• Crypto SEO

How To Use SEO To Promote A New Crypto Project

  • Felix Rose-Collins
  • 4 min read


Optimizing SEO strategy is vital for all crypto projects, including new and established ones. Due to its growing popularity, the evolving crypto space is attracting plenty of newcomers, with many projects launching nearly every day. To properly compete in a seemingly saturated market, these new crypto projects must double their efforts at visibility and boost their online presence through search engine optimization (SEO).

Many new cryptocurrencies may be considered good investments, especially in their presale phases, due to the chance of high returns, innovative use cases, and the offer of a vibrant and growing community. (Source:https://www.business2community.com/jp/cryptocurrency/new-cryptocurrency-listing). Regardless of their potential, new crypto projects in 2024 must use SEO to set themselves apart from the several thousand other tokens already in the market to avoid losing out on a vibrant market.

The Importance of Industry-Specific SEO Practices

While traditional SEO practices are effective for most projects, they may be inadequate for enhancing visibility in cryptocurrency projects because channels may differ. For instance, all online projects ensure some visibility on popular websites and widely used search engines like Google. However, SEO experts working on crypto projects should consider putting some effort into decentralized search engines, such as Infrasearch.

While focusing some attention on crypto-specific search engines and platforms, neglecting traditional platforms can also be detrimental. Firstly, some of the largest cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects got their early start from traditional platforms long before cryptocurrencies became popular. In addition, crypto projects should also consider visibility in traditional spheres to attract newbies who may be interested but somewhat undecided.

How to Use SEO For Crypto Promotion

Crypto projects must carefully consider the specifics of their projects before deciding on an SEO plan. The following are a few points to consider:

Comprehensive Keyword Research

SEO teams must conduct keyword research to find words that resonate best with members of both the blockchain and traditional sectors. For instance, a project focused on NFTs (non-fungible tokens), DeFi (decentralized finance), or layer-2 solutions, must find keywords that connect with people who require these services. Keyword research may also be more extensive for projects that combine two or more services. Projects may consider using tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs for extensive keyword research.

Long-tail keywords, which are longer and more specific phrases, are also effective methods used to stand out. Examples may include phrases like “best yield farming platform 2024” or “crypto staking projects.” These phrases are more specific and can target a niche audience within the crypto industry.

Crypto SEO Strategy

As part of its SEO strategy, a new crypto project must create robust content that delivers great value to its target audience. A comprehensive crypto whitepaper should be part of the project’s content strategy, allowing users to explore the project’s technology, tokenomics, and use cases. Whitepapers contain specific technical details and also include a roadmap with future plans.

Another option is a series of blog posts containing crucial information, such as project details and how the platform can contribute to current trends. The blog post should contain trending topics, such as current regulatory information and trends like asset tokenization. Projects should also publish posts that include a healthy serving of keywords, in addition to ensuring regular posting through a content timetable or schedule.

On-Page SEO Strategy

This is the optimization of individual web pages so that they rank higher on search engines and attract more traffic. Website pages should contain well-written meta descriptions and title tags that include crypto-specific keywords. Content may also include actionable language that will appeal to enthusiasts.

In addition to tags and meta descriptions, well-researched keywords should be included in article headers and subheaders. Using H1, H2, and H3 subheaders helps to communicate content and structure specifics to search engines.

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Another critical on-page SEO feature is internal linking, a meaningful way to keep readers engaging with the content. For instance, a publication about a new regulation on crypto securities may be linked to an older article on the differences between securities and commodities and an explanation of the law’s official interpretation.

Technical SEO for Crypto Sites

Since most crypto users access content using mobile devices, projects must ensure that content on the internet has been adequately optimized for mobile access. All websites must load content quickly so that interested persons can quickly access the information they need.

Technical SEO optimization also includes website security, especially since crypto projects are prone to hacking. Projects should use extensive security frameworks to protect their content and also ensure user account security. Secure websites are more likely to rank higher on search engines like Google.

In addition to the above, using blockchain-specific schema markup contributes to visibility because it helps search engines properly understand website content and enhances the display of important snippets, including reviews, and frequently asked questions (FAQs).

Securing backlinks from credible platforms like crypto stakeholder websites and popular news outlets helps to build a strong website profile for search engines. Naturally-appearing backlinks are achievable via guest posts, influencer collaborations, and directory listings.

User Experience and Engagement

User engagement on a project’s website is also essential. The site’s content and design should encourage longer sessions and contain enough internal links to keep users engaged for extended periods. In addition to simple design, websites can offer interactive tools like price trackers and converters.


Cryptocurrency projects must continuously monitor website stats and be willing to alter SEO strategies if desired results are not forthcoming. Either way, companies must be careful to tailor all SEO decisions to cater to the crypto sector and address the project’s unique demands and requirements.

Crypto teams must remain updated on SEO trends, especially those related to the cryptocurrency sector. In addition, the team must understand the cryptocurrency sector, monitor blockchain trends, and also pay attention to user behavior. Furthermore, staying informed about changes in crypto regulations can help to influence SEO decisions. It may also inspire content or help the company change its SEO strategy to avoid legal scrutiny.

Between March 2020 and February 2021, there was a 900% increase in the global crypto market’s value. Cryptocurrency projects must understand the fierce competition in the crypto market and continuously implement practices and procedures that help them stay relevant, visible, and ahead of competitors.

Felix Rose-Collins

Felix Rose-Collins

Ranktracker's CEO/CMO & Co-founder

Felix Rose-Collins is the Co-founder and CEO/CMO of Ranktracker. With over 15 years of SEO experience, he has single-handedly scaled the Ranktracker site to over 500,000 monthly visits, with 390,000 of these stemming from organic searches each month.

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