• Writing Tips

From Headlines to Conclusions: Crafting a Structure for Writing Exceptional Reviews

  • Felix Rose-Collins
  • 14 min read


Did you know that nine out of ten customers read reviews before buying products? Surveys show a whopping 95% of consumers do so before they shop. And about 58% say they would pay more for products with good reviews.

The statistics above paint a clear picture of how important online reviews are, whether for brands, products, or services. But as a content writer, you must bring out the best in these reviews. So, how do you go about doing that?

This page is a practical guide to writing exceptional reviews. Read on to learn the following:

  • What they are, including the different types and their importance;
  • How to create a content structure for reviews; and,
  • What best practices to consider when writing one.

Ready? Let's dive right in!

What Are Online Reviews?

Online reviews are evaluations of businesses, products, services, or experiences published on the Internet. They are valuable insights provided by industry experts, customers or users, and third-party reviewers.

Think of product evaluations, movie reviews, tech recommendations, and even customer testimonials as popular examples. The goal is to primarily educate the public, whether consumers, brands, or competitors, for informed decision-making.

Wondering what an online review looks like? Take a look at the blog post below as a perfect example:

Online Reviews

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As you can see, Ranktracker ranks first as the best SEO tool for this year. If you visit the web page, this blog post has a business overview, key features, pros and cons, as well as pricing plans. That's what it takes to write a sample review.

Chris Aubeeluck, Head of Sales and Marketing at Osbornes Law, believes in the power of online reviews for decision-making. "They empower both brands and consumers in making informed decisions. While they assist customers in buying products or hiring services, they guide businesses in improving their offerings."

Aubeeluck adds, “These valuable insights even help industry competitors get ahead of the curve. It's safe to say that online reviewers are content writers who wield power in influencing various stakeholders, making them feel empowered and influential.”

Learn the various types of reviews below.

Types of online reviews

It's essential to understand and identify the variety of online reviews. As cited, they come in different types published on various digital channels. Here are some:

  • Product reviews: They are the most popular type you can see on the web. Think of consumer product reviews, tech and gadget recommendations, and automotive feedback. Reviewers write excellent affiliate reviews that discuss the quality and performance of goods or items.
  • Service reviews: Online reviews not only cover products but also services offered by companies or agencies. Consider restaurant and food reviews, travel and hotel feedback, and professional service reviews for, say, doctors, lawyers, and contractors.
  • Entertainment reviews: Online reviews are common in the entertainment industry. Movie reviews, music listings, and book recommendations are easily found online. These are mostly written by online publications and even personal blogs.
  • Media content reviews: Reviews are also generated for various media content pieces. Some popular examples are reviews on video games, podcasts, and blogs. However, the focus is on the value of the content.
  • Event reviews: Participants write reviews about the event they've attended and all the activities involved. Think of concert and festival reviews, where they talk about the performance quality and overall ambiance. Consider industry conferences, art exhibitions, and trade shows as well.
  • Academic reviews: The academe also publishes online reviews related to education. You can see evaluations of academic papers and research studies posted online as peer reviews.
  • User-generated content: As the name suggests, UGC is created and published by users or customers themselves. They share personal experiences with certain brands and provide feedback on their products or services.
  • Customer reviews: Unlike UGC, these reviews are brief customer feedback published on business listings, online forums, and third-party sites. They are basically customer feedback on products or services, providing testimonials about their experiences with particular brands. See a perfect example below:


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Gavin Yi, Founder and CEO of Yijin Hardware, recommends striving hard to earn positive online reviews. He claims this business endeavor should be one of the primary marketing goals since reviews resonate with people looking for value.

However, he says, "Online reviews come in various forms—from product and service feedback to entertainment and event reviews. So, understanding these different types helps your business see what customers value and how to improve. Ultimately, it's all about learning from what people are saying!"

In this context, we'll focus on brand, product, or service reviews as online articles or blog posts. Keep reading to know where you can usually find online reviews.

Where to find reviews online

It's easy to see various types of reviews take space online. They are usually published on the following digital platforms:

  • Business websites and personal blogs
  • Social media channels (Facebook, Instagram X, LinkedIn, etc.)
  • Third-party sites (Yelp, TrustPilot, TripAdvisor, Glassdoor, etc.)
  • Online forums and community sites (Quora, Reddit, Consumer reports, etc.)
  • E-commerce platforms (Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Best Buy, etc.)

Nearly four in ten consumers (37.2%) regard online reviews as the primary channel for brand research.


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Backlinko also outlines the other channels customers use for brand research, with search engines (50.3%) and social networks (46%) topping the list. For a clear picture, here's a complete breakdown:


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For Bright Local, Google remains the widely used site for reading online reviews (at 81%), followed by Yelp (53%) and Facebook (48%). Look at the graph below for a comprehensive list of digital platforms:


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Rain Yang, Founder and CEO of WoodenAve, suggests investing in online reviews on various digital channels. He believes that acquiring or publishing reviews helps elevate a brand and boost its bottom line.

Yang adds, “Online reviews are everywhere these days—on business websites, social media, and even community forums. Sites like Yelp, Amazon, and Google Reviews are top spots for checking out what people are saying. Wherever you look, reviews help guide smart choices for consumers while helping brands optimize their products or services.”

Find out why exceptional reviews are vital in today's business landscape below.

Why it's important to write exceptional reviews

Online reviews play a crucial role in today's business landscape. They guide brands and consumers in their decision-making process. However, content writers or online reviewers should create exceptional reviews so others can reap their potential benefits.

Leigh McKenzie, Community Advocate at Traffic Think Tank, has seen the value of reviews in business. When promoting SEO, they've witnessed how this social proof goes beyond boosting SERP ranking. "Not only does it increase your web prominence and drive traffic, but it also helps brands improve their offerings and consumers make purchase decisions."

McKenzie shares why it's essential to write exceptional reviews for the benefit of all stakeholders:

  • Boost online visibility. Online feedback plays a part in the SEO process. In fact, user and expert reviews are key factors for SERP ranking. By writing exceptional reviews, you can help your website rank higher on Google and your prospective audience find what they're looking for.
  • Increase website traffic. Not only do online reviews boost your web presence, but they also drive traffic to your site. This organic traffic comes from two origins: SERP and other websites linking to yours. However, you must create exceptional blog or guest posts.
  • Enhance brand reputation. Online reviews are integral not only to digital marketing but also to branding. They should be a part of your online reputation management to boost your business image. However, publish exceptional reviews on your blog or secure them from industry experts.
  • Influence consumer decisions. While online reviews offer brands several potential benefits, they are primarily meant for consumers. These reviews assist customers in buying products or availing services. That's why it's essential to create excellent reviews—comprehensive and unbiased!
  • Provide constructive feedback. Online reviews aren't always necessarily positive; they can be constructive in nature. While they help customers decide on the best offers, they also assist businesses in optimizing their products or services. Ultimately, these constructive insights guide their improvement strategies.
  • Establish thought leadership. Online reviews serve as social proof for brand credibility. They are also instrumental in building your authority in the niche. So, if you want to establish yourself as a leader in your industry, write as many exceptional reviews as possible. Have them published on your blog or other industry websites.
  • Build customer relationships. Online reviews resonate with the general public. Consumers read product/service reviews and check customer feedback before making purchase decisions. If you want to establish good relationships with them, connect with them through exceptional reviews.
  • Educate the public or consumers. The ultimate goal of online reviews is to inform brands and consumers about the value of products or services. That way, businesses can improve their offerings while customers get the best offer they deserve. So, what better way to achieve this goal than to write exceptional reviews?

Learn how to structure an excellent online review in the next section.

How To Create a Structure for Exceptional Reviews

As cited, online reviews come in different forms. They can be product or service reviews, user-generated content, or short customer feedback. They can be published on blogs, industry websites, social media channels, online forums, and business listings.

Online reviews like customer testimonials, however, can be easy to write. They are often brief and unstructured, albeit very insightful and authentic. Customers just need to be honest about what they think and how they feel about a business and its offerings.

But in this context, we'll cover brand, product, and service reviews usually published as blog or guest posts. That said, here's how to create a content structure and write exceptional reviews:

1. Title: Craft a compelling headline

As with any written content, you start with a headline. This title is like a summary of your article put in one phrase or sentence. It's meant to catch your target audience's attention and compel these readers to read the entire piece.

Below are the types of headlines:

  • Descriptive headline: It provides a straightforward description of what the review tackles. This title instantly informs the readers what it focuses on.


  • Interrogative headline: It poses a question designed to pique the target audience's curiosity. It compels the readers to find out the answers to the main query.


  • Comparative headline: As the name suggests, this title compares brands, products, or services. It appeals to readers interested in choosing among several options.


  • Benefit-oriented headline: It focuses on the key benefits of products or services. It draws in readers looking for specific advantages.


  • Opinion-based headline: It presents a strong opinion on a particular subject. The goal is to provide convincing insights and influence decisions.


Erin Acheson, VP of Business Intelligence at ZeroEyes, recommends paying critical attention to the title of the review. That's exactly what they do for their online blogs on AI security software: To grab the readers' attention.

Acheson says, "Not only should you optimize your headline for Google but also for your target audience—most especially. What good is your article's search engine ranking if the title doesn't get noticed on SERP and clicked on? A compelling headline is key!"

2. Introduction: Stir the audience's interest

This part explains what you'll essentially tackle on your blog. However, there are various ways to introduce the topic for your review.

Here are some of the notable ones:

  • The hook intro starts with an engaging statement. It can be an interesting fact, provocative question, or surprising statistic to capture the reader's attention.
  • An anecdotal intro begins with a personal story about the brands, products, or services being reviewed. It immediately makes the review relatable to your target readers.
  • A contextual intro provides background information (context) about the product or service being reviewed. It helps your target readers immediately understand why the review is relevant to them.
  • The problem-solution intro identifies a common problem your target audience faces and explains how the review provides a solution. For example, prospective readers have problems optimizing business operations. You then introduce some practical managed service solutions you'll tackle on the blog.
  • The preview intro provides a brief overview of the review. It gives readers a roadmap of what to expect. Here's a clear and simple example:


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Adam Tishman, Co-Founder at Helix Sleep, suggests making the review introduction short, simple, and concise. However, he emphasizes the need to make it interesting and appealing. In fact, they have a collection of mattress reviews, as shown below:


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Tishman argues, "As the name implies, your intro tells the readers what you'll tackle on your blog. You don't want to waste their time beating around the bush. Go grab their attention and go straight to the point!"

3. Body: Go deep with your analysis

The body is the most critical since it requires thorough research and in-depth analysis. You should offer readers a comprehensive discussion of the products or services being reviewed. You'll have to go into details in the body while ensuring a balanced evaluation.

For product/service review, here's what to include:

  • Product/service overview: Provide a brief overview of the subject being reviewed by tackling key information. What exactly is this product or service? Who is it intended for? What is its main purpose?
  • Key features or performance: Outline the subject's key elements, main attributes, or primary functions. Case in point: A review of SEO tools. List and discuss features like keyword optimization, backlink analysis, as well as tracking, analysis, and reporting.
  • Advantages and disadvantages: Weigh the pros and cons of each product or service being reviewed. In a list of options, this section is the most crucial since it helps the readers make informed decisions.
  • Pricing structure or model: It's best to include the actual prices/costs of each product/service. In most cases, pricing influences the buyer's decision, so it should be part of the overall equation.
  • Ratings and reviews: It also won't hurt to add star ratings and customer feedback for each product or service. They add another layer of perspective and credibility. See sample five-star Google reviews and ratings below:


Image source: Google search engine

Learn from Grant Aldrich, Founder of Preppy. They have a fair share of being reviewed as an online certification company. They love how blog posts delve deeper into what brands offer and what value they provide to their target clientele or customer base.

Aldrich explains, “It’s easy to focus on what products or services businesses provide for an online review. However, it’s best to go beyond listing their features, functions, and benefits. Instead, discuss the value they bring to the market and their competitive edge over others. That’s what it takes to write an in-depth blog post for informed decision-making among readers.”

4. Conclusion: Wrap up the entire review

Finally, you've reached the last part of the review—the conclusion. The final note ties together the key points discussed in the body. It leaves your readers with a final impression.

Here's what to include:

  • Summarize the discussion. The conclusion is like a summary of the entire content piece. It wraps up the key points of the review and also recaps all valuable insights provided.
  • Provide recommendations. This part also allows you to recommend products or services discussed in your review. You'd most likely suggest those with the best features and attributes. However, emphasize that customers choose the one best suited to their needs.
  • Close with a powerful statement. The conclusion should conclude with a strong and memorable messaging. This message leaves a lasting impression on the reader, making your review more impactful and valuable. As they say, end with a big bang!
  • Add a call to action (CTA). CTA aims to encourage readers to take your desired action, whether buying a product or hiring a service. It can help engage with your audience further. Ultimately, it can drive traffic, generate leads, and convert sales for your business.
  • Include frequently asked questions (FAQs). It's best to add an FAQ section at the bottom of your review. This section addresses common questions and concerns readers might have about the products or services. Look at the example below:


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Take it from Jesse Hanson, Content Manager at Online Solitaire and World of Card Games. He believes that the final words of your review help the readers decide.

He says, "It's like telling them that this is the best online game they should play, for example, after all the discussion. Chances are, readers will believe you after showcasing your expertise as a thought leader in your industry. But whether they take your words or not, they'd be able to make informed decisions."

Best Practices for Writing Exceptional Reviews

Online reviews can work wonders for your business in more ways than one. Here's good news that's old but gold: One review increases the rate of consumers clicking the "buy" button by 65%.


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Learn from Brandy Hastings, SEO Strategist at SmartSites. As a digital marketing agency, they encourage clients to show social proof for their SEO pursuits. They recommend publishing product or service reviews and sharing guest posts, UGC, and/or customer testimonials.

However, Hastings argues, "Product/service reviews as blog posts require extensive research and thorough analysis. But once you craft an exceptional review, you can put your offer in the spotlight."

He adds, "Not only will you boost your online visibility and site traffic but also your engagement level and conversion rate."

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Now that you know how to structure your reviews, it's time to share some best practices. Here are some:

  • Know your target audience or readers. As with any content, you must always keep them in mind. Align your online reviews with what they need to make informed consumers. Ask this question: What can they actually get from your masterpiece?
  • Have content formatting for readability. Start by creating sections, headings, and subheadings. Likewise, use bullet points, italics, and bold letters to highlight certain points. Finally, write short paragraphs and short sentences for brevity and clarity.
  • Break down the subject into key components. Why? There are a lot of things to discuss for a product or service review. For instance, consider the content format outlined above. Create categories, such as an overview, key features, pros and cons, as well as pricing and ratings.
  • Incorporate visuals and multimedia. Add relevant photos and video clips to break the block of text. Also, use graphs, bars, and charts to support your review. Plus, statistics help back up your claim.
  • Include links to brands, products, or services. Readers are likely to want further details about them. These internal or external links direct readers to the actual web pages, which will help them learn more about the business and its offerings.
  • Make your entire review cohesive. Ensure your headings and subheadings are anchored from the headline. Each paragraph should have relevant sentences and no fluff. Finally, have a logical flow of information and arguments.
  • Keep it short, simple, and sweet. Write succinctly by keeping your paragraphs clear and concise. However, make them not only easy to digest but tasty to read. Remember to KISS!
  • Avoid jargon and technical terminologies. Unless your target audiences are professionals in the field itself, using operational terms is a big no-no. You don't want to confuse your average readers. As a writer, your role is to make them understand as clearly as possible.
  • Show specific examples and use cases. Share details about how something worked. Instead of saying, "The product is great," mention how it made life easier, like "The vacuum cleaned up pet hair in minutes." This helps others see exactly how it can benefit them.
  • Add a personal touch to your review. Share a personal experience in using the product or service. If possible, back up your review with anecdotal claims based on actual experience. Personal storytelling usually resonates well with people!
  • Strive to be fair and objective. What are reviews if they don't reveal the actual quality and performance of products or services? Promote unbiased reviews to ensure a balanced perspective. Ensuring the accuracy and transparency of your piece is key!
  • Conduct extensive research. This step aligns with your goal of achieving fairness and objectivity for your online review. Research helps substantiate your claims and back up your entire review with pieces of evidence. Therefore, do your homework!
  • Optimize your review for SEO. Considered the 3rd of Google's algorithm ranking factor, online reviews are important in SEO. Follow SEO protocols for your review, such as incorporating relevant keywords, adding internal and external links, as well as employing content formatting. Not only will you create an exceptional review, but also help it rank high on SERP!

Final Words

Online reviews play a crucial role in business. From a brand's perspective, they boost brand reputation, online visibility, and website traffic. They help build customer relationships and augment business profitability.

Meanwhile, online reviews trigger the consumers' demand for quality offers. They also guide them in buying products or hiring services. Ultimately, they educate the general public and inform the buying customers.

As a content writer, you are responsible for crafting brand, product, and/or service reviews. Follow our key steps for structuring your content, from headlines to conclusions. More importantly, consider our best practices for creating exceptional reviews.

With these excellent reviews in place, you can help brands improve their offerings and consumers make informed decisions!

Felix Rose-Collins

Felix Rose-Collins

Ranktracker's CEO/CMO & Co-founder

Felix Rose-Collins is the Co-founder and CEO/CMO of Ranktracker. With over 15 years of SEO experience, he has single-handedly scaled the Ranktracker site to over 500,000 monthly visits, with 390,000 of these stemming from organic searches each month.

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