Few people would say they are/were fascinated by writing research papers. This is not similar to writing an essay, which is more of a creative assignment. In research papers, one should follow a specific structure, use more academic-level language, and so on. The number of details is huge. However, there are some key points to stick to in order to get an A, and you can read them below.
Delegate It to a Paper Writing Service
The number of rules teachers may provide confuses some students - they simply don’t get what point to focus on first. If you’re one of those confused individuals or simply lack time, there is a loophole for you. Just send a request to buy essays to the company of your choice, share the instructions for the paper, and track the updates. A proper title page, neat referencing, followed the rules, and perfect structure and content are guaranteed.
(Source: unsplash.com )
Collaborate With a Professional
There is also another way of using paper writing services like EssayGPT. You don’t have to let go of control in full. Just divide the responsibilities between you and the writer. It might be anything you are not good at or lack time for:
- research;
- calculations;
- editing;
- preparing appendices;
- working with software to process data;
- writing it up.
It is a good way to test the writing service you are using for the first time. Besides, you can get a discount in that case. For instance, there is an EssayHub promo code available for students that have never used the service before.
Do Not Write Introduction First
It is exceptionally challenging to align the results of research with the introduction you had written when you barely knew what the rest of the paper would be about. When writing the paper sections in the same order as they should appear in the final version, students often end up rewriting a lot of content. There are various reasons for that. For example, they find out they can’t confirm or reject a hypothesis using the gathered data. As a result, the whole paper crumbles.
So, follow this structure when working :
- List all the gaps and controversies in the literature on your topic;
- Build research questions or hypotheses based on those;
- Draft the methods of research;
- After receiving approval from your teacher and/or university committee, gather the data and look for the answers you can get from the collected information;
- The answers that can resolve the controversies and fill the gaps in the literature are what you need for your Results chapter, discard the rest;
- The controversies and gaps your data can resolve should constitute the research questions/hypotheses you will include in the introduction; the rest of those can be briefly mentioned in the recommendations for future research in the conclusion;
- The subtopics relevant to the chosen research questions are the material to cover in Literature Review.
This way, you get rid of irrelevant information students often include just because that is a part of their findings. Besides, you do not have to blindly compose research questions and match the results with them later. It is especially important for those who may start to panic because of a looming deadline and make up fake findings or mess with references.
(Source: unsplash.com )
Read the Instructions
Some students find it hard to believe, but reading and following _all _the instructions given by your teacher helps in most cases. Yes, there might be a lot of those, but getting acquainted with them takes much less time than writing irrelevant drafts over and over again.
If you wonder why your professor keeps rejecting the drafts with vague feedback like ‘check the module instructions,’ do that straight away. Teachers may be quite mysterious individuals or just lazy to explain it all to you.
So, don’t neglect the guidelines, even if you prefer delegating the job to a professional paper writer to do my essay cheap. It will benefit you in the first place.
Ask Senior Students and Graduates to Share Feedback on Their Old Papers
Whatever you may deal with when writing a paper, there is a 99% probability that someone before you has already dealt with it. So, ask for advice from the students that have worked on a similar assignment with the same professor. They might still have the feedback received on their old drafts with useful recommendations, typical mistakes, and important aspects to cover. In addition, you will know what the reviewer values the most in students’ papers, which will earn you more points.
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(Source: unsplash.com)
So, here are the 5 hacks you should use if you want to ace your research paper. Of course, every professor’s demands may vary, and there may be some additional notes and corrections for you to make. Yet, if you follow the tips above, you will 100% avoid trouble.