• Learn SEO

4 Essential Dos And Don’ts During The Creation Of Your SEO Strategy

  • Felix Rose-Collins
  • 3 min read
4 Essential Dos And Don’ts During The Creation Of Your SEO Strategy


As the New Year approaches, business owners around the world are starting to craft their marketing strategies for 2022. For most business owners, developing a strategy that can help boost organic traffic and the quality of the sales leads they receive is important. One of the main things you need to do before crafting your marketing strategy for the New Year is to look at the metrics from your existing campaign.

Knowing where the bulk of your Internet traffic is coming from is vital when trying to figure out where to put the bulk of your marketing budget. Businesses in the United States spend over $355 billion annually on digital advertising. If you are like most business owners, you want your marketing investment to produce a good return.

Are you in the process of plotting your SEO strategy? If so, consider these dos and don’ts to ensure this strategy creation process is successful.

1. Do Bring Consistency to Content Frequency and Quality

Digital Marketing (Source)

When trying to attract more attention to your website, you need to publish keyword-optimized content regularly. Consumers using search engines like Google will input certain keywords to find the content they need to answer their queries. If your content doesn’t feature the right keywords, you will struggle to get your website to the top of search engine results pages. As you start to draft your SEO strategy for the New Year, you need to focus on publishing high-quality content on a regular basis.

Every time you upload new content to your website, popular websites like Google receive a notification. Finding the right mix of content quality and quantity is a key component of accomplishing your online marketing goals. Do you want to find out more about how to use content to drive more traffic to your website? If so, check out this helpful SEO guide.

2. Don’t Overuse Keywords In Your Blogs

As Google bots crawl your website, they will be looking for any red flags that may show your website is unreliable. The use of black hat marketing techniques can lead to your website being put at the bottom of search engine results pages. One of the most common black hat marketing techniques used by inexperienced business owners is keyword stuffing. Some business owners think that putting as many relevant keywords in their content will help them rise to the top of Google.

In reality, keyword stuffing will make your content unreadable for consumers. Instead of stuffing keywords in your content, you need to instead incorporate targeted terms organically. Not only will this make the content more readable, it will also improve how well it performs on search engines.

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Working with professionals to develop a keyword strategy is the best way to keep your content quality consistent. A well-defined SEO program is a crucial component of your online success, which is why hiring professionals to assist in the development of this program is a wise move.

If your main goal is to rise to the top of Google, then you need to realize the importance of inbound/outbound links. Linking to reputable websites is a great way to get some of the SEO power they possess. You also need to link to previous blogs on your website to provide Google and consumers with more context. By linking to other reputable websites, you increase the chances that they reciprocate and link to your domain. Having these quality backlinks allows you to stay on Google’s radar.

Voice Search - Phone Control (Source)

Developing an effective SEO strategy is only possible if you are knowledgeable about current Internet trends. In the past few years, voice search has become extremely popular. Failing to optimize your content for voice search can lead to you losing lots of potential customers. One of the best ways to make your content more appealing to people using voice search is by using long-tail/conversational keywords. Now that you know more about the dos and don’ts of creating an SEO strategy, it is time to get to work. With the help of seasoned marketing professionals, you can accomplish your business growth goals in no time.

Felix Rose-Collins

Felix Rose-Collins

Ranktracker's CEO/CMO & Co-founder

Felix Rose-Collins is the Co-founder and CEO/CMO of Ranktracker. With over 15 years of SEO experience, he has single-handedly scaled the Ranktracker site to over 500,000 monthly visits, with 390,000 of these stemming from organic searches each month.

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