Enterprise SEO is basically a strategy to boost the visibility of your enterprise-level websites on search engines. These enterprise websites contain hundreds and thousands of pages. These websites serve thousands of customers and have a wider reach. Mostly these websites belong to popular brands who have established their credibility and authority in their respective industries.
Since these websites contain tons of pages, it can create indexing and crawling issues. Poor user experience and quality of content are two factors that can negatively impact enterprise SEO. If you are interested in learning more about the reasons why your enterprise SEO is not delivering the results you want it to then, this article is for you.
In this article, you will learn about eight reasons why your enterprise SEO is underperforming and what you can do to change that.
8 Reasons Why Your Enterprise SEO Is Not Delivering Results
Here are eight reasons why you are not achieving desired results with enterprise SEO.
1. Poor Optimization of Landing Page Content
Search engines like Google have made tremendous progress when it comes to understanding the relevance and quality of content on a page. Gone are the days when thin content and keyword stuffing can help you secure top rankings. Now, you need to have quality content on all your landing pages in order to rank higher in search engines.
The content should cover the topic in-depth and it should be completely original and provide users with the information they are looking for. Including statistics and rich media to make your content look more appealing and easily digestible will increase the chances of ranking higher.
2. Lack of Conversion Optimization
Your enterprise website might be attracting tons of traffic but a handful of those visitors are actually converting into leads and customers. If that is the case, then you need to optimize your website for conversions. It is evident that you have a conversion problem not a traffic problem.
Here are some of the steps you can take to optimize your enterprise website for conversions.
- Reduce the number of form fields and only ask for information you really need
- Simply the customers buyer’s journey by removing all the hurdles
- Add multiple calls to actions throughout the page
- Use sticky banners on mobile websites
- Take advantage of live chat feature or chatbot to make it easy for customers to communicate with your brand
- Create copy that highlights the value proposition
- Use SEO and PPC along with other marketing channels for greater impact
3. Messy Site Architecture
Have you ever visited a website that has confusing navigation? If yes, you might be aware of the hassle it might be. You might have to spend minutes figuring out how to navigate the website. If you failed, you might have hit the back button and abandoned the website. There is nothing worse for website visitors than a messy website structure. Messy website architecture can also have disastrous consequences for your website rankings. Get your site structure and site architecture in order and make it easy for both search engines to crawl and website visitors to navigate your website.
4. Broken and Low-Quality Links
Backlinks used to be an important ranking factor in the past. Even though it is no longer as important as it once was, it still has its place. If you are creating backlinks, SEO experts suggest that you should get links for authoritative websites. If you have too many backlinks from low-quality websites, it will send a message to search engines that your website has low authority. As a result, your enterprise website might not rank as well as it should. Similarly, if you have too many broken links on your website, it will hamper the user experience. Most website visitors will not return to your website and it will be more difficult for you to attract new visitors to your website.
5. Slow Website Speed
Just like broken links, confusing website navigation and messy website layout, slow page load times can also contribute towards poor user experience. With search engines giving more importance to page experience and user experience signals, this would mean that your enterprise website will fare worse in search rankings. Google’s core web vital update is a testament to that. Make your website lightweight so it can load quickly and deliver a great user experience to your website visitors.
6. Poor Page Experience
Let’s say, your enterprise website loads quickly but still not ranking well in search engines. This happens when the users get a poor user experience from your website. Despite loading instantly, if your website visitors don’t find what they are looking for, they are more likely to bounce off your website.
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Let’s say, they want to sign up or make a purchase but the process is so complex and time-consuming that they don’t, it will leave a bad taste in the mouth. They will never return to your website but also share their negative experience with your website with others.
7. No A/B Testing
One of the biggest mistakes most enterprises make is they don’t test different elements on their pages. Conduct A/B testing to try different combinations and see which one works and which ones don’t. Run A/B tests on everything from meta titles to call to actions, landing page copy length to internal links. Once you have decided on a perfect combination, you can use it on your website to increase your rankings and conversions. This will not only help you attract more new customers but also assist in boosting your search engine rankings.
8. Poor SEO Tracking
There are instances when your enterprise website might be performing better than you think. This might be due to a poorly configured SEO tracking and analytics system. Most SEO tools tend to crawl a limited number of pages and show you ranking data based on that, which can sometimes be misleading. Instead of relying on third-party tools, use the Google search console to gauge your SEO performance because the data comes directly from Google itself. This will help you make the right SEO decisions in the future based on accurate data.
5 Enterprise SEO Metrics You Need To Track
To ensure your enterprise SEO efforts yield results you want it to, here are five enterprise SEO metrics you should keep an eye on.
1. Rankings
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of your enterprise SEO efforts, it is important to keep an eye on your rankings. Start off by tracking your existing rankings for most competitive keywords before optimizing for enterprise SEO and compare it with results after running enterprise SEO campaigns. This will give you a clear picture about how much your rankings fluctuate. It could go up and it could go down. If it did go down, you need to identify what is causing your rankings to tank.
2. New Visitors
Another important key performance indicator you should focus on is the number of new organic visitors. How many new visitors are visiting your website as compared to older ones? This will give you a better idea about your brand visibility and reach on search engines. The higher the number of new visitors, the better it is as it shows that more and more people are finding your website through search engines.
3. Click Through Rate
Just appearing on top of search engines is not enough especially, when no one is clicking on your listing. In fact, it can work against you. If a web page which ranks below you on the search engine result page has a higher click through rate than your listing, this will send search engines the signal that their content is more relevant and addresses the searcher intent in a much better way.
As a result, they can promote their listing and demote your listing in their search index. That is why it is important to track and optimize your organic click through rate. Write catchy titles and use descriptive URLs which clearly tells visitors what to expect from your page. Use your meta description to hook and engage the reader and persuade them into clicking on your listing. Don’t forget to add your primary keywords in title, URL and description.
4. Bounce Rate
Let’s say, you not only succeed in ranking for competitive keywords, attracting new visitors to your website and generating high click through rate but if the visitors landing on your website are bouncing back, you won’t achieve your desired results.
There are many reasons behind high bounce rate and understanding those reasons will help you resolve the issues. Here are some of the commons ones:
- Slow page loading speed
- Targeting the wrong people
- Users not getting the information they are looking for
- No call to action
- Poor optimization for different devices
There are many ways to reduce your bounce rate. You can improve the page load times by minifying code, compressing images and using a content delivery network. Additionally, you can target the right people and fulfill their search intent with quality content just like you do by adding hashtags to your social media posts. Tell users what action they need to take next after landing on your page by adding a call to action. Last but not the least, make your page mobile responsive.
5. Return on Investment
Probably the most important metric to gauge the effectiveness of your enterprise SEO campaign is return on investment. In order to justify your enterprise SEO investments and seek funding and consent from top board members, you will have to prove how much ROI your enterprise SEO efforts can generate. Generating higher return on investments from your enterprise SEO usually comes down to optimizing your website, content and targeting the right keywords.
Ronald Osborne from his Adelaide office recommended focusing on accurate SEO forecasting before commencing the business venture.