• AI in Marketing Strategies

Application of Artificial Intelligence to Marketing

  • Felix Rose-Collins
  • 8 min read
Application of Artificial Intelligence to Marketing


When technological changes reach a certain level, they produce an effect on our social and labor relations, leading to an industrial revolution.

This has happened throughout history with events such as the invention of steam, electricity or electronics, which were qualified as industrial revolutions, and profoundly changed societies at the time.

To say that artificial intelligence already represents the fourth industrial revolution is a verifiable fact, as soon as we look into the effect it will soon have on the way we work and interact with each other.

This situation generates fears, legal loopholes, security problems and even ethical doubts. But it cannot be stopped, just as the wheel of history has never stopped before.

Today it is difficult to distinguish text, images or videos created by AI, and soon it will be an impossible task.

It is easy to imagine the consequences of this at the social, political and labor levels.

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Behind every successful business is a strong SEO campaign. But with countless optimization tools and techniques out there to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start. Well, fear no more, cause I've got just the thing to help. Presenting the Ranktracker all-in-one platform for effective SEO

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But these changes also mean opportunities to work and interact in a different, more effective and satisfying way.

Digital marketing is very directly affected, radically changing the way we work as professionals in the sector.

Let's take an example: Before, posting a quality piece of content on the Web meant doing some research. Now, with a few clicks, we can get specific information about what we are looking for and customize it.

Nowadays, the world is constantly changing, technologically speaking. Artificial intelligence, in particular, is giving a lot to talk about lately, due to its great advances. Any app or service that we use on a daily basis has this technology integrated.

This is because all these applications have machine learning algorithms that use our data to learn about our personal tastes and recommend content that interests us.

Advantages of incorporating AI into your marketing strategy

Enhancement of content personalization

Through data analysis and machine learning, AI can understand the behavior and preferences of your potential customers, allowing you to create messages and offers tailored to their specific needs. From personalized emails to individualized product recommendations, AI-based personalization can significantly improve user experience and increase conversion rates.

Optimization of user experience

By analyzing user behavior in real time, AI can identify patterns and trends that help you optimize the navigation, design, and functionality of your site. This can result in higher user retention, faster loading times, and a more satisfying overall experience, which in turn can increase conversions and strengthen your brand's reputation.

Automation of repetitive tasks

From scheduling social media posts to audience segmentation and campaign optimization, AI can efficiently and accurately perform various routine tasks. This frees up time and resources for your team to focus on higher-value strategic activities, such as creative content creation and customer relationship management.

**Improvement in advertising ROI **

Using advanced algorithms to analyze data and optimize advertising campaigns in real time, AI can identify opportunities to enhance targeting, adjust budgets, and maximize ad performance. This helps you reduce customer acquisition costs, increase conversions, and obtain greater value from every dollar spent on advertising.

By analyzing large volumes of data and recognizing hidden patterns, AI can provide valuable insights into consumer preferences, market trends, and emerging opportunities. This enables you to anticipate your customers' needs, adjust your marketing strategy accordingly, and maintain a competitive edge in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

At Infoser, we understand the transformative power of AI in digital marketing and are committed to helping you make the most of this innovative technology.

Meet Ranktracker

The All-in-One Platform for Effective SEO

Behind every successful business is a strong SEO campaign. But with countless optimization tools and techniques out there to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start. Well, fear no more, cause I've got just the thing to help. Presenting the Ranktracker all-in-one platform for effective SEO

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Whether you need to strengthen your web positioning or enhance your social media strategies, our team of digital marketing experts is here to help you achieve your goals.

Prediction of trends and behaviors

The 4 best AI tools for marketing (June 2024)


UpGrow utilizes artificial intelligence organically to increase your Instagram followers, adapting its approach through specific filters such as location, age, gender, language, interests, and hashtags. Fully compliant with Instagram policies since 2016, UpGrow has revolutionized the market, offering an alternative to an entire social media marketing team by attracting millions of organic followers.

What truly sets UpGrow apart is its dedication to connecting you with followers who are not only active but also genuinely interested in engaging with your Instagram content, from posts to stories. Unlike other services that may inflate your account with fake followers, every follower gained through UpGrow is real, actively engaged, and has a genuine interest in your content from the start.

Some of the filters offered include:

  • Local targeting: Enhances your presence within a specific geographic area.
  • Age and gender selection: Allows for a more refined focus on who follows you, achieving better alignment with your ideal demographic audience.
  • AI-Driven profile enhancement: Utilizes advanced artificial intelligence to precisely adjust your Instagram profile, ensuring it resonates strongly and distinctively with your desired audience.

Prediction of trends and behaviors


Genius.AI is an advanced artificial intelligence platform specifically designed to optimize sales and marketing efforts. It helps businesses expand their audience, promote their products, and convert leads into customers. It provides a suite of tools that simplify and automate marketing tasks, making them accessible to users with varying levels of experience.Leveraging AI, Genius.AI can generate unlimited marketing materials, handle objections, and guide sales conversations, all while maintaining the user’s unique tone and style.

The platform starts by training on the user’s products and brand personality, ensuring that all generated content aligns with the user’s voice. It integrates seamlessly with social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, allowing for the management of communications and conversion of potential customers. Additionally, Genius.AI includes an AI-enhanced CRM that organizes tasks and conversations, making follow-ups and note-taking easier.

Designed to be user-friendly, it focuses on simplicity and mobile accessibility, allowing users to efficiently manage their marketing activities from anywhere. It supports multiple languages, offering global reach and adaptability. The platform’s flexibility is further enhanced by its LLM-independent approach, which allows it to use the best available language models for any given task, ensuring high-quality results.

Overall, Genius.AI is designed for direct sales, offering specialized features that set it apart from other AI tools.



This is the only generative artificial intelligence focused on conversion, creating high-quality, ready-to-use ad creatives. Simply upload your logo and choose your color scheme. This powerful platform will generate hundreds of different ad creatives for you to select your favorites.

Discover where most of your competitors' traffic and sales are coming from and monitor your top-performing ads across all social and display platforms.

Identify the ads that perform best in your ad accounts, learn when to introduce new creatives to avoid ad fatigue, and compare your ads' performance with those of other companies in your niche.

Best of all, it can generate as many ads as you want, regardless of whether you have used all your credits. It only consumes credits when you decide to download the generated ads.



Widely recognized as the best AI writing assistant, Jasper leads the market with its impressive features and high quality. It starts by providing you with initial words, which Jasper analyzes before generating sentences, paragraphs, or entire documents based on the desired topic and tone of voice. It can produce a 1,500-word article in under 15 minutes.

The platform offers over 50 AI content generation templates, including blog posts, emails, marketing copy, Facebook ad generator, Google ad generator, meta titles and descriptions, press releases, and much more.

Some of Jasper’s best features include:

  • Over 11,000 free fonts and 2,500 writing style categories.
  • Support for more than 25 languages.
  • Intuitive interface.
  • Long-form writing assistant (over 1,000 words).
  • Ability to identify key elements in the text (pronouns, verbs, nouns, etc.).


Success cases in companies

In this context, there are numerous success stories of AI. On this occasion, we will focus on the multinational company Salesforce, which offers cloud-based management software.

Success cases in companies

In recent years, **Salesforce **has developed several tools based on different artificial intelligence languages. They are aware that this new trend and technology will mark a before and after in their industry. That is why they have developed the following tools for their clients:

Einstein Copilot, Salesforce (NLP)

In the field of artificial intelligence, notable advances are being made that allow marketing professionals to offer better services and experiences to customers throughout their lifecycle. A key technology that is helping marketing specialists generate written and visual content is natural language processing (NLP).

Tools are being launched that allow marketing specialists to use NLP-driven chatbots to answer any questions about process optimization and campaign performance. For example, Salesforce introduced its AI assistant, Einstein Copilot, integrated into the user experience of all Salesforce applications, including Marketing Cloud.

Salesforce has shared that Einstein Copilot "will drive productivity by helping users in their workflow, allowing them to ask questions in natural language and receive relevant and reliable answers based on secure data from the Salesforce Data Cloud."

With Einstein Copilot Studio, marketing professionals and their IT teams will be able to develop new AI-driven applications, personalized messages, skills, and AI models that streamline customer service and reduce friction throughout the customer lifecycle. These advancements will enable marketers to personalize the customer experience with dynamic content, improve process efficiency, and focus on strategic initiatives that drive businessgrowth.

**Segment creation and rapid identity resolution, salesforce **

In the fall of 2023, Salesforce introduced new tools called Segment Creation and Rapid Identity Resolution as part of its Marketing GPT offering.

Segment Creation allows marketing specialists to create segments with AI-driven recommendations based on data stored in Data Cloud. Any changes in segmentation and customer identities are automatically updated in real-time with Rapid Identity Resolution, which adjusts segment data in Data Cloud to ensure continuous accuracy. Thus, you can be assured that you are acting with the most accurate and up-to-date customer information.

Einstein GPT, Salesforce

NLP-powered platforms like Chat GPT use user-provided prompts and data to improve their model outcomes. This poses a security risk as it could lead employees to share sensitive and personal information.

This fear has led many organizations to prohibit generative AI services, preventing numerous teams from fully leveraging AI potential. In Salesforce's case, they are addressing this issue with Einstein GPT Trust Layer.

The Einstein GPT Trust Layer combines insights from large language models and data to protect your organization's most sensitive assets while still providing all the benefits of generative AI. It does this by separating confidential data from extracted data, masking captured sensitive information from private data fields, and removing access to request data through Zero Retention. This prevents any potential learning outside of the Salesforce ecosystem.

With this GPT, you can be confident that your data is protected while harnessing the potential of generative AI, such as creating emails and other written content from scratch.

These success cases demonstrate the transformative potential of AI in marketing, offering companies, in this instance Salesforce, new ways to connect with their customers, personalize the experience, and optimize their strategies for significant results.

What does the future hold for us?

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into marketing has begun to profoundly transform how companies interact with their customers, personalize experiences, and optimize strategies. Looking ahead, this evolution is expected to continue at an accelerating pace, marking a before and after in the industry.

First, AI is becoming an indispensable tool for big data analytics. Companies are awash with information about their customers, but distilling valuable insights from this sea of data is a colossal challenge.

AI, with its ability to process and analyze large volumes of information quickly, is positioning itself as the ideal solution. This means that, in the future, marketing strategies will become even more data-driven, with highly personalized campaigns based on a deep understanding of consumer behavior.

Meet Ranktracker

The All-in-One Platform for Effective SEO

Behind every successful business is a strong SEO campaign. But with countless optimization tools and techniques out there to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start. Well, fear no more, cause I've got just the thing to help. Presenting the Ranktracker all-in-one platform for effective SEO

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Personalization, already a major differentiator, will reach unprecedented levels. Intelligent systems will be able to create unique experiences for each user, adapting not only the content of the message but also the tone, channel, and timing of the communication.

Another crucial aspect will be task automation. AI will not only automate repetitive tasks, freeing marketers to focus on higher-value activities, but also make real-time decisions on campaign optimization. This includes automatic adjustments to the targeting, budgeting, and creative aspects of ad campaigns based on live performance.

We will also see the emergence of more advanced technologies such as Natural Language Generation (NLG) and deep learning. These technologies will enable the automatic creation of relevant and personalized content on a massive scale, from email marketing to social media posts and web content, all optimized to maximize user engagement.

However, this technological advancement also poses challenges, especially in terms of privacy and ethics. Companies will need to carefully navigate these waters, ensuring that they use data responsibly and maintain the trust of their customers.

Felix Rose-Collins

Felix Rose-Collins

Ranktracker's CEO/CMO & Co-founder

Felix Rose-Collins is the Co-founder and CEO/CMO of Ranktracker. With over 15 years of SEO experience, he has single-handedly scaled the Ranktracker site to over 500,000 monthly visits, with 390,000 of these stemming from organic searches each month.

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