• Content Strategy & Competitor Analysis

5 Steps to Find New Content Ideas Using Competitor Keyword Research

  • Felix Rose-Collins
  • 3 min read
5 Steps to Find New Content Ideas Using Competitor Keyword Research


Creating fresh and powerful content is not an easy feat. You brainstorm ideas, research different content topics, and write unique content, but then the cycle starts all over again. What if there was a way to find new blog post ideas without starting from scratch? We are talking about competitor keyword research.

Keywords play a crucial role in building a solid content strategy. However, your competitors have already invested time and resources in uncovering keywords that resonate with your target audience. So, why not use their effort to find new keywords and create a content strategy? Keyword research tools will help you discover best keywords and analyze the ones they are targeting. Let’s discuss how competitor keyword research allows you to discover what topics resonate, what questions people usually ask, and, ultimately, what content gaps you can fill.

5 Steps to Find New Content Ideas Using Competitor Keyword Research

Step 1: Identify Your Competitors

Like any other digital marketing strategy, the first step is selecting the target; in this case, it’s choosing the right competitors to spy on. Ideally, target 2-3 established players in your niche with a solid online presence. These should be websites that consistently rank high in search results for topics relevant to your own. Here are some tips to find the right competitors:

  • Use search engine results pages (SERPs). When you Google a relevant keyword, the top-ranking websites are most probably your competitors.
  • Check out industry awards or publications in your industry. The websites featured there are often strong competitors.
  • Look for brands on social media that your target audience follows and interacts with online.

Step 2: Use Keyword Research Tools

There are a number of keyword research tools that can help you see what your competitors are ranking for. These tools typically allow you to enter your competitor’s website URL and generate a report on their keyword rankings. Once you have this data, it’s time to analyze and strategize. You can see which keywords your competitors rank for, their estimated search volume, and even their ranking difficulty. This can be a great opportunity to identify some of your competitors’ top keywords.

Step 3: Analyze the Competitors’ Data

The data you’ve gathered will likely be a mix of high-volume, competitive keywords and specific long-tail keywords. Now, you have to categorize them and identify potential opportunities.

Shared keywords are the keywords that both you and your competitors rank for. Analyze their content targeting these keywords. Now, check if you can create a more comprehensive, informative, or engaging piece on the same topic.

High-volume, competitive keywords might be tempting, but these keywords need to be addressed carefully. Ranking for them can be a long, uphill battle. You can use them as inspiration for developing your detailed case studies or ebooks to showcase your expertise.

Low-competition, long-tail keywords are beneficial. They might have a lower search volume, but they also have much lower competition. You can target significant traffic that addresses these specific user queries using these keywords without much SEO effort.

Step 4: Understand Content Gaps

Now that you have a list of your competitors’ keywords, it’s time to look for opportunities to fill content gaps. These are areas where your competitors might be ranking for a keyword, but their content might be lacking in some way.

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Examine their top-ranking content and its topic. What format are they using - articles, videos, infographics? Are they missing something in their content or providing any outdated information? Identify areas where they haven’t addressed a specific user need or haven’t offered a unique perspective. This will help you craft content that stands out and outranks your competitors.

Step 5: Create Content with a Competitive Edge

You’ve identified some essential competitor keyword opportunities and content gaps. Now, you need to turn those insights into engaging content that attracts clicks and conversions. Here are some tips:

  • Focus on user intent. Understand why someone searches for a particular keyword. Create content that directly addresses their need and search intent.
  • Your headline is your first impression, so make it count. Use strong verbs and keywords naturally and a touch of intrigue to attract clicks.
  • Break up your content with subheadings, bullet points, and images to create a visually appealing and easy-to-understand experience.
  • Use the data you received after analyzing your competitors and identifying areas for improvement. Offer a more in-depth analysis, a wide range of perspectives, or a more engaging format like interactive elements or case studies.
  • While competitor research reveals valuable keywords, on-page SEO is also essential. Include relevant keywords naturally throughout your content, optimize your title tags and meta descriptions, and consider internal linking to relevant pages on your site.
  • Once your content is ready, promote it online. Share it on social media, submit it to industry publications, and consider email marketing to your subscriber base.

Final Thoughts

Competitor research isn’t a one-time thing. You need to monitor keyword ranking and content performance over time. It will help you understand what’s working and what’s not. Revisit our competitor keyword research to identify any new keywords they are targeting and adjust your content strategy accordingly. Healthy competition can improve your content marketing strategy and online growth.

Felix Rose-Collins

Felix Rose-Collins

Ranktracker's CEO/CMO & Co-founder

Felix Rose-Collins is the Co-founder and CEO/CMO of Ranktracker. With over 15 years of SEO experience, he has single-handedly scaled the Ranktracker site to over 500,000 monthly visits, with 390,000 of these stemming from organic searches each month.

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