• SEO Compliance

How Can You Ensure Legal Compliance in Your SEO Strategy?

  • Alina Kalyna
  • 6 min read
How Can You Ensure Legal Compliance in Your SEO Strategy?


The primary focus of every SEO specialist is how to optimize their brand's visibility and hit the first page of Google's search results. However, while we keep crafting those catchy meta tags and searching for relevant keywords, we often forget that our strategy should meet not only our marketing needs but also legal ones. What role does juridical compliance play in SEO promotion? Read out to find out!

How Do Laws Impact Your SEO Strategy?

Relevant legislation greatly influences the realm of content creation, distribution, and usage. Every time you add texts, images, and videos to your website, you must be sure they are original and unique. Using others' work without permission is one of the most common mistakes that can lead to legal penalties and seriously harm your ranking.

Another important legal aspect that impacts your strategy is privacy. There are specific laws that regulate how websites can gather, process, and store user data. Many SEO specialists analyze user data to understand how they can optimize their websites and tailor content to the target audience. However, the law requires businesses to be more rigorous about consent and transparency in their data collection procedures. If you do not comply with them, it can lead to harsh fines and negatively impact your website indexing.

Finally, advertising and disclosure regulations play a part, too. Laws like the Federal Trade Commission's guidelines in the U.S. require every website to disclose all paid promotions, affiliations, or sponsorships. It can influence your SEO effectiveness because sponsored content or ads are often handled differently by search engine algorithms and given lower rankings than organic content.

What Happens if Your SEO Strategy Is Not Legally Compliant?

If, while choosing the tools for your website optimization, you do not bother to ensure they meet the requirements set by relevant laws, be ready to face a range of legal consequences. Here's what could potentially happen:

  • Depending on the law you violate, non-compliance may result in hefty financial penalties imposed by governmental bodies or regulators. In more serious cases, you may even face legal proceedings by the affected party, particularly if there are violations related to copyright, trademark, or user privacy.
  • Major search engines like Google enforce their terms of service quite strictly. If they detect deceptive or manipulative behavior, or if you're found guilty of severe law-breaking activities, they can either restrict the functioning of your website or entirely remove it from their search index. This means your site wouldn't appear in users' search engine results, which will lead to a substantial loss of traffic and visibility.
  • Nowadays, news travels fast, and scandalous news travels even faster. If the fact of your website's non-compliance becomes known to a wider public, it can destroy your brand reputation. Lost credibility can lead to a decrease in customer trust, a drop in conversions, and consumers even boycotting your brand altogether.
  • Non-compliance could lead to lost partnerships, as other businesses may not want to associate with a brand that doesn't adhere to laws. Lucrative collaborations, backlink opportunities, or affiliate partnerships — all these tools will be lost for your business for some time until you manage to restore your website's reputation. If you manage, of course.

What Laws Should You Rely on in Your SEO Strategy?

SEO Strategy

Professionals whose main task is to optimize site functioning rarely have a legal background and know about all the laws that regulate different aspects of website functioning. Huge corporations usually hire in-house lawyers who monitor all the changes in legislation and inform other specialists about the legal aspects they should consider in their work. However, for small businesses, it's a rather costly decision. Therefore, we have made a list of laws every SEO specialist should follow in their work:

  • Copyright laws protect the authors of texts, images, music, or videos. When you use any content that you have not created yourself, ensure you have the right permissions to do it and that you attribute it correctly. For instance, under DMCA, if you add a copyrighted image to a blog post without permission, the owner can issue a takedown notice. In this case, your web host will have to remove the picture to avoid liability.
  • Trademark laws guard brands from misuse of their names, logos, or taglines. Let's say you work with the website of an online shoe store and use phrases like "Just Do It" in your content to drive traffic from people searching for Nike products. This misuse can lead to consumer confusion and potential lawsuits that may cost the shop too much.
  • Data protection and privacy laws, like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) if you operate in or have visitors from the European Union and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) if you have California-based users, should also be followed. They regulate how websites are allowed to collect, store, or use personal data of people. If your site applies invasive tracking cookies or fails to secure user's personal data, you'll face heavy penalties.
  • Advertising laws explain what you can and can't say in advertisements. These can apply to your meta descriptions, PPC ads, and any content that can be considered promotional. In the U.S., the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has guidelines on deceptive advertising and marketing practices. It requires all your claims in ads to be true and backed by evidence. For example, if a skincare brand claims its product "guarantees a 100% reduction in wrinkles" on its site without evidence to back this, it may face an FTC investigation.
  • CAN-SPAM Act aims at protecting users from the electronic messages they do not want to receive. Sometimes, email marketing can be quite aggressive, even though it is effective from the perspective of SEO. Suppose you're sending out mass emails promoting your new blog post but fail to include an "unsubscribe" option or use misleading headers or subject lines. In that case, you're violating the law and can face penalties of up to $43,280.

SEO Strategy

Remember, legal requirements vary by jurisdiction. Not all laws may apply to your business, but it's crucial to be informed and proactive. When you plan an SEO strategy, consider consulting with a legal expert to ensure you have ticked all the legal compliance boxes. Non-compliance can be costly and damaging to your website's reputation. To find a professional lawyer with proper specialization, check Lawrina, a reliable legal tech platform that offers a huge directory of experienced attorneys in any state in the USA.

Tips to Ensure Your SEO Strategy Is Legally Compliant

SEO Strategy

  1. Use original work: Reusing or copying content from other sources without permission can result in copyright infringement. Similarly, when you work with images or videos, ensure you have the proper rights or license to use them. For instance, if you run a travel blog, use pictures you've captured instead of downloading them from other websites.
  2. Nominate a compliance officer. In every company, regardless of its size, someone should be responsible for legal compliance. It should not necessarily be a lawyer. It can be a person who stays updated about changes in laws and makes sure that the company's SEO practices align with them.
  3. Transparent data practices: Your privacy policy should be visible on your website, and a clear explanation of data collection, storage, and handling practices should be provided. It's vitally important to have explicit consent from users before storing their cookies. Check if your website has clear prompts asking for user consent before you store any data.
  4. Provide accurate information: Misleading statements to drive traffic not only harm your reputation but can also be considered false advertising. For example, if you're promoting a weight loss product, ensure you provide accurate information about its benefits and results.
  5. Compliant outreach: When conducting email marketing, conform to the rules of the CAN-SPAM Act or similar legislation in your country. Add a visible unsubscribe link to your emails and never use deceptive headers from names, reply-to addresses, or subject lines.
  6. Regular audits: SEO practices and legal requirements change over time. Routine checks of your website can prevent many law-associated problems. For instance, you may discover that some of your older blog posts include images used without proper rights or license.
  7. Consult a legal expert: Given the complexity of laws, it's beneficial to consult with a professional lawyer, particularly when you set up your initial SEO strategy. Their expertise can help you avoid costly lawsuits and penalties down the line.


In the quest for SEO supremacy, balancing legal compliance with business objectives can be a fine line to walk. To avoid loopholes and penalties, you need to understand how these laws apply to your digital strategies and stay current on legal trends. For this, you may use all options available: check current laws yourself, appoint a person responsible for it, or consult a legal expert. After all, ensuring legal compliance is not just about staying out of trouble. It's also about building trust and credibility with both search engines and your audience — an outcome that will undoubtedly lead your website to success.

Alina Kalyna

Alina Kalyna

Content Specialist at Lawrina

Alina Kalyna is the Content Specialist at Lawrina. Having profound experience in content creation, she generates high-quality content for blogs, guides, and other materials across various platforms.

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