• Reviews

Google Search Console Review

  • Felix Rose-Collins
  • 3 min read
Google Search Console Review


When it comes to improving your website's performance on Google, Google Search Console (GSC) is a tool you’ve likely come across. It's free, it’s packed with insights, and it's backed by Google itself—what’s not to love? But as any seasoned SEO pro will tell you, GSC, while essential, has its limitations. In this review, we’ll take a closer look at what GSC does well, where it falls short, and how a more comprehensive tool like Ranktracker can fill in the gaps.

What Google Search Console Does Best

Google Search Console offers a solid range of features to help you track and improve your site’s visibility on Google. Here are some of the standout functions:

  • Performance Reports: GSC gives you detailed data on clicks, impressions, and your site’s average position for search queries. Want to know which keywords are driving traffic? This tool lays it out clearly so you can track your progress over time.

  • Index Coverage: Ever wonder which pages Google has indexed from your site? The Index Coverage report gives you a snapshot of what’s indexed, what isn’t, and why certain pages might be excluded from the search engine’s index.

  • URL Inspection Tool: This feature allows you to check the current indexing status of any URL, diagnose problems, and request re-indexing after updates.

  • Mobile Usability: Given Google’s emphasis on mobile-first indexing, this feature helps you catch any mobile usability issues that could hurt your rankings.

  • Security and Manual Actions: GSC will alert you to potential security issues like malware or hacking, and it lets you know if your site has been penalized by Google.

Where Google Search Console Falls Short

As good as GSC is, it doesn’t do everything. If you're serious about getting an edge over your competitors, you'll quickly run into its limitations:

  1. Limited Keyword Data: While GSC gives you keyword performance metrics, it doesn’t provide the level of detail you'd expect from a comprehensive SEO tool. For example, it won’t show you competitor keyword rankings or deeper insights like search volume trends across multiple search engines.

  2. Lack of Backlink Analysis: GSC does include a basic backlink report, but it’s far from comprehensive. It won’t tell you much about your competitors' backlink strategies or help you identify high-quality backlink opportunities.

  3. No Competitive Insights: GSC focuses exclusively on your own site’s performance, meaning you're left in the dark about how your competitors are ranking and what strategies they’re using to outrank you.

  4. No Multi-Search Engine Tracking: Google Search Console is, unsurprisingly, Google-centric. If you want to see how your site performs across other search engines like Bing or Yahoo, you’ll need additional tools.

Where Ranktracker Picks Up the Slack

Here’s where Ranktracker comes in. While Google Search Console is great for understanding how your site performs in Google search, Ranktracker takes a broader, more strategic approach. It doesn’t just help you monitor your own site—it helps you outsmart the competition.

  • Competitor Analysis: Ranktracker lets you spy on your competitors' rankings, keyword strategies, and backlinks. You can quickly identify which keywords are working for them and where there are gaps you can exploit.

  • In-Depth Keyword Research: Need more detailed keyword insights? Ranktracker offers extensive data on search volumes, competition levels, and potential traffic across a variety of search engines, not just Google.

  • Backlink Monitoring: Ranktracker’s backlink tool gives you a full breakdown of your own link profile while also helping you keep an eye on your competitors. This allows you to pinpoint which high-quality backlinks they have that you might be missing out on.

  • Global Rank Tracking: Unlike GSC, which is focused solely on Google’s rankings, Ranktracker offers global tracking across multiple search engines and devices. Whether you’re targeting a specific country or looking at mobile vs. desktop performance, Ranktracker has you covered.

Why You Should Use Both Tools

It’s tempting to think that one tool is enough, but the truth is that Google Search Console and Ranktracker work best when used together. GSC gives you vital insights directly from Google, ensuring you know how the search engine is interpreting your site. Meanwhile, Ranktracker expands your SEO arsenal with competitive research, detailed keyword tracking, and powerful backlink insights that GSC simply can’t offer.

Here’s a quick example: Say your site is losing traffic. GSC will show you that certain pages are dropping in rankings, but it won’t necessarily tell you why. With Ranktracker, you can investigate what keywords your competitors are ranking for, spot where they’re gaining traction, and adjust your strategy to reclaim those lost positions.

Conclusion: Is Google Search Console Enough?

For basic site monitoring and performance tracking, Google Search Console is indispensable. It’s your direct line to Google’s data and can alert you to potential issues quickly. But for a more comprehensive SEO strategy—one that involves keeping tabs on your competitors, digging into backlink opportunities, and expanding your keyword reach—you’re going to need more firepower.

Ranktracker is that firepower. By combining the insights from both tools, you’ll have a full-picture view of your SEO landscape, giving you the information you need to not just compete—but win.

So, is Google Search Console enough? Not by itself. But pair it with Ranktracker, and you’ve got a powerful one-two punch to knock out your competition.

Felix Rose-Collins

Felix Rose-Collins

Ranktracker's CEO/CMO & Co-founder

Felix Rose-Collins is the Co-founder and CEO/CMO of Ranktracker. With over 15 years of SEO experience, he has single-handedly scaled the Ranktracker site to over 500,000 monthly visits, with 390,000 of these stemming from organic searches each month.

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