche Products

Next, you can recruit sellers who sell niche products (more on it later). Specializing in a niche allows for building a dedicated and engaged audience, making product promotion easier.

Track and Optimize

Analytics tools can help you get insight into what sells, how much, and who buys it. Such in-depth revenue analysis helps in making decisions to identify and track promotions that are working. This way, you’d refine your approach and employ resources on content and processes that generate the most revenue.

Leverage Multiple Methods

There are different monetization models to choose from depending on the campaign goals and advertiser preferences.

Generally, it includes —

  • Pay-Per-Sale (PPS): A classic model where you earn a commission for each sale generated through your affiliate link.
  • Pay-Per-Lead (PPL): This method pays you when someone you refer takes a specific action, like signing up for a free trial or filling out a form.
  • Pay Per Click (PPC): A less common but still existent program that pays a small amount every time someone clicks on the affiliate link.

Now that we know that affiliate marketers work and earn money in different ways, let’s review common myths around this concept.

Busting 4 Myths around Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is often surrounded by misconceptions that often deter marketers from leveraging their full potential.

Myth #1: Affiliate Marketing Is Dead (or Dying)

No, it isn’t!

The truth is — tactics have evolved. We’ve already mentioned the industry's size and what the future holds.

But then, affiliate marketing is not just about throwing links at a wall and hoping something sticks. Modern-day affiliate marketing requires building genuine relationships with your audience and recommending the products or services you believe in.

So, the idea is to gain trust, understand the audience's pain points, and market products or services that genuinely add value to them.

To be better at adopting new ways, you must first embrace the shift towards authenticity and relationship building. Begin by positioning yourself as a trusted advisor and not a spammy salesperson.

For instance, if you want to be affiliated with selling travel gear, think of living like a true explorer who uses these products. Just like the YT channel - Jumping Places - where a traveling couple, Chris and Carol, share affiliate pages to offer discounts to their audience.

Affiliate Marketing Is Dead


Affiliate linking can result in higher engagement, more conversions, and higher income.

Myth #2. Affiliate Marketing Tools Are Too Complicated for Beginners

I would rather say they have a slight learning curve. But once you get the hang of it, you are home.

Several affiliate networks and programs provide user-friendly interfaces, extensive support, and learning resources tailored to assist beginners.

For starters, run a quick Google search and explore what tools are available and what features each offers.

When I Googled ‘affiliate marketing tools,' the following tools appeared. Click on the arrows beside it for a quick overview, pricing details, and reviews from other websites.

Google Screenshot Google Screenshot

You can use automated affiliate link generators, easy-to-use analytics dashboards, and plug-and-play widgets. This will simplify the process.

Entering and working in the affiliate marketing industry does not require advanced technical know-how. But here’s what you can consider using.

  • Affiliate Networks: These platforms help connect different affiliate programs. A few popular ones are Amazon Associates, ShareASale, CJ Affiliate, and ClickBank.
  • Link Tracking Software: Track links that bring you sales and revenue. You’ll use it to track the performance of your affiliate links to see which promotions drive the most clicks and conversions. Consider using Voluum, Everflow, ClickMagick, CAKE, etc.
  • Content Creation Tools: You need content to accompany affiliate links. This requires using tools like Canva (image and video editing), Google Docs (for collaborating written content), Figma (for web design), etc.
  • Email Marketing Platforms: Use email marketing tools to build and nurture relationships with your audience through email. These platforms help create and send professional-looking campaigns.

Myth #3: You Need a Massive Audience to Succeed

That is not always true.

A massive audience will help, but it is not a prerequisite for success in affiliate marketing.

Instead, focus on niche audiences and work on establishing yourself as a micro-influencer in a domain. Research suggests that micro-influencers have stronger personal relationships with their followers, leading to higher conversion rates.

Here’s how to grow beyond this myth:

Focus on quality over quantity. Your loyal community trusts your recommendations. So, offer content that adds value to them and helps them achieve their goals. Be prompt when responding to their messages and comments. This also includes interacting with them through your social channels.

Even with a smaller audience, you can collaborate with brands that value your influence within a specific niche. This will help unlock the true potential of affiliate marketing.

Myth 4: Affiliate Marketing Is Successful with Certain Types of Products

That is partly true. However, you can always work around niche segments for higher rewards.

Affiliate marketing is usually done for specific product categories like tech gadgets, travel gear, beauty products, etc. But the possibilities are endless as you can do affiliate marketing for services, software, courses, and even niche markets like eco-friendly goods or hobbyist equipment.

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It depends on your online presence and whether you can convince your audience to opt for a particular product type.

Businesses in the domains mentioned below and more can drive a lucrative income through affiliate marketing —

  • Digital Products: Earn higher commissions on selling e-books, online courses, software, memberships, and digital tools. All such products are easy to access and scale, making them attractive options for affiliates.
  • Services: Promote services like web hosting, online learning platforms, financial services, travel booking sites, etc., to explore new avenues for earning commissions.
  • Events and Experiences: Affiliate links work to promote tickets to conferences, workshops, online summits, and even travel packages. See if any specific segment aligns with your niche audience's interests, and then you can try selling these.
  • Recurring Subscriptions: You can promote and sell subscription-based services like software, streaming platforms, or meal delivery services. This offers you a steady stream of recurring commissions as long as the customer remains subscribed.

Wrapping Up

We’ve explored how affiliate marketing is still a ‘thing’ in 2024, and there are genuine ways to make money.

However, affiliate marketing is constantly thriving and evolving as we move forward. A few years back, generic link placements and mass targeting worked. Not anymore! Now, it’s all about authenticity, creating targeted niches, and building genuine relationships with your audience.

For now, we’ve just busted a few myths so that you can unlock countless opportunities that affiliate marketing offers. Use the information shared above to build a profitable affiliate business.

Felix Rose-Collins

Felix Rose-Collins

Ranktracker's CEO/CMO & Co-founder

Felix Rose-Collins is the Co-founder and CEO/CMO of Ranktracker. With over 15 years of SEO experience, he has single-handedly scaled the Ranktracker site to over 500,000 monthly visits, with 390,000 of these stemming from organic searches each month.

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