• Content Marketing & B2B Strategies

How To Do B2B Content Keyword Research

  • Gergo Vari
  • 7 min read
How To Do B2B Content Keyword Research


The power of well-written content in the world of B2B marketing is pivotal, as it acts as a driving force for driving customer engagement, brand credibility, and business growth. Crafting this content involves keyword research to ensure it resonates with the targeted readers' informative needs. It also provides space for instructional materials that simplify complicated issues to build confidence and trust among potential partners.

User responses during the keyword research process offer insights to content developers about their target audiences. This feedback loop of adjustments is crucial as it helps refine the keyword strategy and creates a more informed content landscape. This is essential for building a strong online presence, leading to ultimate, long-term B2B marketing success.

Understanding the B2B Audience

In the B2B area, a thorough understanding of the target audience is fundamental before diving into precise keyword research. The target audience needs a prior identification of all essential stakeholders to understand their roles within their organizations and recognize their challenges and objectives. Beyond grasping the demographic attributes, gaining insights into the audience's psychographics—including their attitudes, behaviors, and preferences—is crucial. This comprehensive awareness aids in pinpointing the kind of information the audience seeks and the terminology they commonly use. Keyword research, in turn, refines the audience profile, leading to content creation that resonates more effectively. Doing so ensures the delivery of high-quality, relevant information, enhancing the likelihood of meaningful audience engagement and conversion.

Synchronizing a keyword strategy with the various stages of the B2B buying cycle is essential for understanding and navigating the purchasing journey effectively.

buying cycle

Image: B2B buying process

Unlike B2C, the B2B purchasing process is often more proactive and involves multiple decision-makers. This process involves several stages, such as awareness, consideration, and decision-making, each needing different types of information. By identifying and incorporating keywords and topics relevant to each stage, content creators can ensure the delivery of accurate information, enabling a seamless transition through the various phases of the buying cycle. Moreover, a nuanced understanding of the buying cycle helps identify "value" keywords. While these may not yield immediate returns, they cultivate relationships and build trust over time.

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Profiling B2B audiences and understanding their purchasing paths are fundamental steps toward determining the informational needs of the target market. This involves recognizing people's queries, concerns, and interests and crafting a content strategy addressing these needs. Effective keyword research allows identifying the terms and phrases that the audience uses in their searches. Additionally, being tuned to the audience's informational needs aids in developing a content repository that satisfies existing queries while anticipating and addressing their future questions, thereby positioning the organization as a thought leader in its field.

With a profound understanding of the targeted B2B audience, companies can significantly enhance their keyword selection and content creation strategies, ensuring they deliver value and foster enduring relationships.

Keyword Research Tools and Techniques

Among the extensive array of tool kits available for keyword mining and keyword rank tracking in B2B contexts, many support the identification of key keywords in content generation. These tools vary in complexity, with some offering basic lists of related keywords while others provide comprehensive data on search volumes, competition levels, and even the predicted effectiveness of specific short-tail and long-tail keywords. Some popular tools include Google Keyword Planner, available free of charge, and other competitive tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs, offering superior analytics, yielding more profound insights into the target market's search behaviors and the competitive keywords utilized by competition. A deep understanding of each tool's capabilities and limitations is critical in determining which combination of tools will most effectively meet the objectives of your keyword research.

SEMrush Keyword research

Picture: SEMrush Keyword research

Acquiring technical expertise and engaging in long-term planning is essential to use these tools effectively. The initial step involves inputting seed keywords specific to your niche and targeted market. Subsequently, the tool helps uncover additional suggested terms, such as long-tail keywords. However, assessing the competition surrounding your chosen keywords is crucial, identifying any gaps that competitors may be leveraging to their advantage, thus uncovering opportunities for significant gains. Utilizing features like keyword difficulty analysis is also beneficial for evaluating the likelihood of ranking for particular keywords. It also aids in comparing the intent behind search terms, ensuring that the content aligns with the informational needs of the target audience relative to the selected keywords. Furthermore, it is vital to periodically reassess the keyword strategy, considering emerging market trends and evolving audience expectations, to maintain a dynamic keyword research process seamlessly integrated into the overarching content strategy.

Leveraging User Feedback

User feedback is invaluable for enhancing a keyword research strategy. Especially on social media platforms, individuals frequently voice their concerns, queries, and interests through forums, comments, reviews, or even dedicated feedback channels established by companies. Pinpointing users' specific terms and phrases when describing these ideas becomes a primary source of this valuable intel. Surveys, feedback forms, dynamic QR codes, or direct interactions are commonly used to get insights from existing customers. This feedback helps in determining the optimal keywords and comprehending the sentiment and intent behind these terms, enabling the creation of pertinent and resonant content.

Social listening tools boost the process of gathering user feedback. Social listening involves monitoring consumers' discussions on digital platforms, focusing on conversations pertinent to brand or industry topics. Tools like Brandwatch or Mention help track mentions and references across various platforms such as social media, blogs, and message boards. These tools deliver real-time insights into ongoing discussions, challenges, and trends, providing a window into public opinion. They can also generate a roster of potential keywords for Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and measure public sentiment towards various topics.

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SEM keyword research

Picture 3: SEM keyword research

Additionally, studying instances where companies have adeptly utilized user feedback in their keyword strategies can offer valuable guidelines, sparking ideas for integrating such feedback into your keyword research.

Creating Educational Content

An educational approach in keyword research can uncover many opportunities content creation opportunities. By looking at the common queries or terms the target audience often searches, content creators can identify which topics need more clarification or information. By focusing on popular keywords that are not widely used, creators can find areas where people are eager to learn but lack enough helpful information. This opens up a space where companies can step in and provide the needed educational resources. The keywords that are discovered can guide how to develop educational content, such as explaining technical terms, creating outlines, or explaining complicated business topics, making it easier for B2B consumers to understand and learn.

Creating educational content requires a well-considered strategy. In the planning phase, it's vital to identify objectives such as who the target audience is, what type of content, and where it will be displayed. Here, the collected data from audience profiling and keyword analysis come together to decide what topics will be covered. Moving on to the development phase, this is where ideas come to life. It involves crafting content that is interesting, engaging, and reader-friendly, integrating targeted keywords naturally. The aim should be to enhance the reader's knowledge of the subject matter. Collaborating with industry experts and incorporating interactive media while ensuring that the information presented is accurate and precise can significantly improve this content's overall quality and effectiveness.

Relying solely on likes isn't wise, so measuring the actual impact of education is essential. Various signs, like the number of people engaging with the content, website views, leads generated, and customer feedback, can show if your content is working well. Tools like Google Analytics help check how content ranks and performs over time.

Social listening tools can also give insights, showing the discussions and talks happening after posting the content. To understand the value of educational content, you need to know how well it matches the initial goals and objectives. Constant check and analysis based on this information can help improve the content strategies over time, keeping the content fresh, relevant, and valuable for the audience.

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The educational content creation process can be improved if you hire any content marketing services. Such services offer specialized help that includes writing content strategies, doing keyword research, and creating enthralling and enlightening stories that speak to the client's intended audience. Additionally, they are usually accompanied by analytic tools aimed at evaluating how successful the content is when it comes to influencing behaviors leading to desirable business results.

Integrating Keywords into Content

Maintaining a balance between readability and SEO content strategies is crucial when incorporating keywords into content. Keywords should be integrated naturally and subtly, avoiding overstuffing that harms the user experience and may lead to penalties from search engines. Strategic writing involves placing keywords in pivotal parts like titles and headings and seamlessly within the body text, ensuring a logical flow of ideas.

Incorporating variations and synonyms of keywords is also essential, as it fosters a sense of naturalness and accounts for the diverse ways users may search for information. The aim is to craft content that is both meaningful and engaging, satisfying both the reader and search engine algorithms ultimately contributing value to the online community.

However, SEO on content that targets B2B goes beyond just incorporating keywords. Content ranking on search engine pages is important to determine technical aspects such as mobile optimization, page load speed, and secure connections associated with SEO. Further, in order to ensure their visibility, other backlink strategies such as meta descriptions, alt text for images, and a well-structured URL must be adhered to. The success of a keyword strategy can only be determined if there is tracking and measurement of keyword performance. Information such as the ranking of keywords, organic traffic, and user engagement metrics is obtained from different tools, for instance, Google Analytics and various SEO platforms. By analyzing such figures, one can know the return on investment on the keyword strategy and get an insight into how to improve it. Monitoring and analysis on an ongoing basis allow for finding and expanding your keyword list; hence, the content always remains attractive in the context of the mentioned B2B marketing strategy.

SEO and content research are key entry positions for those searching for an entry-level marketing position. These roles serve as foundational pillars of the digital marketing industry. These roles involve keyword optimization, audience analysis, and trend forecasting, which are outstanding in driving successful, result-oriented marketing campaigns.


Crafting B2B content is a meticulous process underscored by strategic keyword research to generate insightful and compelling content. This content must be tailored meticulously, aligning with the unique characteristics of the targeted B2B audience. Utilizing sophisticated keyword research tools, coupled with user feedback, is essential for effectively meeting this audience's informational needs. Keywords must flow seamlessly into the content, supported by SEO techniques to optimize accessibility for the intended audience. Similarly, it is key to continuously monitor the performance of the utilized keywords and maintain relevance in the evolving landscape. Due to intense digital competition, keyword optimization in B2B content offers substantial advantages, emerging as a crucial element in creating potent B2B content.

Gergo Vari

Gergo Vari


Gergo Vari is Lensa CEO. He has one mission: to revolutionize job search for companies and professionals. His journey through founding, funding, and exiting successful startups has taught him a valuable lesson: the hiring process is broken. Thus, he shares the desire for recruiting and human resources technology that puts people first.

Link: Lensa

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